Status: Reconstruction Over. Chapter 1 will remain the same as it's always been. I will continue the story. I want to see this through.

The Calling


After a long day of doing absolutely nothing Theodore returns home famished. He walks into his house which just so happens to be a small tent. Theodore's mother is no where to be found; she seems to be working late, again.
His father is prepping dinner "Pamala, is that you?" He turns and sees Theodore.
"Oh, sorry son" He laughs awkwardly "I thought you were your mother."
Theodore sighs "It's fine dad."
"So what's uh... on the menu tonight?"
"Deer" His father replies.
"Ew you mean deer meat?"
"Yes, I killed it just this morning."
"Why can't we ever eat normal food?"
"By definition of normal, do you mean what the Oracle family eats?"
"Yes dad!"
"No can do son" Theodore's father stands and proudly poses "I take my Yuoip heritage very seriously! It's within my blood and it's in yours too!"
"Now eat!" He serves sauteed deer medallion with a side of green peppers. Theodore eyes the meat with disgust, but he also sees his father's glaring eyes. He decides to take a flavorful bite and just as he suspected it tastes awful. He bites into the chopped-into-pieces green pepper. The spicy hotness that hit his tongue at that very second OH IT HURT HIM SO.
"Dad!" Theodore yells with a mouth full of spiciness "Water!" His father quickly grabs a small traditional glass and fills it to the brim with water. He hands it to Theodore and Theodore chugs it down.
"Dad why did you think this would make a good side?"
"It tastes fine to me son."
Theodore sighs. He stares at a picture frame hanging from the ceiling; there's three people in it: himself, his mother, and his father.
Theodore finishes his food and asks, " Hey uh dad?"
"Yes son?"
"When's mom coming home?"
His father sighs, "Well son, I don't really know..."
"Now off to bed with you Theodore, I'll talk to your mother when she comes home."
"That is if she ever comes home..."
"Alright dad." Theodore crawls into a small corner and readies for bed. He lays down and pulls his furry blanket over him. Hours pass as Theodore sleeps and his father waits. Theodore tosses and turns while a small hanging clock ticks. Finally, quiet footsteps approach the tent at 2 in the morning; followed by a noisy luggage bag. A woman wearing sunglasses and the village garb crawls into the tent. Her hair is an utter mess; one small terribly done ponytail on the right side of her neck and more hair on the left side. She removes a small palm tree earring from her right ear; touching her freckles as she places it onto a small nightstand.
"Arnold!" Pamala says shocked that Arnold's still awake.
"Pamala..." Arnold sighs "Look we have a problem."
"W-what is it?" Pamala looks at Arnold concerned.
"It's Theodore, he needs his mother around; can't you take a job somewhere here in the village?"
"I'd love to, but..."
"But what?!"
"I can't say it." Pamala begins to cry.
A beeping sound radiates from Pamala's cell phone.
"I... I have to go" Pamala leaves the tent dragging her luggage and covering her mouth while tears drip from her face.
"Pamala!" Arnold chases her leaving Theodore alone. Pamala runs into a forest crying with Arnold following close behind. Pamala stops at a large luminescent tree and sits on a log crying her eyes out. Arnold shuffles through poofy bushes arriving at Pamala's location in a flash.
"Pam... please, tell me what's wrong!" Arnold insists. Arnold saunters over to Pamala and slowly sits next to her. He puts one arm over her shoulders.
She cries into his chest, "I don't know how to explain it"
"Did Henry do something again?!" Arnold asks with an angry expression.
"Yes... Arnold he... t-t... touched me."
Arnold looks shocked and enraged at this information.
"It was awful he had such an evil smirk; I thought he'd do more... I was scared Arnold"
"It's over, you're safe now."
"Arnold can you come with me this time and help me face Henry?"
"Of course."
Pamala and Arnold return home and sleep the night away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Man I made such a horrific chapter.... geez. Pamala's character reminds me of myself and also her experience... I had a similar one, but it was less sinister and more safe feeling...? because it was someone I knew, but it was still something I yearn to forget. Welp I hope you enjoyed this chapter thingy. owo