‹ Prequel: All Because Of You



I woke up feeling cold. It must've been like 40 degrees outside or something. I got up and walked downstairs to see my dad making coffee.

"Good morning, Tyler." He said.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Where's Ryan?" He asked.

"Don't know, don't care."

"What do you mean, 'don't know, don't care'" He's your boyfriend and you should care about where he is."

"Why, why should I care about a boy who cheats?" I asked. I felt so pessimistic and it felt good. I smiled on the inside when my dad gasped. He sounded so gay which made me wonder if he was trying to 'fit in'.

"I'm sure it's just a mere misunderstanding." He said.

"Dad, I saw him. I caught him eating Benji's face off. So i kicked him out after he-" I paused. Should I tell him he hit me?

"After he what?" My dad asked.

"Nothing." I said quietly and walked back upstairs to get dressed. I guess it wouldn't hurt to talk to Ryan about it. I put on new jeans, a new shirt, and slipped on my shoes. I walked down the stairs and to the front door.

"Are you going to talk to him?" My dad asked.

"I guess." I said and walked out.

I took a step into the frosted grass. There was a crunch with each step. I took about ten steps before I stopped and looked around. Where could he be? I thought to myself. I decided to turn right and walked all the way around the house. Once I reached my footprints at the front of the house, I thought some more. Maybe he's at Benji's house. I thought and walked left to his house. I knocked on the door and his mom answered.

"Is Ryan here?" I asked.

"No, I thought he was with you." She said.

"Oh, well, he's missing. I just wanted to know if you've seen him. Thanks anyways." I said and walked away. I heard the door close and lock. Where is he?

I decided to go sit on the edge of the cliff to think. Even though it's so far into the woods, I wanted to see what the valley would look like covered in frost.
I walked toward the woods and caught the tree house in the corner of my eye. The picture of them kissing popped in my head and guilt sunk into my body. I should've never been so mean to him.

I'm such an asshole. Ryan comes all the way here to see me and I kick him out for one silly kiss that probably didn't mean anything. It probably wasn't even him who started the kiss! Shit. I've been upset over nothing.

I decided to go back into the tree house to look at the stuff we've written to each other and how much we love each other no matter what. I climbed up the ladder and saw a body lying on the floor of the tree house.

It was Ryan. He was in a fetal position to keep himself warm. I ran over to him and shook him to wake him up but he didn't move. I felt his face which was a little warm. His body temperature must've been around 96. I shook him again a little harder and he moved and groaned.

"Go away." He said with a raspy voice.

"Ryan, please. You have to come inside. You'll freeze out here." I said like nothing had ever happened last night. Ryan slowly opened his eyes and rolled over slowly to see me. He looked down in guilt and I helped him up.

"We have to get back inside." I said and grabbed his cold hand. We walked over to the entrance of the tree house and I climbed down with Ryan above me. My feet touched the ground and I waited for him to slowly climb down, making sure he didn't fall.

Once his feet touched the ground, I grabbed his cold hand again and we walked slowly to the house. We reached the door and I let Ryan go in first and I walked in after him, shutting and locking the door behind us. The warm air hit us like a bat and Ryan collapsed into my arms.

"It's so cold out there." He said quietly, shaking.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was too hard on you last night and I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't be. It was my fault I didn't stop Benji."

"Wait, so Benji started it?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" He asked.

I didn't answer. I just wrapped his arm around my neck and helped him walk to the couch where I piled blankets, on top of blankets, on top of blankets on him. I walked into the kitchen and make two cups of hot chocolate for us and took them into the living room. I gave a cup to him and I kept a cup and sat next to him on the couch.

"So, this whole thing happened because of Benji?" I asked. "You almost died because of Benji? That son of a bitch."

"Tyler, just leave it alone. I just want to stay in here with you." Ryan begged.

"Okay, I'll stay." I said and chugged down my hot chocolate. I set the mug on the side table behind me and let Ryan lean back into me. I wrapped my arms around him and let him sip at his hot beverage. I smiled at the fact I had Ryan in my arms. I got to be the hero and he got to be the saved victim. Usually I was the victim and he helped my like he was Superman or Spiderman but now I got to be Superman.

I did feel like I was a hero. I basically was because if he stayed out here any longer, he'd probably be dead so I saved his life. I kissed the top of his head and found out he'd fallen asleep in my arms. It was so cute. I took his mug and placed it next to mine and wrapped my arms tighter around him and closed my eyes as well. I missed these times when we danced together and played truth or dare and licking walls. I giggled to myself thinking of the first time we met, he was so forward. Now, he's just calm and happy. Almost like he'd gotten exactly what he'd wanted. I got what I wanted, too. And being a hero felt great.