Status: in the works

Word Girl and the Growing Envy

Chapter 15: Kiss kiss fall in love

Becky was hurting from the inside, knowing that she had just hurt Tobey with her lies just because he didn't know of her secret identity. But she had job to do.

"Ok Bob, let's do it. Woooord up!" Said Becky as she flew off to fight Doctor Two Brains. *Ok, as soon as I defeat Two Brains, I'm going into the lair to cry silently because I really don't want to explain to mom how I got Tobey mad at me.* Becky thought with a hint of sadness.

Meanwhile, at the museum...

Doctor Two Brains had brought his ray that would turn any fabric into cheese.

"Bwahahaha!" Chortled Doctor Two Brains, as he randomly pointed his ray gun at people. "I really don't care what you have used this cheese to create because soon it will be all gone!" He yelled to all the artists that were cowering in fear because they did not want their clothes to get turned into cheese. "Tie them up." He ordered to his two henchmen.

"Um, Boss? Charlie and I were just wondering, you know since it's today. We wanted to celebrate that it has been exactly 5 years (I think it would probably be more but I just came up with that number randomly) that we have been your henchmen and we were wondering if we could um..."

"Get on with it!" Snapped Two Brains, impatiently as he flicked his wrist for him to continue.

"If we could have our own little party, and invite a few friends over."

"Fine, whatever, as long as I get this cheese." Said Two Brains as he rubbed his hands together maniacally as if he were applying lotion to his hands.

Suddenly, Word Girl flew in, with Captain Huggy Face.

"Stop right there, Doctor Two Brains!" Shouted Word Girl as she pointed at him.

"Ah, Word Girl here to foil my evil plan, again." He finished flatly.

"Wow, thanks for the sarcasm, Doc." Said Word Girl sarcastically.

(Enough chit chat and just throw me, I want to go home now!) Chattered Huggy. Word Girl launched him at Doctor Two Brains before she gave him the heads up.

"Huh?" Said Doctor Two Brains, not understanding monkey and did not see Captain Huggy Face being thrown at him.

Doctor Two Brains did not look up in time and Huggy knocked him down and out because when he fell he hit his head on a nearby sculpture that wasn't made out of cheese.

"Word Girl can we maybe not go to jail this time?" Asked that one henchman that always talks but I forgot his name, as Word Girl tied up Two Brains with a rope she got from the curtains used to cover one of the paintings.

"Either way, you always find a way to get out, so yes you're still going to jail." Said Word Girl, who flew over to help up Huggy.

"Awww man." Said the henchman. (I just know Charlie's name, I really don't know the other one's name, I need to watch more Word Girl)

"We'll take it from here Word Girl," Said a police officer who stepped onto the scene.

"Thanks. Well, that took a lot less time than I thought." Said Word Girl. Suddenly her cellphone, or should I say Becky's cellphone went off.

"Hello?" Said Becky.

"Hello Becky, it's me Claire McCallister. Can you do me a huge favor?"

"Sure, Mrs. McCallister." Said Word Girl.

"Can you please come over to my house right away to look after Theodore for a bit? I have a date tonight with Mr. Winchester and I really don't like the thought of Theodore being alone for a few hours. He does weird things when I leave him alone for that long. Oh, before I forget. Mr. Winchester is dropping off his daughter Jaqueline to my house so that she won't be alone either, and your parents will be double dating with us and your mother wants you to take TJ with you, to my house until the date is over. I know he's having a few friends over much later but I trust you the most out of your group of friends because you have proven to be very responsible, just please make sure he doesn't do anything...evil."

Word Girl, er Becky really didn't want to go anywhere near Tobey because of what happened earlier, but she didn't want to get on his mother's bad side because then she would tell her mom on her and she did not want to be scolded for something like that.

"I will be right over, let me just go home to get my backpack and TJ so we can work on our homework together."

"Splendid, please get here soon. If I am gone by the time you get here, there is a spare key, I think it's to the house, hidden under a fake pinecone in the driveway. It shouldn't be hard to spot. If you can't find it then just knock on the door. Truthfully, I totally ship you with my son. Please date my son. Ta ta."

(Well, this is going to be a long day.) Said Huggy. (For you.)

"Whatever, let's get home." Muttered Word Girl. "Wooord up!"

This wouldn't be the first time, Mrs. McCallister tried shipping Tobey and Becky. When they were kids she would always say that they were cute together or snap candid pics of them when they would read together or just spend time together.

(So? Does this mean that you'll have to help out Tobey?) Huggy chirped as they were halfway home.

"Ugh, I'm trying really hard to avoid him but his mom wants my help. It's like the universe is against me or something." Word Girl replied, sourly.

(I know that you're a teenager but can you please stop being so damn dramatic?) Said Huggy.

"Fine." Said Word Girl with as much sass as possible.

Although Word Girl couldn't see it because she was focused on flying them home, Huggy rolled his eyes at her attitude.

Finally, they arrived home.

Becky was about to enter her house when she was greeted by her parents, who were halfway to the door.

"Oh hey Becky." Said her dad. "We were just on our way out. I'm sure Tobey's mom called you about the details. Anyway don't forget to lock up and take TJ with you and if you can, after your little party please remember to be responsible and help Tobey clean up."

"Ok." Becky didn't want to and could not explain to her dad that Tobey was not speaking to her, she had enough to deal with already. "Have fun."

"Thanks dear." Said her mom. "Before we go, can you take our picture?" Asked Sally Botsford as she handed Becky a camera to snap a quick pic.

"We won't stay out too long, hopefully and if we do, please make sure to come home and go straight to bed." Said her father.

TJ walked down the stairs to join his family. "I've already done all of my homework on Friday, so let's get going. Have fun you two." Said TJ.

"Alright, before we get there, do you kids want a ride?" Asked Sally Botsford.

"No thanks mom, we'll just walk before it gets dark out." Said TJ, who winked to Becky.

"Bye." Said both parents at the same time.

"Can us there?" Asked TJ.

"Sure, let me just grab my backpack." Said Becky. Becky had already finished her homework, she just brought along her Ipod and a book. She really wanted to limit her interactions with Tobey if it killed her. Whenever they got the chance, TJ always wanted to get somewhere by flying. It was fun for him and fun for Becky as well, it gave them some fun memories and it was also a good way for the siblings to bond.

Becky walked downstairs with her bag. "Ready to go?" Asked Becky.

"Ready!" Said TJ.

After walking outside and locking the door behind them, Bob got onto Becky's shoulders and Becky picked up TJ by the arms. "Wooord up!"

When they got there, Claire McCallister was already gone, so that meant that Tobey was inside with Jackie.

Becky easily found the fake pinecone with the house key and she used it to unlock the door.

As soon as Becky opened the door and walked in with Bob on her back and TJ trailing behind her, an alarm went off and they soon found themselves hanging in a net.

"Intruder Alert!" Rang the alarm.

"I guess Tobey installed a new security system?" Said TJ.

"No shocker there." Becky said angrily.

"Are you fighting with Tobey?" Asked TJ, putting a hand on her shoulder to maybe calm her down a bit.

"No." Said Becky, suddenly Tobey turned the light on and walked into the room.

"Oh, it's just you." Said Tobey as he pressed a button and the alarm turned off and by pressing a different button, the net released Becky, Bob and TJ.

They rubbed their sore butts. "Tobey, what the hell!?" Yelled Becky.

"Oh, I think mother must have told you about the house key in the pinecone? Well, it's the key that activates my alarm. You see, I installed it a while back when I was home alone a lot and was really desperate for something to do that didn't involve building another robut." Said Tobey, twiddling his fingers and trying to look innocent.

"Well, it's probably a good thing that it works, right?" Said TJ trying to lighten the mood.

"Hey Tobey, I found out what remote controls what and...oh, did I come in at a bad time?" Said Jackie, slowly walking out of the room.

After seeing Becky's angry face, Tobey remembered that he was mad at her. But it was really hard for him to stay mad at Becky, with her chocolate, silky hair and her rosy cheeks, she was so beautiful.

"We're just fine, perfectly fine." Said Tobey through gritted teeth, now glaring back at Becky.

"K." Said Jackie completely walking out of the room. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and it kept on ringing for a bit.

"You'd better get the door Tobey, your guests are getting a bit impatient." Said Becky.

"I will." Said Tobey back. "Can you do me a huge favor and pop the popcorn? The bags are in the cupboard next to the microwave, thanks." Said Tobey as he dashed off to answer the door.

"Stupid Tobey and his cute face." Muttered Becky angrily as she put the popcorn, sitll in the package into the microwave and was about to start it up when TJ stopped her.

"Calm down Becky. You're so focused on your anger for Tobey that you almost didn't notice that you were about to pop an entire box of microwaveable popcorn still in it's plastic wrappings."

Becky opened up the microwave and saw that he was right. "Oh, right." She blushed a bit embarassed and opened the box and popped one in the microwave. TJ went ahead of her into the livingroom where the movie night was to be held and Bob placed a hand on her shoulder. (Are you ok? You tend to get a little hostile when you're upset)

"Yeah, I just need to cool off a bit." Becky removed the popped popcorn from the microwave and went to join her friends in the livingroom.

"Hey Becky, so glad you could make it." Said Violet, walking up to Becky to give her a hug. Tobey had three couches to sit on, one of the couches were big enough for four people, one was big enough for three and one was big enough for just two, and...several remotes on his coffee table that powered God knows what. While they were glaring at each other in the kitchen, Jackie quickly managed to figure out which remote controlled what and she placed labels on the back to identify them. Sitting on one couch was, Jackie, Scoops, Violet and Eileen? Sitting on the second couch was Katy from that one episode where she had a party and Tobey and Becky weren't invited and they felt left out and sitting next to her was Victoria Best. They were seated on the two person couch. All that was left was the three person couch which was now occupied by Tobey, Bob and Becky. None of their friends knew that there was tension going on between Tobey and Becky. Oh, and TJ was sitting on a beanbag chair that Tobey let him get from his room, since there was nowhere else to sit.

"Before we start this movie, chosen by Violet. I just want to say thank you to everyone who came here for coming and please watch what you eat because if these couches get stained my mother will kill me."

Everyone else laughed because they thought he was joking until they realized he was being very serious and they stopped.

"Violet, would you care to introduce this first movie?" Asked Tobey.

"After seeing this on Netflix, I recommended it to Tobey, so now we can all enjoy it...Presenting Moving Art: Underwater."

Eileen raised her hand. "Does it take place underwater?"

"Yes." Answered Violet. "May we please start the movie?"

Tobey picked up the remote that he knew controlled the play button since he had his Xbox connected to the Tv, but he never used it to play video games....too often he mostly used it for watching Netflix or just watching documentaries. Tobey pressed play.

About 5 minutes into the movie, Eileen got bored and began narrating it.

"I wonder what that big scary shark is doing swimming so close to the fishies?" Since the only sound coming from the film was a piano playing, no one really cared that she was narrating.

"Ooooh, underwater is kind of like a forest, I like the way the green leafy things move back and forth." Said Eileen.

"It's so pweeeeety!" Said Eileen.

Tobey got up and shouted, "God damnit you annoying potato child! Will you shut up?"

"Why are you yelling at me, Tobey wobey?" Said Eileen with tears in her eyes as she hugged Violet.

Tobey scoffed and stormed off to his room.

"I'll go talk to him." Said Becky and Jackie at the same time.

"I'm his date to the school dance." Said Jackie. "So I should go talk to him."

"Well, I've known him for longer than you have." Said Becky, "So maybe I should go."

"Well, I'm closer with him than you'll ever be." Said Jackie.

"No you're not." Said Becky. "I have a lot more in common with him. And we're more compatable."

"Oh, so you want to date him now?" Asked Jackie, teasing.

"What? Me? Pfft No! I just, want to help him calm down." Said Becky, now blushing.

"Oh please, it's so obvious that you like him. I see the way he looks at you and the way you sneak glances at him. You two like each other and you're just too scared to admit it." Said Jackie waggling her finger in Becky's face. Becky smacked her finger away and crossed her arms with an angry pout.

"Guys, I think we need to take a quick break and take a few deep breaths." Said Violet, trying to diffuse the situation. Scoops was now the one that Eileen was hugging and crying and Victoria was updating her blog on her phone.

"Well, when you ladies are done fighting over Tobey, I'll go talk to him." Said TJ.

TJ knew where Tobey's room was because he had been in there numerous times before.

He knocked twice on the door.

"What?" Asked Tobey, bitterly.

"It's just me." Said TJ.

Tobey opened the door.

"What's going on with you and Becky lately?" Asked TJ. "One minute you're all blushing at one another and now you're glaring angrily at each other? And how come you snapped at Eileen?"

"Well, if you must know," Said Tobey, patting the spot on the bed next to him. "I caught her talking to Bob as I was walking out of the sandwich shop earlier and overheard that she had been lying this whole time about where she goes. It's like she has this huge secret that everyone else seems to know but me. And...I guess I felt hurt and left out." Tobey admitted, sadly.

"Ok but that's no excuse to take your anger out on those around you. You're lucky Eileen didn't get mad at you back. And you should probably go and apologize."

Tobey sighed, he hated it when someone else was right but he really didn't want to be on Eileen's bad side.

"Fine." He muttered, he suddenly got an update on his phone about a new blog post by Victoria. Why he followed her blogs, he forgot why. This blog was all about...Jackie and Becky's fight over who should go comfort him? He read, in great detail about how just moments ago, they were arguing over who should go and comfort him. The new poll read: 'Tobecky, ending so soon? 56% voted no. the rest voted yes.

"This actually happened just now?" Asked Tobey as he handed his phone to TJ.

"Oh yeah. Are you going to ask them about it?" Asked TJ, after briefly glancing at the blog post and the poll and then handing the phone back to Tobey.

"Probably." Said Tobey. "Thanks, for calming me down." Said Tobey.

By the time they had gotten downstairs, Victoria was now the one holding Eileen. Violet was still trying to calm down Becky and Jackie.

"Oh please, if you don't have a crush on Tobey then why do you care so much if I'm close with him or not?" Jackie said, rolling her eyes at Becky's attitude.

"I do not love Tobey!" Said Becky.

"I never said love, I said like!" Said Jackie.

"Well, well, how do I know you don't like him?" Asked Becky, pointing to Jackie.

"He's not my type, and like I said before it's obvious the two of you like each other. So stop with all the drama and just kiss already!" Jackie yelled back.

"Girls, I think we should all try to calm down..." Said Scoops, trying to calm them down, after Violet failed to do that.

"This isn't one of your shows!" Said Becky. "Not everyone is as dramatic as you!"

"What is all the yelling about?" Asked Tobey as he finally walked into the room along with TJ who was eating some popcorn.

Everyone turned to look at Tobey. Both Becky and Jackie were blushing furiously.

"Well, we have to go." Said Scoops as he practically dragged Violet out of the house. "Come on Violet, I think they can solve this on their own. I'll walk you home."

"Bye guys." Said Violet as she and Scoops walked out the door.

"Bye." Said TJ, since Becky and Jackie were too focused on what to say to Tobey now that he saw their little argument.

"Jackie, I think we need more popcorn." Said TJ as he took Jackie by the hand and led her to the kitchen.

"I think you guys should talk it out." Said Jackie. "Now."

(She's right you know.) Said Huggy as he joined TJ and Jackie in the kitchen.

"Ok, but before we do, Eileen...I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier, I was a jerk to you and you didn't deserve to be treated like that." He held out his hand. "Friends?"

"O..k." Said Eileen. "Come on Victoria, it looks like they're about to talk about something important." With that, Victoria and Eileen left, leaving Becky and Tobey in the livingroom and TJ, Bob and Jackie in the kitchen.

"Sooo." Said Tobey, trying to start the conversation.

"Sooo." Said Becky, not looking him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time.

"No, you first." They said at the same time, again.

"Just kiss already!" Yelled Jackie from the kitchen.

Becky and Tobey blushed and looked away.

"Look, I'm sorry I had to lie earlier." Said Becky. "Truth is...." Tobey placed his fingers on her lips to shut her up. Before Becky had the chance to ask tell him, Tobey removed his hand from her lips and kissed her hand.
Becky was blushing because he had his finger on her lip but she was annoyed that he didn't kiss her like she wanted him to.

Before Tobey could respond, Becky said, "Oh, fuck it." and she pulled him close and full on kissed him, which made TJ and Jackie cheer in the kitchen.

"Finally! This is just like when Gloria finally admitted her feeling to Enrique and they kissed after making me wait for so long." Said TJ.

"You watch 'El Corazon de Fuego" too?' Asked Jackie.

As they talked, Tobey kissed Becky back, it was sweet and passionate. Tobey cupped Becky's face in his hands and Becky had her fingers in his hair.

When they finally broke apart, there was a string of saliva connecting their mouths, which they quickly got rid of before anyone could see what they had done.

"That was...amazing." Said Tobey.

Becky suddenly had a thought and she looked away with a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Asked Tobey.

"It's just that...I won't lie that kiss....was my first and I loved it but....what does that make us? Are we friends? Are we more? Do you, love me? Do you want to be more than friends? Were you playing with my emotions when you said you liked the kiss? Do you really care?"

Tobey hadn't really thought about all of that. He had wanted to kiss Becky for so long but now that he had, did he really want to be more than just her friend?

He was about to answer when he was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and his mom, Jackie's dad and Becky's parents walking in.

"Hi kids, we brought you back some dessert." Said Mrs. McCallister, as she handed Tobey a bag.

"Come on Becky, let's go home." Said Mr. Botsford.

"Let me just say bye first. Thank you for letting us stay over at your house Mrs. McCallister. Tobey was a good boy this evening." Said Becky, faking a smile.

"I would also like to thank you, Mrs. McCallister. I really appreciate it." Said Jackie.

"You're welcome. Both of you girls are so polite. I hope your good manners are rubbing off on Theodore." Said Mrs. McCallister as she rubbed Tobey's head, messing up his hair in the process.

Tobey was about to say something to Becky but she walked out before he could answer. He really didn't know what to do at this point.
♠ ♠ ♠
Should he ask her to be his girlfriend? Should he tell her that he loves her back? Should he just admit his true feelings to her so that she knows that he wasn't playing with her emotions and that he loves her in return? What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments.