Status: in the works

Word Girl and the Growing Envy

Chapter 23


The next week on Friday....

At Jackie's house...

Rex was a bit nervous because Dean was a bit..intimidating.

They were both seated in the livingroom, on opposite couches but facing each other.

"Now tell me, why do you want to date my daugher?" Asked Dean, raising an eyebrow but on the inside he was giggling to himself at how nervous he was making Rex.

"W-well you see sir.. I happen to like your daughter....a lot and she's always helping me out when I don't understand an assignment or she's being herself. I don't know what it is about her, but she's so helpful, courteous and nice...a-and well I want to 'court' her properly but only if you will let me." Said Rex, feeling a bit nervous but somewhat confident that this was going to go well.

Instead of frowning like he thought he would, Dean smiled, got up and shook his hand.

"Well, after that little speech of yours I'm going to have to say.......Yes, you may court my daughter."

"R-really?" Asked Rex.

"Yes, but just remember..if you hurt her I will hurt you, got it?" He asked, making a fist and pounding it in his open palm.

"Duly noted." Said Rex, now a bit scared of Dean.

Jackie was in the hallway and eavesdropping when she heard this. She quietly jumped for joy because this was going to be her first real relationship with anyone.
At Becky's house..

Tobey was freaking out because he might have tried to crush Becky's house once or twice in the past and Sally Botsford still had a fear of his giant robots but he hoped that the past would stay in the past and not affect his chances of being Becky's boyfriend.

The Botsfords had asked Becky to wait upstairs in her room while they 'talked' to Tobey.

"Tobey, I am willing to put the past behind us but tell me, why do you want to date our daughter?" Asked Sally Botsford, crossing her arms and trying but failing to act like an overprotective mom.

"Yeah, why do you want to date my sister?" Asked TJ.

"Honestly I'm ok with you guys dating ever since you brought her back to us after she went missing for a few days." Said Tim.

"I suppose I have been wanting to court her for a while now but when she went missing it made me realize just how much she really means to me. I felt so lost when she wasn't here and I don't ever want to feel that way if you will allow me to court Becky I will make sure she always gets home on time, I will always protect her and make sure to keep her safe. I will also be her friend and I will never do anything to hurt her. I will stop creating giant robuts if it means I get to see her everyday." He finished, feeling sure of himself but on the inside he was still nervous.

"Family huddle." Said Tim Botsford.

They all got into a circle, and Bob fell asleep on the couch.

"Do you think he means what he says?" Asked TJ.

"I think he does." Said Sally Botsford. "And besides, he's really turned his life around from being a kid villain. I say we give him a chance."

"I agree with you dear." Said Tim. "But if he hurts her..." He smacked his fist into his open palm.

They all lined up side by side to face him. "Tobey, we have come to the agreement that you....can date our daughter but there are a few rules you must follow." Said Sally.

"Such as?" Asked Tobey.

"Rule #1, no kissing in the house." Said Tim, causing Tobey to blush. "Rule #2 if you go into her room you must have Bob in the room with you or you have to leave the door open." Said Sally.

Tobey's eyes widened, he knows he loves Becky but not enough to do that. His cheeks turned slightly pink.

"O-hokay. Rule #3 no staying out past curfew. We remember what happened the last time she was out past curfew...she didn't come home.." Said Sally a bit sad, but she quickly regained her composure.

"And rule #4 if you are going somewhere TJ wants to go then you have to take him with you no exceptions." Said TJ, smirking at this.

Tim was about to tell him to not say things like that but he quickly thought it over and decided to go along with it.

"Ok, oh and rule #5 if you hurt her..." Said TJ, narrowing his eyes and snapping his fingers. "Then we will send Bob after you..." He could not keep a straight face and he began cracking up.. "Hahaha, just kidding. But please don't hurt her physically or emotionally."

"I will not ever harm Becky, I love her." Said Tobey, almost whispering the last part.

Becky of course was in her room but she could hear it with her super hearing. She was so thrilled that she almost punched a hole in the wall, almost.

(What are you so excited about?) Asked Bob as he walked into Becky's room and closed the door behind him.

"Mom, Dad and TJ told Tobey that he can totally date me!" Becky whisper yelled to not attract any attention to herself. "Wait, weren't you downstairs when this happened?"

(I was but I fell asleep) Said Bob. (Wow, I can't believe he finally got the balls to ask to date you, but I don't see why he did. It's not like he was asking to marry you.) Said Bob as he climbed into his hammock and pulled out a sub from out of nowhere. *I'm going to have to ask him how he does that one day* Becky thought to herself. Then she remembered that she had to get her stuff for the sleepover today, it was finally going to be the school dance. The girls decided to have the sleepover at Violet's house and the boys were at Scoops' house. Their plan was to go to the dance and then do the sleepover later that night.

"Bob, are you coming?" Asked Becky as she packed an overnight bag with her basic essentials.

(Well seeing as it would be unwise to not go with you since villains never take a day off let's get going.) Said Bob as he shoved the rest of the sandwhich into his mouth and chewed then swallowed before getting off his hammock to pack his own things. As soon as they were done, Becky walked down the stairs. She was busy glancing at a text on her phone and she crashed into someone's chest. He caught her before she fell and she blushed as she looked up into Tobey's eyes.

"Hey." He said. "Your family said yes." Said Tobey, still looking her in the eyes. She sighed as the light his eyes just right and his blue orbs looked like sapphires. He grinned like a fool as he looked into her milk chocolate colored eyes. They both leaned in closer and were about to join their lips until someone cleared their throat rather loudly making them pull away and blush profusely.

"Please don't kiss right in front of me, I'm trying to watch TV." Said TJ, as he waved his arm towards the TV, while fake glaring at his sister and her boyfriend.

Becky giggled and rolled her eyes as she grabbed Tobey's hand and pulled him outside of the house with Huggy following close behind. "Bye mom, bye dad. I'll see you tomorrow. I'm going to Violet's for the sleepover."

"Ok dear, please take lots of pictures. We want to document your relationship with Tobey before you walk down the aisle." Said Mrs. Botsford playfully making Becky blush with embarrasment and making Tobey's eyes widen. He wasn't sure if Becky's family really liked him to begin with. Bob closed the door behind them as they finally walked out the door.

Being a gentleman, Tobey walked her over to Violet's before going to his own sleepover. When they got to Violet's drive, he wasn't sure whether to hug or kiss her but he would figure that out later because they were going to see each other at the dance in a couple of hours.

"Bye, I'll see you later." He said, giving her a quikc peck on the cheek. He walked away at a brisk pace in order to make it on time.

(I don't see why he walked you over here, when you could have just flown and he would get to his place faster.) murmured Huggy as they walked up to the door to ring thr doorbell. Huggy rang the doorbell and Violet's mom answered.

"Becky, Bob. Salutations. Violet and Jackie are upstairs getting ready." She said as she moved over to let them inside.

"Thank you." Said Becky politely as she walked inside with Bob right behind her, closing the door behind them.

Walking up the stairs, Becky made it to Violet's room and she knocked.

Violet opened the door. "Hi Becky, let's get dressed shall we?" Said Violet as she pulled her friend in for a hug.

Becky gladly hugged her back. After she pulled away, she told Bob to go read fanfics on her phone in the corner while they got dressed. Although she was used to changing around him she wasn't sure if her friends would be and she couldn't exactly leave him on his own since no one really understood what he said other than herself.

"Bob, I really don't see why you like to read those Ladybug and Chat Noir fanfics." Said Becky as she made sure he was facing away from them.

(I happen to really like this ship, Becky. And the show has a lot of jokes that go over kids heads. You wouldn't understand what it's like to be obsessed with a kid's show and write fanfics on it) XD.

Becky rolled her eyes and left him on the bed, facing the wall.

Violet still didn't know that Jackie is Envy but she did know that Becky was Word Girl and that Rex is Kid Math.

After a while, they all had their dresses on and they made sure to match their makeup and shoes to their clothing. Becky was glad that the villains had allowed her enough time to pick out this dress. She just hoped that nothing would come up during the dance.

Jackie glanced at the time on her phone. "Wow, we sure took our time getting ready, the dance is going to start in 5 minutes." Becky and Violet exchanged glances.

"Oh well, looks like we're going to be fashionably late then." Said Violet, as she giggled. "Shall we wait for the boys by taking pictures?" She said.

"Alright," Said Becky. "But first we need to dress up Bob." Bob screeched when he heard this but calmed down when he remembered that he was going to be wearing a small tux with no pants but he still wore his diaper.

The girls and Bob took turns taking photos of each other until the boys arrived.

The boys finally arrived and Violet's mother did not hesitate to ask them to pose with each other for couples photos. Scoops matched Violet perfectly. Becky didn't care if she didn't match Tobey all she really cared about was that they were going together period.

Becky's couples photo with Tobey was the most awkward. Tobey stood behind her, hugging her but Bob ruined it by climbing atop the boy's shoulders and glaring at him while Tobey smiled nervously. Because of his height, Jackie had to be the one to hug Rex from behind but she didn't mind.

After several hundered more photos and after Violet's mom sent the pics to everyone's family, they were on their way.

They entered the gym and gasped at how they had tranformed it. It was pretty basic like any other school dance, lights everywhere, streamers and balloons adorning the walls.

They walked in and almost immediately they hit the dance floor. Everyone was having a good time until.....

"Party goers, it is I Doctor Two Brains and I am going to take over this school dance!" Exclaimed Doctor Two Brains.

To Be Continued...
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Wow, I cannot believe that this fanfic is already that close to ending. It feels like just yesterday we were watching Word Girl episodes and coming up with the idea of Envy..I just wish I had given her alter ego a more creative name. Oh well. Finally we are at the chapter with the dance. Hopefully nothing bad will happen during this dance. It feels like I have been putting off writing the dance chapter for too long..well here it is finally. Thank you so much for reading and commenting on this. You guys are the best fans anyone could ask for. So thank you. I am planning to finish this because I will not have my fanfic end up in fanfiction purgatory where it's incomplete and stuff. Sorry if it took a while for me to update. I have been busy with life.