

I sighed. Amanda’s mom was waiting when I got downstairs with Minnie. Minnie ran up and licked Kari as I poured the right amount of dog food into the bowl Jim, Sr. brought me.

“Is she okay?” Kari asked and I nodded, sitting across from her at the dining room table.

Trent was making dinner and I ran a hand through my hair.

“Maybe….” I sighed and struggled with my words. “Maybe I should break up with her.”

Kari, who was helping Trent, slammed the plate on the counter. Trent looked nervous as she rounded on me.

“Don’t you dare,” she hissed. “I know you care a lot about her.”

“But if it’s going to cause this much damage,” I began.

She shook her head. “No, Cameron. Don’t. You’re the best thing to happen to Amanda since she got her high school diploma.”

When I didn’t look convinced, she sat beside me and put a hand on my shoulder.

“Do you really want to break up with her?” she asked.

“Of course I don’t,” I said. I shook my head, though. “If Jim’s really going to-”

“Ignore my son,” she interrupted. “Jimmy’s talking to him now.”

“Kari, I know a serious threat when I see one,” I said, looking her in the eyes. She sighed. “I’m not going to be responsible for your family being ripped apart.”

To my surprise, Trent smacked me upside the head with a spatula.

“What the hell!?”

“Don’t be an idiot,” he snapped. “It’s not your fault.”

“I knew this was coming,” Kari admitted.

“What do you mean?”

“Ever since Amanda moved back home, he’s been on tenterhooks. Frankly, I’m surprised he hasn’t said this sooner.”

“What are you going to do?” I whispered.

She sighed again and pet Minnie. “That’s why I’m here. I know Jimmy asked if she can stay for a few days but….”

“You want her to move in with me,” I said and she nodded. “Why?”

She smiled gently at me. “You make her happier than we do.”

“That’s not true,” I said immediately. “You’re her parents. She loves you.”

“We’re the two people that allowed her brother do this to her,” she said, her voice sad and guilty. “All of this could have been avoided if Jimmy and I hadn’t been so worried about losing them. When we lost Amanda, we promised ourselves we would never let that happen again.” She cried a little. “But it still happened. It’s hard for a mother to admit when she’s failed her child but that’s what I’ve done. I don’t want to lose her again, Cameron. I don’t want to lose my son, either.”

I rubbed my eyes. “Kari, I care about your daughter more than I thought I would,” I said. “But are you sure this is what is best for her? I mean, I didn’t tell her what Jim said, but I know we’re going to have to tell her soon. With all due respect, she may see this as you choosing Jim over her.”

She swallowed and Trent passed her some tissues.

“It’s the only thing I can think of to do right now,” she whispered. “It-It doesn’t have to be permanent. If Amanda walks back into our house even a month after all this, it could spark it all again.”

I looked at Trent. I remembered him telling me not to get involved in their family but Jim had taken things to a completely different level. To my shock, Trent nodded.

“All right,” I said. “But I want you to be the one to explain it.” She cried some more and I put my arm around her shoulders. “She needs to hear it from you, Kari, not me.”

“I agree,” she whispered. “Thank you. Can Jimmy and I still join you for dinner?”

“Of course,” I said. “Go get him while we finish up.”

As soon as Kari left, I put my head in my hands and groaned.

“What the fuck did I just agree to?” I asked Trent.

“You agreed to making sure your girlfriend stays happy and healthy,” he answered. “Get in here and help with the rice, why don’t you?”

I looked up the stairs. “But you said-”

“That’s before I knew,” he said. “Have you told her Jim, Sr. told us?”

I shook my head quickly. “No. I don’t want to.”

He frowned. “Why not?”

I waited for the water to boil. “Because that’s something she should have told me. I mean, it explains a shit load, but I feel like I’ve betrayed her trust by knowing.”

Trent shook his head. “No, Cam. Now go wake her up. Dinner’s almost done.”

I nodded and went upstairs. I opened my door and cringed inside.

Amanda was sitting at my desk, her arms crossed. She looked both angry and sad. I shut the door and sighed.

“I was going to tell you,” I began.

“He told you about Nick?” she asked in a quiet voice.

That scared me more than her yelling.

“Yeah, he did,” I said. I leaned against the desk beside her. “Shortly before I asked you to be my girlfriend, your brother paid a visit.” She frowned. “Basically, he told me to back off or he’d make my life hell.”

Her arms began to uncross.

“He was-?”

“Looking out for you, yeah,” I nodded. “After the fight, I told your dad. He said it couldn’t wait any longer.” I looked at the bed, remembering how badly I wanted her. That wasn’t going to happen now. “I’m assuming you also heard that-”

“That you want to break up with me, yes.”

Her tone was icy and I shook my head.

“No, Amanda, I don’t want to break up with you.”

“Then why did you say that?” she demanded.

“Because I don’t want to be the reason your brother leaves your parents!” I said then shut my mouth.


“What do you mean?” she asked.

I groaned and rubbed my eyes. “Not me, Amanda. Your parents are here for dinner. I’ll let them tell you. Look, I still want to be with you. Very badly. Nothing will change that. Frankly, I figured you’d want to break up after all this.”

“Because my brother tried to beat you up?” she asked.

“Yeah, pretty much.”

She sighed and pressed her forehead to my side. I ran my hand through her hair, waiting for her to speak first.

“What’s for dinner?”

I smiled and helped her to her feet. Before we went downstairs, I kissed her and she held onto me tightly.


Dinner was quiet for the most part. I wasn’t sure where her brother was and I didn’t care. I looked at the knuckles on my right hand. They were bruised slightly and I sighed, thinking again about the guy at the funeral. I needed to make sure that never happened again.

“So,” Kari said, shifting a little. “I’ve been talking with Cameron and-”

“I know,” she interrupted. “I heard.” Kari looked scared. “If-If he’s willing, yeah I’ll stay here. But you have to tell me what Jim said.”

Trent and I got to our feet, leaving them to talk. I put the left overs away while Trent did the dishes. Not long after, I heard Amanda crying.

“It’ll be all right,” Trent said.

“I know Kari says I make her happy, but I don’t feel like I do,” I told him.

We both leaned against the counter, crossing our arms at the same time. We laughed quietly. We really did act like twins even though he was older than me.

“I think you do,” he said. “There’s just a lot of heart break going on today, okay? Once everything settles down, take her out for a nice dinner or make one for her. Do something special.”

I nodded as the kitchen door opened. Amanda threw herself into my arms and I sighed, holding her tightly. She sobbed and poor Minnie looked stressed. I shut my eyes and remembered the conversation with Jim, Sr.

“He’s… he’s mad,” he mumbled as I put Amanda in my bed carefully.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to hit him. I just got so mad.”

“Can she stay here for a few days?” he asked and I nodded. “There’s something else.” I followed him downstairs. “He’s given Kari and I an ultimatum.”

I frowned. “What kind?”

“In short? Him or Amanda.”

I groaned. “Why does he hate her so much, Jim?”

Trent sat down with us and Jim sighed.

“We told you that Amanda dated his friend in high school,” he said and I nodded. “Well, his friend raped Amanda after prom.”

“Jesus Christ,” Trent and I said in unison.

“She told Jim but he didn’t believe her. His friend, though, was boasting about it. Jim thought it was funny because his friend was trying to lose his virginity and he finally got to.” He shook his head. “I called the cops as soon as I found out. That’s when it all began. Jim got mad because his friend was in jail and blamed Amanda for it. Amanda got mad because Jim didn’t stick up for her; in fact, he patted his friend on the back for doing it.”

“I’m so sorry,” I said.

“The point is, Amanda has a lot of pain,” he said. “But she’s turned that pain into beauty. She needs someone to keep her safe and-and I can’t.”

Trent comforted him as he cried and I did my best not to run across the street and hit Jim again.

Amanda stepped out of my hug then hugged Trent briefly. Trent went to the dining room where Kari and Jim were still talking. I frowned in confusion as Amanda went through my pantry.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Making brownies,” she mumbled and I smiled, kissing her briefly. “Want to help?”

I grinned. “Sure.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been so long! I've been crazy busy with work and I'm being published! Anyway, I'll have more posted tomorrow.