Falling in Grace


Things were not always this way. There were better times but these were not those times. Now things are a mess and I should now tell you who I am by now, clearly you have some idea.
My name is Sid, number 0 from the well known heavy metal band Slipknot. Currently we are on tour with a ton of other bands On ozzy. Ozzy rules but the heat gets to me, it is not home. She is not home.

By now I know you are wondering who she is, and I will lay it out like this:
Her name is Katherine. Her and I grew up (kind of) in Iowa. We knew each other since 1999 and I guess you can say the rest is history if you kept up with the metal news around for the last 15 years. I know I have. But if you haven't then let me lay it out for you. We began dating back in 2000, We remained together since 2006. Seven whole years together and one engagement, I proposed in 2004, around march our then to be wedding would have been July 17th 2006. But by March of 2006 she was gone. He showed up and like I said before, within a week they were married. Which brings us to the present day, our to be 10 year wedding anniversary. Since we have been on tour she is unable to look me in the eye without knowing what the date is. I could see the sorrow in her eyes. But she could not possibility know the sorrow held in mine, the pain in my heart or the anger in my voice. For a while it was directed at her, but then it turned to him, knowing that all he had to do is show up that night in late February and in a flash she was gone. He's tall, blue eyed and handsome or so they say, He is just like me same wild and crazy spirit that she saw in me. If you don't know who I am talking about it is none other then Jimmy Sullivan, The rev as he is known also the drummer for Avenged, Our other headlining band.

I have run into Jimmy a few times. I never said a word but he always made an attempt to wave or say hello to me. A few times he would talk to our drummer, Jay. I will never know what she sees in him, some say he is more crazy then me but believe me I have some track record and he has some serious catching up to do if he thinks he can compete with me. The avenged kids are well they aren't kids anymore since them and myself are about two years apart. To the rest of the band yeah they are kids but they are on my level. I have to get along with them for the sake of touring but I can't seem to like it one bit. Not them anyways, they seem inseparable since she does not want to come close to me, or the guys since she's worried about getting too many questions or asked about today's date.

At least she has Mary and Stacy or sometimes Steph to keep her away, she will never not speak to them. Tonight was the welcoming barbecue and all bands are around. Some of the kids who just got on ozzy come up to me telling me how they grew up listening to slipknot and shit. Half the time I am not listening cause I am busy looking for her.

"Sullivan" Megan yells our tech person along with Don I could see her whip her head around as she pulls away from his embrace.

I watch them as they begin talking but I cannot read lips so I cannot know whats going on but from the looks of it she seems happy.

"Sid my man what's shaking" Someone says behind me, it is none other then Jimmy. just what I needed.

"Hey Jim not much whats up" I respond dreading having to hear him talk about his wife as I eye his wedding band, it looks similar to the one We were supposed to have. Maybe he picked it out.

The two of us turn away not knowing what to say to one another anymore because fuck we are in love with the same women and I wonder if he knows it.

"See ya later dude" He says before giving me a wave goodbye.

"What the fuck" Mick questions me. I just shake my head.

" I don't even want to know man, he just appeared" I could hear him let out a small laugh.

"For a second their rat boy I could have swore you two were bros. That's too good to be true" he laughs again and I take another sip of my beer.

I must look like a love sick puppy around this damn place since everyone thinks I am one, or they all must notice I am In love with someone. I wonder if the rest of avenged even know whats going on, fuck lets hope not.

"Mick dude where's stace" She yells coming over. I look like a deer in headlights but I need to pull it together, I can see her glace over at me and look away quickly.

Mick points left and she goes in that direction, He turns back to me giving me a famous Mick stare.

"You need to drop this, how long has it been since you admitted it to Corey you love her" he questions me.

I know he is right, I can't just drop her.

"Awhile" I shrug.

I Make my way back to the buses trying to just get away from everyone. I am not in the mood to talk, not in the mood to hear how kids think I am their fucking idol. I don't want to hear anything but her voice. Like that will ever happen.

"Sid" I turn to my right and she is looking at me dead in the eye.

"What" I spit cold. Still not in the mood although she looks drop dead gorgeous.

"I wanted to make sure your okay, you didn't seem like yourself tonight and well that's not like you" She says softly. fuck

"I am fine Kat just go away, don't you have something to do"

"Nope, I have all night" She responds.

I reach my bus and want to shake her off, how could I admit such a personal thing now?

"Goodnight Katherine" I turn my back to her expecting her to be gone already but no, she is still there.

"I know what's going on, you do not have to fucking hide, I have known you for too long. It can't be possible. What happened is over and well, I want nothing more then to be a roadie form you. Stop moping over me. I am not coming back" she says with a tone.

"Good to know Kat good to know. I could see the look in your eyes, your lying to yourself too. We never left each others heart. Although you try so hard to forget I existed in there" I yell.

"Fuck you Wilson, Your not apart of me, you where at one point but its done now. It's over. Once this tour is done your done" she spats and walks away.

This is only the beginning. The real match is just coming around the corner and I hope her and Jimmy are ready since I am ready for a fight.