Status: In progress

Zombie Queen

Chapter 6

Tobias’ P.O.V.
“Well my family and I used to spend time at the lake every summer. My parents, aunt, uncle, and several cousins. One of them dared me to dive through an inner tube. So I did and when I came back up and stood up I was completely nude. My swim trunks disappeared. It was the most embarrassing thing ever any my cousins have never let me live it down.” Rowan was laughing and so was I along with her. Everything about being with her just felt so right. We left and I walked her back to her hotel and before I left we shared another kiss. When I got back Simon asked, “How’d it go Romeo?” “Fine”, I reply. He says, “You kissed her.” I nod and say, “Yeah I did. Everything about her is amazing.” Simon says, “Maybe to make sure you should test how she feels about you.” I ask, “How?” “Well we have another show soon and she said she would go, right?” I nod. “Hit on her dressed as Papa Emeritus and see her reaction. If she resists your advances she really cares about you. Also after that you know you can trust her enough to tell her that’s who you are.” I can’t believe I was considering this, but maybe Simon has a point.

Rowan’s P.O.V.

Tobias is so amazingly sweet. There is something kind of familiar about him. Today I start my new job and I am excited. When I got there the cashier trained me telling me how to run the register and stock new CDs. Soon I had the hang of it and was left on my own. For lunch, I decided to go to the café down the street. I had just gotten my food and heard a voice call my name, “Rowan.” It was Ryan. He asks, “Want to come sit down?” He was with a tall guy with piercings and a lot of tattoos. He says, “Roro this is my bandmate Chris.” Chris says, “Nice to meet you Rowan. Ryan has told us all about you.” I say, “Nice to meet you too.” Ryan asks, “What have you been up to?” I reply, “Not much really. I’m on my lunch break from work right now. The other night I had a date.” Chris asks, “Who with?” “Tobias Forge. He really is one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met.” Ryan says, “Awesome. Ro there’s a Ghost concert in a few days. I was wondering if maybe you would want to go so we could hang out.” “Sure. I have to go now guys, but I’ll see you later.” Then I went back to work.

Ryan’s P.O.V.

Chris says, “She’s cute.” Then I say, “And off limits she’s my cousin.” He throws his hands up I n surrender and says, “Okay dude.” Then I noticed something familiar about the name of the guy she mentioned. “Hmmmmm. I’ve heard the name Tobias Forge before. Find out what you can about him.” Chris nods and we leave. I was going to find out anything I could before I would okay him to date my cousin. I can’t wait till the concert so I can see her again. The night of the concert finally came and I went to pick up Rowan. I ask, “Are you ready?” She nods and we head to the arena. I ask, “Have you ever seen Ghost before?” She replies, “Once right after I got here.” “How did you escape that horrible place?” I asked. “I waited till everyone was asleep then snuck out over the wall. Then before I knew where I was I was hit over the head and attacked. I woke up in the hospital and that’s how I met Tobias, he rescued me.” Maybe he is a good guy if he cared enough to help a stranger. “I’d like to meet him”, I say. Then we were headed to the arena.

Tobias’ P.O.V.

Well it was the night of the show and I was once again Papa Emeritus. I felt kind of dumb for considering to do what I’m about to do, but there is a part of me that needs to know if I can trust Rowan enough to tell her my secret. Our manager came back and said, “It’s time.” Then we were headed to the stage. The crowd’s energy was insane, but there was one face I was hoping to see and as I stepped out there she was. The guys and I went into Deus In Absentia first. I looked out to find Rowan and there was a guy with her. ‘Maybe he’s just a friend’, I thought to myself and hoped it was true. We were approaching the end of our set. After the final song we went backstage and I prepared myself for meeting Rowan as Papa.