‹ Prequel: All Because Of You



We sat there together and watched the sun set before ourselves and Ryan put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and let my feet dangle from the cliff. It was nice and romantic of him to be here and do this but something was different. Almost like he knew something that I didn't. But I'm sure if he did know something he'd tell me, right?

After the sun set, we got up and walked back home together holding hands. This was the best day of my life. Love feels so...unexplainable but you definitely know when you're in love. And I know I am right now.

"How come I never knew about that cliff before when you still lived here?" I asked.

"Because, maybe you didn't drive in that way. I don't know. I love you." Ryan said and he looked down.

"Ryan, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's go inside. It's getting cold. What is this now? November?"

"Yeah, almost Christmas."

"I'll have to get you a present. How about a dick in a box? Lol." I burst out laughing at his IM language and the whole dick in a box. That was so random.

"Maybe a CD." I said smiling. We walked up to my front door and Ryan opened it and held it open for me, which was something he never did before. What is going on?

"Thanks," I said. "Are you sure everything's okay?"

"Yeah, everything's fine. Don't worry about me." I started getting worried and my wrists started itching. DAMN THOSE CELLS THAT MAKE ITCHY SCABS!

I tried so hard to keep my hand away from my wrist in front of him. But he caught me a few times before he suspected something was wrong.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine," I said quickly. "I don't think I could've ever been better." I smiled a fake smile that totally showed Ryan that I was lying.

"Come here." He pulled my arm and lifted up my sleeve.

"No, don't!" I yelled but it was too late. He had seen the horrible mistake I had made just before the letter arrived.

"What the fuck is this!" He yelled. I knew he was mad at me. I turned my head away from him so he couldn't see the tears falling from my eyes. I was mad with myself too. I sniffled and he heard so he pulled me into him and hugged me. Of course, I hugged back. "I'm sorry, Tyler. I didn't mean to scare you or hurt you. I am so against that. But I'm sure you don't do that anymore, right?" I just nodded my head into his chest and he rested his chin on my head.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"I am, too" I whispered into his chest.

We went upstairs not saying a word or talking about it. I wasn't ready to talk about it anyways so we left it alone. I undressed and got into bed next to Ryan and he slid his arm around me. I wish he knew how protected I feel when he's so close to me. I feel as if I could get away with murder and he'd be right next to me and make everything bad go away. I put my hand over his to show him that I felt comfy and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of something burning. I swear I literally jumped out of bed and flew down the stairs. Ryan was standing at the stove trying to cook.

"I thought the house was burning!" I said breathless.

"Yeah, my scrambled eggs didn't turn out so scrambled. I wanted to make you a surprise breakfast but my sucking cooking woke you up. Dammit." Ryan said and I giggled.

"What's so funny?" He shut off the stove and walked over to me and hugged me.

"Nothing." I giggled again.

"Oh, really?" He started tickling me and I tried to run away but he kept catching me and tickling me.

"Stop, I need to take a shower!" I yelled.

"No you don't!" He tickled me again and I giggled loud to the point where I sounded like a five-year-old. Great. I hate it when this happens. I sound so....cute. He finally let go of me and I ran upstairs. I took my shower and got dressed and did my eyeliner so I looked so pretty and I went back downstairs.

Ryan finished his scrambled eggs and we ate them together along with his burnt pancakes. But a little bit of syrup took the bad taste away. I love syrup...