West Coast High

I didn't ever want to come back down from that west coast rush and summer high.


Ryder looked at the Southern California sky and took in her sunshine, smiling to herself, she made a silent prayer to her mother. Hearing her name being called, she shielded her eyes with her hand in the direction of the voice. When her eyes locked on to familiar faces, she quickly and carefully sprinted towards her second family. Wobbling as she made her way through the grass, she cursed herself for even wearing heels to her graduation.

“Oh honey!” Jenny lunged at the brunette, holding her tight in her arms, swaying her back and forth. “We’re so proud of you! Congratulations, Ry.” Kissing her cheeks, she pulled apart from the young woman standing before her, smiling ear to ear. Jenny had watched Ryder grow up to the bright, strong woman she was. “Your mother is probably jumping up and down in Heaven right about now.”

Ryder blushed, she wasn’t used to having so many people fuss over her. She had received more than enough praise from her professors and peers that she was getting a little embarrassed. Moving some hair from her face that the Californian wind had pushed out of place, she sighed out. “You guys didn’t have to come all the way out here. How long did it take you? I bet the traffic was awful.”

“About seven or eight hours.” Jay shook his head, snorting at her all while pulling her into a side hug. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, champ. You’re practically family and I’d like to attend at least one college graduation.” He snickered as he motioned towards his boys, “One’s in a band, and the others-well-there’s no hope for them.”

She laughed as she hugged the two younger ones, kissing their cheeks, “Thanks for coming, you two.” Ryder giggled as they wiped off their cheeks but told her that they too wouldn’t miss it for the world. After she had finished with them, she looked up at the tall lanky kid covered in tattoos. Her heart fluttered in its place as she slowly walked towards him. Her eyes were locked onto him, not noticing Jenny and the boys wandering off to leave them alone. “John.” She spoke firmly.

John removed his black sunglasses, pushing them up onto his head. “Hey, Ryder.” It was always weird seeing her after a long time of not speaking to one another. But, there was always something comforting in her light brown eyes. It always felt like home.

She chewed on the corner of her lip, looking down at the ground, she softly murmured out. “You came.”

“Like a good man once said, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Ryder’s head snapped up, giving him a tilted look. “Right,” she gave a friendly scoff, “I just figured you’d be off on the road somewhere.”

John closed a little more space between them, smirking. “I made sure I’d be home in time.” Walking a little bit closer to her, he pulled her into him. Squeezing her tight, “I’m proud of you Ry.”

She sighed into him, missing the feeling of just having him against her. “Thanks John.” Pulling apart, she looked up at him, her free hand rising to caress his cheek. “I’ve missed you.” She breathed, almost wishing that she hadn’t said that. It was a never ending cycle between John and her, it was always the same. They’d fall out of touch and then magically reappear in each other’s lives and stay for a little while before losing contact again. They were each other’s addiction, always relapsing when things looked like one was about to move on. Not that Ryder really minded, they’re love wasn’t toxic, it was just more or so never the right time.

“Yeah, I’ve missed you too.” He hugged her again, ignoring his mother off in the distance taking pictures. “You gonna come back home or stay out in the West Coast?”

Looking up at him, she shrugged. “I haven’t thought about it yet. I might stay unless I have a better reason to go back home.”

John smiled, “What if I gave you a million reasons?”
♠ ♠ ♠
BITCHES. I met him. I finally met him.
It only took nine fucking years. And let me tell you....
He's fucking beautiful up close and personal.
Like...I touched him. And he told me that he loved
my Maine tattoo. Score. I can die peacefully.

But, anyway. I've been working on this for awhile.
And since I just met him recently, it sparked up some feels.

P.S. Did you know snapdaddy is back? XD
Follow wearethemaine on snapchat for snapdaddy.