We Could Be Something

81: We’re Going To Need A Name

Wrinkling her nose, Adriana tossed onto her side, a small groan falling out of her mouth as she peeked towards the alarm clock which stood on the nightstand. It was early, a little past 4 in the morning, but with a strong wave of pain pulling through her, she doubted that she would be able to fall back to sleep, even if she wanted to. It had been a little while, after she and Iker had gotten back together, a few weeks had passed, and Adriana had to admit that she was pleased by how things were going, even if she knew that they had to talk eventually, she was pleased by how calm and settled things felt.

Sparing a yawn into her hand, she spared another glance towards the clock before she sat up, swinging her feet out from beneath the duvet. Sparing a small look towards Iker who slept soundly at her side, she shook her head before she moved to stand up, pausing a little at the warm sensation which spilled down her legs. Blinking, she shifted her hand across the material of her pajama shorts before she let out a small squeak. “Now?” she squeaked.

Iker stirred at the sound of Adriana’s voice before he blinked his eyes open. “Addie?” he mumbled sleepily.

Adriana, who’d been checking the front of her shorts, jumped a little at the sound of his voice before she lifted her head. “I think we might need to get dressed” she babbled softly.

Iker, who’d moved to snuggle a little closer to his pillow, blinked a couple of times before he tilted his head. “It’s four in the morning, nena” he mumbled “Why don’t you just come back to bed and try and get some more sleep?” he added, yawning into his hand.

Adriana admired the sleepy expression on his face for a couple of seconds before she shook her head. “I don’t think that that is an option” she noted softly “You see, my waters sort of broke” she added, offering him an impish smile.

Iker paused for a second, mulling over her words before he sat up. “What?” he posed.

“My waters broke” Adriana repeated softly “And that means we ought to…”

“We need to get moving” Iker interjected before he pushed himself to his feet, moving to collect the first items of clothing that he could get his hands on.

Adriana watched him rush around the room for a couple of seconds before she stepped towards him, capturing his hand in hers. “Iker, we’ve got time” she giggled softly “The contractions are still a couple of minutes apart. I am not about to have the baby right here and right now” she added softly.

Iker offered her a dubious look, wordlessly enquiring if she was sure, before he nodded his head, a small smile appearing on his face. “We’re having a baby, Addie” he mused softly, his hand shyly playing with hers.

Adriana watched the movement of his hand for a couple of seconds before she nodded her head, moving to press a soft kiss against his lips.

Iker held onto her for a couple of seconds, enjoying the soft kiss, before he ducked back, offering her a small smile. “I’ll go and get Olivia and the bags and then we can head to the car. Are you going to be OK?” he posed gently.

Adriana nodded her head. “I’ll be fine” she mused softly.

Iker tilted his head, wordlessly enquiring if she was certain, before he nodded his head, moving to step out of the room.

Adriana watched after him for a couple of seconds before she moved to sit down on the bed, her hand gently brushing over her bump. “We’re really excited to meet you, you know” she mumbled softly.

“Where is Olivia?”

Iker, who’d padded into Adriana’s hospital room, jumped a little at the sound her voice before he lifted her head, offering her a small smile. “Your padre just arrived and collected her from me. He’s going to look after her until we get home” he mused, moving to settle in the seat beside Adriana’s bed. It had been a while, since they had arrived at the hospital, nearly 6 hours had passed, and whilst Iker disliked seeing Adriana so uncomfortable, he was pleased that things were moving along quickly.

Adriana nodded her head before she shifted a little, attempting to get a little more comfortable. “Did you get a hold of your parents?” she posed.

“I did” Iker confirmed softly “My madre is already looking up flight information” he added with a small smile.

Adriana offered him another nod before the door swung open, allowing Isla to pad into the room. “I’ve just come by to check on you” she mused softly “How are you feeling?” she added as she padded towards the end of the bed.

“I am doing OK” Adriana mumbled, her hand tightly squeezing Iker’s as another contraction passed over her.

Isla nodded her head a little and proceeded to check Adriana over before she lifted her head, offering the blonde a soft smile. “I think we’re about ready to head towards the delivery room” she mused “Adriana, I will be back in a couple of seconds and then we will take you through to have your baby, OK?” she added, offering her another reassuring grin.

Adriana blinked a couple of times, something which made Iker smile before he leant across, pressing a soft kiss against the side of her head as he mumbled gently to her.

Pushing a hand back through his hair, Iker shifted a little in his seat, his dark eyes watching as the baby’s chest rose and fell quietly. It had been a little while, after Adriana had pushed the baby into the world, the small hospital room had been a hive of activity, but with the newborn’s checks completed and Adriana sleeping soundly, Iker had to admit that he was enjoying quiet. It had been a long day, after Adriana had woken him up in the middle of the night, they had spent hours at the hospital, and Iker was glad for a bit of peace and quiet, even if he knew that it wouldn’t last. He was grateful for a couple of seconds of calm.

Shaking his head a little, he spared another look down towards the baby before he quirked a small smile, carefully moving to lift the infant against his chest.

“How is bump doing?”

Iker, who’d been watching the baby, jumped a little at the sound of Adriana’s voice before he lifted his head, offering her a small smile. “I think we’re probably going to have to come up with an actual name, you know” he teased softly.

Adriana, who was still rested against her pillow, rolled her eyes playfully before she shifted a little, making room for him at her side. “You know what I meant” she quipped.

Iker offered her another grin before he sat down on the edge of the bed, carefully settling the baby in Adriana’s arms. “Bump’s still perfect” he enthused softly, pressing a light kiss against her temple.

Adriana’s cheeks warmed a little before she flicked her attention down towards the baby. “He is pretty amazing, isn’t he?” she quipped.

Iker chuckled a little before he nodded his head, moving to press a soft kiss against the top of the little boy’s head.
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Thanks to FootieJo and Jayme112234 for the comments :)