Status: Reconstruction Over. Chapter 1 will remain the same as it's always been. I will continue the story. I want to see this through.

The Calling

Mentality (Part 1)

BONG BONG BONG. The clock tower in the square-shaped town center rings loudly indicating that it's hit noon. A woman with medium length ginger hair in a yellow-striped track suit races by, sweat drips from her forehead as she treads down the pavement. Cars zoom by; all drivers seemed to be focused on the road at least that's what this woman thinks. She jogs to an apartment complex and enters a small office-looking room, a bell rings; it's connected to the top of the door. There's a receptionist desk to the left of the door, a set of stairs and an elevator directly in front of the woman.
"You're back already Pamala, what's the hurry?" The receptionist asks.
"Oh well I figured I'd spend the rest of today in my room, studying for a big exam I have coming up!" Pamala replies wiping sweat from her forehead and pacing back and forth.
"Well I hope you pass that exam." The receptionist smiles.
"See ya Lucile!" Pamala sticks her tongue out while holding up a peace sign and pushes the elevator button for up. The elevator arrives and Pamala walks in. It's a long, silent trip up. Pamala emerges from the elevator and strolls to her room.
"1107, I believe." Pamala walks to her room and busts the door open and holds her hands up high, "YAHTZEE!!!" Pamala quickly realizes this would have been funnier if someone was in her apartment.
She takes a cold shower and quickly begins to study for her final exam. Another tiring day of studying and exercise. SQUEAK. A loud squeaky noise fills Pam's apartment. It's simply her pet mouse, Silver.
Pamala stretches in her desk chair and sighs, "Can't wait for no more school." She puts her folders and papers away into a large handbag, fits herself into footsie pajamas (Hey they never get old and they're cozy), and lays down into her plain, old white-sheeted bed.
"Night Silver."

A chisel-faced young man clad in a brown robe covering up to his neck on both sides and sleeves detached from the robe covering his arms; large, round beads in the form of a necklace cover his neck. He creeps through a bush coughing. He rises having to look back at the ruins of his own village; his family; his friends; his community. Gone. Flames burst out of huts and crops explode in the nearby farming areas.The stars and the flames reflect in his eyes as he laments, The man runs away holding his right arm; it seems to be injured. He runs to a nearby city named Starlit Yonder.

Pamala springs from her bed and lands on the ground, head first into a coaster she left out. For some odd reason the dream she had felt so real, almost as if she's supposed to do something about it. That man... that village... my city... Pamala pondered what it might've meant. She spent a long amount of time pondering about it until she realized she had to get dressed or she'd be late for her final exam. She promptly got dressed, took a shower, fixed her hair into a bun, grabbed her bag and left her room. Pamala hastily bolted out of the building, not noticing Lucile. Pamala frantically looked left and then right. She sighed, unsure why she was so worried. Pamala called over a cab and departed to school. She plugged in her earbuds and gazed off into the distant mountains.
"It's such a beautiful sight," Pamala thought, "I wish I could live there, to be free from the stress of the city." The cab driver stopped abruptly, startling Pamala as she was pulled up from her seat.
She leaned over to talk to the driver, "Why have we-" She was stopped mid sentence, there, right in front of her vision through the windshield stood the man from her dream. He looked exactly the same even with the same injury as well. They gazed at one another for a long while, staring deep into each others eyes.
"Je-" The man tried to say something, but then collapsed in the middle of the street. Pamala attempted to leave the cab, but couldn't budge the door.
"OPEN IT!!!" She roared at the driver. The driver unlocked the door for her and she immediately shoved it open rushing to the man's aid. No one, but her seemed to get out of their cars. They may have been confused about what was happening.
Pamala grabbed the man by his shoulders and shook him, "Wake up!! Come on!! Wake up damn you!!!" Pamala seemed desperate for a man she didn't even know. Why did she feel this way? Why was she acting like this? It was at that moment of anxiety that her heart gave in and she experienced her first heart attack. She held her chest huffing and puffing for air. She fell to her knees frantically waving for help, streams of tears fell from her face and then, she collapsed.
♠ ♠ ♠
((I'm aware of the fact that I provided info on their life already (See Pamala's description) , but this is a chapter going in depth to their meeting and blossom of love.))
What a way to end this chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next? ME NEITHER!! Haahaaa just joking I know what's going to happen.