Status: in the works

Word Girl and the Growing Envy

Chapter 16: The Truth is Revealed Part 1

Becky and her family had already left and Tobey was a bit sad. After Jackie and her father left, his mother went to bed for the night. Tobey went into the bathroom and took out his toothbrush to brush his teeth.

*I have to tell Becky the truth.* Thought Tobey, as he wet the bristles on his toothbrush and applied the toothpaste. *I have to tell her how I feel. I want to be her boyfriend, I really do, but what if she rejects me?* He thought more about this as he brushed his teeth. *Then again, she was the one who kissed me first. I should have said something then and there...I've got it! I will go to her window and do a romantic gesture. But what would be romantic enough for her?*
At the Botford residence... Everyone had gone off to sleep except for Becky, she was still thinking about what happened with Tobey earlier and wished he had said something. Just as she was gazing out her window for some reason, Tobey appeared, on the hand of one of his giant robots. Becky opened her window and stuck her head out.

"What are you doing here?" Becky whisper yelled, gesturing to his robot. "If my mom sees your robot, she'll flip out. Not to mention, it's very visible from where I'm standing."

"Don't worry about it, I have created a sort of cloaking device that enables my robut to blend in with it's surroundings." Tobey pressed a button on his remote and the robot became invisible.

"Not to sound rude, but why are you here? And how did you get here so stealthily?" Asked Becky. Tobey used his robot to place him next to the window so that he was right in front of Becky.

"Just because the robut is huge doesn't mean I don't know how to be stealthy. I came to say I'm sorry." Said Tobey. as he, placed his remote in his pocket and took her hands in his.

"For what?" Asked Becky, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Tobey pulled out a rose that he had in his back pocket.

"Huh, why do I feel like you've done this before?" Becky wondered aloud as Tobey handed her the rose, which she gladly accepted.

"Must be the dream." Murmured Tobey.

"You've had a dream where we're at a ball and we're dancing to David Bowie too?" Asked Becky.

"If we had the same dream long have we been sharing dreams? How is this even happening?" Asked Tobey.

"Must have began recently. As for the how I have a theory but I can't be sure..." Said Becky as she let go of his hand, walked back into her room and put the rose down on her bedside table, walked back over to the window and put her hand on her chin in thought.

"" Asked Tobey, in bewilderment.

"Well if we do share dreams...then...we should try to dream about each other again tonight, and we can like discuss what's going on in the dream.." Becky blushed after she realized what she had just said.

"Ok. Look, I gave a lot of thought about what you said earlier, and well....Becky, I love you!" Tobey shouted the last part.

"Shh! If my parents wake up they'll tell your mom and then we'll both get in trouble." Said Becky as she placed a finger to his lips to shush him. She quickly removed her finger and ran to lock her door than she came back."Sorry, continue."

"I didn't get the chance to explain how I felt because you kissed me first but...from the bottom of my heart, I would like to be more than friends with you. And I was never playing with your emotions, I love you but you need to stop assuming the worst....." He trailed off, unsure of what to say from here.

"If we do indeed share dreams then why are we always kissing each other so the dreams?" Asked Tobey.

"Well...I've wanted to kiss you for a while now and..I guess a dream is where I feel the most confident." Said Becky, blushing but because it was kind of cloudy out he couldn't really tell.

"Ok, but that does nothing to explain how our shared dreams thing are you writing all this nonsense? It doesn't make any sense." Said Tobey

Ok, it's mostly because I write down the idea to do these things as it comes to me, I'm going to have to explain something a little more in depth but I will later. Also, stop breaking the fourth wall Tobey, this is the last time.

"Well, not to be a prude but I really think you should go." Said Becky as she kissed Tobey on the cheek.. "Because unless if you set up a distraction how will your mom think that you're at home?" Asked Becky.

Tobey suddenly remembered that he just left with the intent of telling Becky his true feelings and he completely forgot to set up a diversion or at least a way for his mother to think that he was asleep in his bed.

"Oh, fudge." Said Tobey. "Well, I'll see you in my dreams I guess, bye Becky." Said Tobey as he pressed a button on his remote and his robot quietly walked away.

(Why are you by the window? And who are you talking to?) Asked Bob sleepily, as he rubbed his eyes.

"N-no one." Said Becky.

(Becky, I know it was Tobey, I could hear his voice. Just because I was sleeping doesn't mean I can't hear.) Bob got up to use the bathroom and Becky remembered that she had forgotten to unlock the door.

Bob was rattling the doorknob a bit. (Holy shitsnacks! Becky, we've been locked in!) Screeched Bob.

Becky laughed silently at him and unlocked the door.

(I totally knew how to unlock it the whole time, I was just testing you.) Said Bob.

"Right..." Said Becky as she let him out to go to the bathroom and she went back to bed. What Becky did fail to notice was that on the rose that she put down was a small and simple, promise ring. It was just a gold ring, with elvish writing on it. Tobey found it the other day while he was at a sci-fi convention and didn't really know what do with it so he gave Becky the one ring to rule them all and she just hadn't noticed at all. XD

Luckily, Tobey had managed to get home before his mother even noticed that he was gone. He was glad that he had installed the cloaking device on his robut because Becky's nosy neighbor didn't suspect a thing, except questioning how Tobey was floating because he had forgotten to cloak himself.
That night...Becky fell asleep easily because she was already pretty tired to begin with. As she was walking along a bright and sunny forest path she saw a majestic stallion coming her way.

Becky squinted to get a better look at the horse and she saw that it was Tobey riding it, while wearing a prince uniform.

He stopped the horse in front of Becky. "Sorry it took me a while to get here. Luckily, mother hadn't noticed my absence because she was still asleep. Now, shall we go do some investigtating on how this whole dream thing works?" Asked Tobey as he held out his hand for Becky to take which she gladly accepted and got on in front of Tobey.

Even though it was a dream, Becky was a bit scared to be on a horse with another person but Tobey held her tight so she wouldn't fall off.

"Don't worry love, I will catch you if you fall." Said Tobey in her ear, causing Becky to blush. "Remember earlier when I said I wanted to be more than friends?" Said Tobey in her ear once again.

"Yes, but...where are you going with this?" Asked Becky unsure.

"I would like to be....your boyfriend." Said Tobey. "Now, I know that if we start now it will be weird considering we are going to homecoming with other people." Said Tobey.

"Oh, right." Said Becky.

"Which is why...I feel that we should wait until after homecomine before we date." Said Tobey. "Even though we both know we want to date one another we should get to know each other better as friends before we go venturing into something as unfamiliar as a relationship. I'm sorry if that sounds like torture but I just don't want to accidentally do something that would upset you." Said Tobey as he hugged her from behind.

"That's so sweet of you. But how do you plan on us getting to know each other better?"

"Well, when we're not busy we can....spend some one on one time?" Asked Tobey unsure as he led them through the deep depths of the weird dreamscape.

"I'd like that." Said Becky. "Where are we?" She asked looking around. They had been riding for a while and they suddenly found themselves going from being dressed like royalty and riding a white stallion to wearing proper attire for the dessert and they were riding on a black horse?

"I guess we're in a different part? Why does this seem familiar?" Asked Tobey. As they rode, they were clearly in the dessert and as they glanced behind them they saw that they were being chased by several mummies.

"I think I know where we are!" Yelled Becky. "We're in the movie, The Mummy. The 1999 one. The one with Brendan Fraisier. We have to get to the temple in Hamunaptra and stop the weird ritual that is about to happen." Said Becky. (This would make sense if you've seen that movie sorry to those of you who haven't)

"I thought you didn't like unrealistic movies?" Asked Tobey.

"I might have watched it once or twice with Bob.." Becky trailed off.

"Alright." Said Tobey not wanting to ask her further. Tobey caught some movement to the side of them. "Oh hell, they're gaining on us and I'm not sure if we can fight them off. Do you know how much farther we have to travel?" Asked Tobey.

"I could always just get off the horse and fight them with my superpowers." Suggested Becky.

"But then I wouldn't know where to go from here. You're the expert on where to go here, not me."

They had to resort to waiting for the mummies to get close enough to hit. That's when Becky hit them with her superpowers and they broke apart.

"We're almost there." The dream changed again. They suddenly found themselves on the edge of the Titanic and Tobey was holding Becky up from behind.

"I hate this movie." Muttered Tobey.

"Same here.." Said Becky. "Jack was an unrealisticly hot poor man." They both laughed until the ship hit the iceberg and they fell onto the ship from the impact.

"I wish I knew how to change this dream." Said Tobey. As the ship began to break in half.

Becky began crying. "There's too many people for me to try and save at once....and even if I could save all of them I wouldn't know how....we're in the middle of the ocean and...and..." She buried her head in her hands and Tobey picked her up and began hugging her.

"This was a tragedy, but it happened way before you were born so there's nothing you could have done to prevent it. Is this what your nightmare is? That one day there will be too many people for you to save?"

Becky nodded with her eyes glistening with tears. Tobey didn't dare use this time to question if she was Word Girl because he kind of always knew, he just never told her that he knew for fear of her staying away from him because of that. Instead, he wiped the tears from her eyes and kept on hugging her.

"Thanks Tobey." Becky sniffled.

"No problem." Said Tobey as the dream changed again. They were in the year 1607 and they were in Virginia. Tobey was dressed as John Smith and Becky was Pocahontas, her long hair blowing majestically in the colors of the wind.

Tobey looked at her with a raised eyebrow as his people began to dig up her land.

"What? I liked this movie when I was younger but when I found out what really happened to Pocahontas I didn't like it as much." The scene changed again.

Now they were in the Avengers and Becky was dressed as Black Widow...and Tobey was Bruce Banner aka the Hulk.

"This is....weird." Said Becky.

"Agreed." Said Tobey.

It changed again, only this time they were in some sort of office and they were back to being dressed in their usual attire.

"Where are we now?" Asked Tobey. They stepped through a door and found themselves in a conference room, there was someone seated behind the chair at the front of the table.

"I bet you are wondering why I put you through that and then brought you here." Said a voice they both knew all too well.

"Envy." Said Becky. "I should have known it was you."

"Right you are Becky." Said Envy as she turned the chair around to face them. "While you were, going through movies, did you happen to notice what the roles you played have in common?" Asked Envy as she laced her fingers together.

"Well first we were Evy and Rick in the Mummy, then we were Jack and Rose in Titanic, then we were Pocahontas and John Smith...they were al couples." Said Tobey.

"Correct. Now, why would I put you in dreams where you are a couple?"

"Because you ship us?" Asked Becky.

"Correct again."

Becky and Tobey exchanged glances. "Why do you ship us?" Asked Tobey.

"Because even though we haven't been talking for that much, I get bored just causing people to get envious and you two are fun to mess with in the dream world."

"Wait......I know who are.." Said Tobey suddenly realizing who Envy has been all along.

"You're..." Before he got to answer Becky's alarm went off, waking her up.
In the morning... Becky managed to get into the bathroom before TJ and took a nice, hot shower before school and before Bob could hog the shower.

Becky's parents were already downstairs as she was almost ready.

"Heya kiddo!" Said Mrs. Botsford as she placed a pancake on Becky's plate. "Eat up so you'll be fine until lunch time."

"Thanks mom." Said Becky, taking a bite. "Where's dad?"

"He's shaving." Said Mrs. Botsford. She glanced at her wristwatch. "Oh my! It's 10 minutes to 8, you'd better get a move on or you'll miss the bus."

Becky finished the rest of her morning routine and just barely made it onto the bus with Bob riding on her back.

As they waited for the stop her friends were on, Becky told Bob about the dream. (Why would someone who has the power to control and manipulate dreams just use those powers to ship people?) Bob wondered aloud.

"Good point, it just doesn't make any sense."

"Aw, what fun is there in making sense?" Said a voice from behind them, causing Becky to jump.

"Gah!" Said Becky. "Oh, it's just you Jackie." Becky's eyes widened when she realized who Envy's secret identity was.

"So you finally figured out who I am?" Said Jackie.

"How did you...keep it under wraps for so long?" Becky lowered her voice so she would not attract unwanted attention.

"I'll tell you later, it looks like your crush is getting on the bus." Said Jackie motioning towards the door where Tobey was getting on.

Becky blushed. "He's not my.." But she was interrupted when Tobey asked. "Can I sit here?" To Jackie. He would have asked Becky but the seat was taken by Bob.

♠ ♠ ♠
So Becky finally knows that Jackie is Envy....let's see how it goes.
Sorry it took me so long to update, long story short I had like no ideas, just writers block. Also I recently got my first smart phone so I have been trying to use that. Thanks for reading this and I'll see you in the next part.