Status: in the works

Fluttercord in Equestria Girls

Chapter 19: Fight


While Discord discussed matters with Celestia in the library.

Luna excused the elements of harmony from class and gathered them in an empty classroom. Five of the girls sat down in the front row of desks but Fluttershy had separated herself from the group. She was in the back

of the classroom, sitting by herself and looking at the floor. Fluttershy's despair was so immense that her five friends observed her with sorrow for her and remorse for what had happened.

Luna knew that she had to resolve this situation, she had to have a serious talk with them.

"Girls." Said Luna in a serious tone. "I want you to really tell me what happened with Discord."

All of them frowned, except Fluttershy who covered her face, and began to sob quietly.

"Ya want ta know what happened?!" Asked Applejack, annoyed. "He played with our emotions!"

"He broke my heart!" Said Pinkie melodramatically. "I'll never trust another man again."

"Discord planned all of this." Said Rainbow. "He's a threat."

"Discord is dangerous." Said Twilight. "We found out what he did to the wall in the school."

"The wall went kaboom! With just his fist." Intervened Rainbow.

Luna stroked her chin in thought.

"Ok girls....When you spent time with Discord." Said Luna, being very objective. "Did any one of you teach him about the magic of friendship?"

The five girls couldn't respond to that question, the whole room was silent, except for Fluttershy who was still crying to herself.

"Be honest." Said Luna seriously.

"Well we...." Said Applejack scratching her head. "Ah didn't do it, ah only asked him to help me with mah chores."

"Me either." Responded Rarity now feeling very ashamed. "I only locked him in a wardrobe after he gave me good ideas on dress designs."

"Ok, I admit it." Said Rainbow Dash. "I didn't show him anything about friendship. I made him compete against me to see who was the best."

Luna looked at the five girls in annoyance, the girls were all very ashamed for not obeying Celestia and for not trying to reform Discord by teaching him about the magic of friendship.

"She's right vice principal Luna." Said Twilight, who now felt very ashamed. "We really didn't show him anything about friendship, we didn't do our duty like we promised we would."

"But that doesn't justify his actions." Intervened Pinkie. "He ignored us and rejected us."

Luna raised a brow, with seriousness.

"Did he really try to seduce you, or did he try to court you?" Asked Luna. "Please be sincere."

"Well....being sincere." Said Pinkie with shame in her eyes. "Discord really didn't want to kiss me, I wanted to kiss the heat of the moment...I was such a fool."

Fluttershy stopped crying enough to hear Pinkie's confession and she payed attention.

"Well ah'm not sure if I heard 'im right." Said Applejack confused. "Ah thought that he had declared his love to me, he was sayin' things that didn't really make much sense, but when Ah got closer to Discord, he stepped

away from me and Ah thought it was from shyness, but it looks like ah was just confused."

Fluttershy began to dry her tears and she payed more attention.

"I thought that I had finally found the ideal guy." Said Twilight with deception. "I misinterpreted everything. It's just that Flash had been giving me mixed signals before all this and I didn't understand then either."

"I thought the same thing about Discord Twilight, in reality Discord is not to blame." Said Rarity sobbing with grief. "I'm so sorry."

"Ok, ok." Said Rainbow Dash bitterly "I am also sorry, even though I didn't like Discord that much to begin with, it doesn't mean that he's as bad as we make him out to be."

Luna was beginning to understand them.

"Do not worry and don't be embarrassed." Said Luna. "Sometimes feelings can blind us, I understand perfectly well because the same thing happened to me when I wanted to overthrow my sister."

The six girls looked at Luna, upon seeing their expressions of repent on their faces, Luna let a small tear fall down her cheek. They all felt much pity, and they knew that Luna had a good reason as to why she did it.

Then Luna looked at Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy." Said Luna. "Can I have your say in this?"

Fluttershy remained silent for a few seconds, her friends observed her with comprehension, wanting her to tell them the truth.

"It's just that.... Said Fluttershy sodtl. "Discord and I went out on a date a couple of times."

Luna was surprised, so were her friends, the five girls could not believe it, they could not believe that Fluttershy was going out with Discord and none of them knew.

"Fluttershy," Said Luna. "Did Discord treat you badly? Did he try to touch you in any way? Did he try to abuse you?"

"No." Said Fluttershy, wiping her tears. "He wasn't bad with me, he was really sweet, he gave me my space and he helped me take care of the animals, he was sympathetic and funny."

All of the girls, including Luna opened their mouths in surprise from the confession of Fluttershy, they knew that she felt something for the boy with grey skin.

"Fluttershy," Said Twilight. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know." Said Fluttershy. "I was afraid that you guys would think I was crazy for going out with Discord. Plus, you were fighting."

"Wow Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash jokingly. "We never expected that from you."

Luna walked over to Fluttershy.

"Little one, be sincere with us." Said Luna. "Are you in love with Discord?"

Fluttershy thought about it for a moment and smiled widely from cheek to cheek and blushing.

"I..." Said Fluttershy in a voice that was hardly audible. "I.."

Twilight got up, walked over to her, and grabbed Fluttershy's right shoulder, giving her confidence.

"Don't worry about it Fluttershy, it's alright." Said Twilight. "It's better to show us your true feelings than to hide them, believe me."

Fluttershy breathed in deeply.

"Ok I can no longer deny it!" Said Fluttershy loudly. "I'M IN LOVE WITH DISCORD!!!"

Everyone was in shock, they were not expecting Fluttershy to confess her love for Discord with a yell, then Fluttershy covered her face with her hair timidly.

In that instant the girls understood perfectly well all of their doubts, and the errors that they had committed, and that it was all a big misunderstanding. They knew that Fluttershy and Discord were in love.

Finally the calm and the harmony left the classroom.

"Oh my gosh!" Said Pinkie happily. "Fluttershy is in love! We have to celebrate! How exciting!"

"Oh my." Said Rarity. "That's quite impressive."

"Incredible!" Said Applejack. "That sure is great sugar cube."

"That's awesome, Fluttershy!" Said Rainbow Dash. "But if he tries to hurt you, let me know so that I can give him what he deserves."

Fluttershy was surprised by the positive support from her friends.

"Girls." Said Fluttershy. "You're not mad at me?"

"No silly," Said Pinkie happily. "I thought I was in love with Discord but he never responded to my feelings, he chose you. These things just happen."

Twilight intervened.

"Allow me to explain it better." Said Twilight, moving Pinkie aside. "Fluttershy, of course we're not mad at you, we're all your friends and we'll support you through the good and the bad times."

"Falling in love with the same boy is no real motive to fight." Said Rarity. "It's motivation enough to support each other mutually."

Fluttershy smiled and cried tears of joy. The six girls all hugged each other in a group hug, the magic of friendship alight in each of them.

Luna noticed that the friendship in the six girls was much stronger than ever before and they were not going to let their feeling for a boy separate them.

"Fluttershy.." Said Luna firmly. "I want you to think clearly about what I'm about to tell you."

Fluttershy paid attention, the girls stopped hugging Fluttershy.

"If you love Discord....then go with him." Said Luna. "We won't interfere but the problem with it is that he's an adult and you're a minor."

"We're not one to judge love that is pure and sincere." Said Cadence, entering the classroom, out of nowhere. "When it comes to true love, age, religion or social class don't matter."

"Ms. Cadence!" Said the six girls at the same time.

"Cadence!" Said Luna. "What's going on?"

"I just found out from Celestia that Discord is about to leave the school." Said Cadence. "If you want to stop him, you must do it at once."

Fluttershy was a bit disturbed by Cadence's news, her friends as well but they knew what they had to do.

"What are you waiting for, Fluttershy?" Asked Pinkie, happily. "Go to him!"

"We'll help you." Said Twilight.

"But...." Said Fluttershy. "Girls.."

"Let us fix the mistake that we made." Said Rarity. "Discord isn't such a bad guy after all, and we do owe him an apology."

"If you're happy with him." Said Rainbow Dash. "Then so are we."

Fluttershy and her friends smiled and the six friends ran towards the main entrance of the school, in search of the most hated boy in the whole school, but loved by Fluttershy.

Discord had completely left the school, he was standing in front of the main entrance, he gave one last prolonged look at the institution before walking away forever.

Discord remembered briefly the fun moments he had in this institution. Out of all the places, school and businesses where he had stolen his food, Canterlot High was special, although he had only been there for a short

period of time.

Discord picked up his things and began to walk away, going in no specific direction, slowly getting further and further from the school. Although only days ago, Discord hated this school and he wanted to leave it but a

part of him wanted to go back and stay but then he remembered that that wouldn't be possible.

Discord kept on walking with a broken heart, looking at the ground in defeat. It wasn't long before he heard the shouts of girls, he quickly turned around and noticed that it was Twilight and her friends. Discord was

bothered by this because he did not want to see them. He turned his back to them and kept walking.

"Discord!" Yelled Twilight. "Wait!"

Discord frowned, he ignored her and kept on walking.

"Hey Discord!" Yelled Pinkie.

Quickly, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who were the fastest runners out of everyone in the group, caught up to him until they were face to face, stopping him.

Discord stopped but he was very mad.

"Discord!" Yelled Applejack. "Wait just a minute sugar cube!"

"What do you want?" Asked Discord, bitterly. "Leave me in peace!"

"We have to talk!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"There is nothing to talk about." Said Discord, crossly. "I know that no one wants me in Canterlot High and I know I'm a threat, so it's better if I just leave here!"

"Discord!" Said Twilight, just running up to the scene. "We only wanted to tell you how sorry we are! It was all a big misunderstanding! You're not at fault, it was ours, and we're sorry."

"Ok." Said Discord sarcastically. "Whatever you say, I'll send you a postcard."

Discord pushed them aside and he kept on walking.

"Discord wait!" Yelled Pinkie. "There's someone here who wants to talk to you!"

Discord heard Pinkie's shout, so he stopped and turned around.

He observed that Fluttershy along with Rarity were the last to join the group. Discord looked at Fluttershy and he remained immobile from seeing the beauty of Fluttershy, for Discord Fluttershy was the most beautiful girl

in the world.

Fluttershy walked up to Discord, and her friends stepped aside.

"Discord." Said Fluttershy, happy to see Discord once again. "Can we talk for a moment?"

Discord remained still.

"Of course." Said Discord, hypnotized by the radiant eyes of Fluttershy.

Fluttershy and Discord got closer to one another and they held each others hands, meanwhile the five friends began to step back to give the couple their space.

"Fluttershy," Said Discord. "Are you alright?"

Fluttershy nodded her head to affirm this.

"Discord," Said Fluttershy. "I was so worried about you."

"Do not be concerned for someone like me." Said Discord."I'm a disaster, I cause danger everywhere I go and I'm a threat to those around me."

"That's a lie." Said Fluttershy. "And you know it."

Discord was surprised, Fluttershy was keeping her feelings under control.

"Discord!" Said Fluttershy. "They explained to me everything that had happened! You didn't do anything wrong! You don't have to go!"

"But Fluttershy," Said Discord. "I think everyone would be better off without me."

"That's not true." Said Fluttershy sadly. "I wouldn't be better off without you."

Discord blushed.

"Fluttershy! Don't say that." Said Discord, running his hand down her soft face. "You're so beautiful and perfect, you deserve someone better than me."

"No! That's not true either." Said Fluttershy. "For me there's no one better than you."

"Fluttershy!" Said Discord, impressed.

Discord hugged Fluttershy, Fluttershy's friends only watched the spectacle with excitement.

"I love you Discord." Said Fluttershy. "It hurts me a lot to not be with you."

"Oh Fluttershy." Said Discord embracing Fluttershy. "I love you more than chaos and chocolate milk combined."

Fluttershy giggled softly as she hugged Discord.

"Oh Discord." Said Fluttershy. "Always so funny and full of surprises, I missed your charisma."

Then they stopped hugging and looked into each others eyes, the look in their eyes shined like the light of day.

"Dearest Fluttershy," Said Discord. "I love you more than my own life!"

Twilight and her friends watched the corniness from the happy couple.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Said the five girls sighing, including Rainbow Dash.

Discord looked at Fluttershy's six friends and they looked at Discord happily, they all were smiling and giving him two thumbs up in approval. Except Rainbow Dash, she was holding a small sign that read:

"If you hurt Fluttershy, we'll make cupcakes out of you. IS THAT CLEAR?"

Discord didn't really like the threatening sign but he didn't care he was finally with the girl that he loved.

Discord and Fluttershy smiled. They couldn't stop looking into each other's eyes, they didn't hesitate and they moved their lips closer together and they kissed.

The other girls were surprised and could not stop looking at the happy couple.

"How exciting!" Said Pinkie, sobbing. "They're kissing."

"Shhh! Pinkie. You'll ruin the moment." Said Rarity

Discord and Fluttershy were enjoying their second kiss when.....

"Get away from her!" Yelled Big Mac angrily approaching them. "Ya sick mental patient!"

Startled by the sudden yell, Fluttershy and Discord stopped kissing, not knowing what was going on.

The kiss was interrupted by Big Mac who was standing a few meters away from Fluttershy and Discord. Big Mac wasn't alone. he was with Flash Sentry, Soarin, Cheese, Caramel and Blueblood.

Fluttershy was scared, she didn't understand what was going on, Discord looked at Flash and Big Mac and he knew that there would be trouble.

"You were supposed to have left already." Said Flash Sentry

"What do you want?" Asked Discord standing in front of Fluttershy protectively, trying to protect her from any possible attack.

Twilight and the rest walked closer to Fluttershy, they were also surprised with what was happening.

"Yer a vicious psycho." Said Big Mac. "Ya don't belong here!"

"Big Mac!" Said Applejack. "What's goin' on?"

"Flash!" Said Twilight. "What's wrong with you?"

"Don't you get it?" Said Flash. "This guy has been nothing but a problem for the school since the day he first got here."

As they continued this discussion, Celestia, Luna and Cadence along with a group of students came to observe what was going on almost right in front of the school, because they were making too much noise or


"Why do you always have to make this public?!" Asked Discord sarcastically. "Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Stop clowning around Discord." Said Soarin. "Leave here at once and never come back!"

"Soarin!" Said Rainbow Dash, annoyed.

"Yeah, get out of here!" Said Cheese. "You're not even funny."

"Cheese!" Said Pinkie.

Although Discord did have a sense of humor, the six boys were starting to really annoy him, making Discord grind his teeth and his dark aura show little by little.

Some of the students watching the conflict were starting to notice that it was getting darker and the sky was getting cloudy, they were scared to see that all of the clouds in the sky were the color pink.

"Enough!" Yelled Celestia trying to calm down the boys. "Stop all this petty fighting or you will all be suspended!"

"Leave them be Celestia." Said Discord, annoyed. "If they want a problem, then they'll get a problem. Besides, we're not in the school, so this is beyond your jurisdiction."

"But.." Said Celestia. "Discord!"

"Don't worry about it princess." Said Discord, snapping his fingers as a muscular warm up. "As a teacher, it's my duty to teach these bozos a lesson."

"Lesson?" Asked Blueblood. "What kind of lesson could a hobo like you teach us?"

Discord got even angrier.

"You're a bunch of idiots!" Said Discord balling his hands into fists. "Even though you have everything, riches, beauty, and comfort, you're all so stupid and egotistical."

The six boys got offended by what Discord had just said.

Twilight noticed that the clouds were covering the sky, the sky began to get even darker and the air was getting colder, upon seeing these drastic changes in the environment.Twilight began to worry and she had a bad

feeling and she suspected that this situation had something to do with Discord's mood. She had to stop this problem before it got worse.

"Boys stop!" Yelled Twilight. "Please! This isn't necessary!"

"Don't be stupid Twilight!" Said Flash angrily. "Don't defend him."

Suddenly, Discord punched Flash Sentry in the face, it wasn't a hard hit but Flash still held his face from where he was hit.

"Ooooh!" Yelled the public.

"Do. Not. Ever. Insult. Her. Or any of my friends." Said Discord through his teeth. "If you're real men then come at me bro!"

Flash Sentry was furious and he was first to attack Discord, but Discord managed to hit him again. Then Big Mac, Cheese, Blueblood, Soarin and Caramel helped Flash in attacking Discord.

Discord made sure that Fluttershy was away so that she wouldn't get hurt.

The six girls along with Cadence, Celestia and Luna could only watched the fight in fear, meanwhile the crowd of students watched the fight excitingly, they were thrilled to watch a street fight.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Yelled the crowd.

"Stop!" Yelled Celestia. "Hold back!"

But none of them were even listening to Celestia's orders.

Although the six boys were attacking him, Discord managed to defend himself, for him this was just a little boy's game, he wasn't even taking the fight seriously.

Nonetheless, because of a brief distraction and a great deal of confidence, Big Mac managed to attack him from behind, he managed to hold Discord down by pinning his arms to his back and pinning Discord to the

ground, keeping him from being able to move. The rest of the boys took advantage of this and began to hit Discord, Discord could feel the hits and all this did was make him angrier.

Celestia gravely watched the whole thing unfurl, and in that instant, she remembered what happened earlier with the wall, when they made Discord mad.

"Girls!" Said Celestia. "We have to stop them. This won't end well!"

Fluttershy watched in fear as they hit Discord, without hesitation, Fluttershy ran over to try to help him.

"Fluttershy!" Yelled Rainbow Dash before she could run over and stop her. "No!"

Fluttershy managed to get behind Big Mac, she tried to stop him, desperately wanting to help Discord but Big Mac accidentally hit her in the face with his elbow, causing her to fall to the ground unconscious.

"FLUTTERSHY!" Yelled her friends.

Big Mac saw Fluttershy lying on the ground, he was scared and ashamed of his actions, he unconsciously let go of Discord and he took a few steps back.

Discord took notice of what happened to Fluttersy and he walked over to her to help her.

Flash and the rest stopped too and they also took a few steps back upon seeing the girl lying on the ground.

"Oh my God!" Said Soarin. "What have we done?"

"No!" Said Big Mac, with fear present in his voice. "Fluttershy, please forgive me."

Discord kneeled down next to Fluttershy, Fluttershy was unconscious and lying on the ground, the hit that Big Mac gave her was too strong for her.

Quickly, Twilight and the other girls got closer to help Fluttershy.

Discord felt his heart break in two, seeing Fluttershy suffer, he got up and glared at the six boys who were slowly retreating.

Upon seeing them, Discord's dark aura began to glow bright, never before had Discord been so furious, he glared at them with pure hate. Discord had reached his limit, a black aura was flowing out of his body and

surrounding him.

"Ahhhh!" Yelled Discord furiously. "You damn worms!"

In the sky, the pink clouds were beginning to thunder, and there were strong winds that were blowing all of the sudden.

"You damn little shits!" Yelled Discord. "You'll pay heavily for this!"

Discord began to levitate, five meters off of the ground, his dark aura increased.

Flash and his friends tried to run away in terror.

"Oh God!" Said Flash. "What's going on?"

"Idiots!" Said Rainbow. "You shouldn't have angered him!"

The crowd began to dissolve because of fear. Meanwhile, the girls lifted Fluttershy and began to carry her a safe distance away from Discord; Luna, Celestia and Cadence huddled up with them.

Flash and his friends didn't hesitate to start running away, but Discord noticed this.

"Where are you all going?" Said Discord, crazily. "The party has just begun!"

While Discord controlled the sky, the lightning was beginning to strike at the six boys, trying to keep them from escaping. They all ran for their lives.

The group of girls were scared to see Discord attack Flash and his friends.

Twilight was feeling brave and got closer to Discord in order to distract him and help Flash and his friends escape.

"Discord! Stop this right now!" Said Twilight. "You've done enough already!"

"That's Lord of chaos to you!" Said Discord, looking at Twilight madly.

Discord began to fly five meters in the air.

"Discord!" Said Twilight. 'What's going on with you?"

"I'm no longer Discord!" Yelled Discord. "I am now the master of all chaos and I will soon be king of all of Equestria!"

"Discord!" Yelled Twilight. "You've gone mad!"

"Yes!" Said Discord in between laughs. "And I like it! I'm free at last!"

Suddenly, Discord began to sprout horns from his head, one was blue, the other was white, from his back sprouted a bat wing that was purple and a wing of a pegasus that was blue, finally he sprouted a red dragon tail.

After his transformation, the ground began to shake, some cars and buildings began to levitate, it also began to rain chocolate milk.

"Let the chaos begin!" Yelled Discord lauging maniacally.

In fear, Twilight ran back to her group of friends. They were all scared from seeing Discord's transformation. Meanwhile, Fluttershy began to regain conciousness.

The chaos was just beginning..

♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys liked the fanfic, he apologizes for not uploading them as often as before.

He hopes to make the final chapters soon.

If you liked the fanfic, please leave a comment, constructive criticism and please share it with your friends, it would help him out a lot. Thank you for your attention.