Status: Update when I can

I Rachel, Take the Malvagio

Dressed in black


By the end of July I was working my way through the CNA classes and Malvagio still bought me dinner 3 times a week. While he did finally open up about his fiance, he seemed secretive about something else. His father would speak to him privately in pure Italian so I couldn't understand what they were saying. I would try to listen and remember words so I could look them up but they would speak so fast it sounded like a baby blabbering.

Their discussion would always end with Dante yelling, stomping his feet, and storming off. Every time I asked Malvagio if I was getting him in trouble and he would just shake his head and tell me not to worry about it in his thick Italian accent.

The thing that made my whole life shift happened on August 2nd. I was punching in an order for a customer when I heard Dante screaming in the kitchen. Then I heard Malvagio’s voice speaking in Italian again. What ever was going on, it was turning them into raging Italians.

“Hai settimana.” Dante pointed at Malvagio.

Dante’s hair looked sloppy and his white button up shirt looked wrinkled. Malvagio didn't reply to whatever his father just said to him. Instead he let out a sigh and looked down to the floor.

“Hai Trovato un?” Dante kept pressing his son.

Malvagio looked back up at his father and he nodded his head. “Rachel.”

When he said my name I turned and walked over to the bar, praying that I wasn't in any trouble. Our bartender was packing up the bar because the restaurant was closing early tonight. Dante Bambino had broke the news to me at the beginning of my shift. After declaring that there was no extra help needed at the bar I decided to check on the customer's food. Dante had moved his conversation with his son somewhere else which set me at ease. I picked up the two big hot plates and turned around only to get rammed by someone. The plates practically leaped out of my hands and the food fell onto the floor. The glass plates shattered at my feet as I looked to see a beautiful unrecognizable woman. She was wearing this long elegant dark blue dress that went all the way to the floor. Her dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and her blue eyes glared daggers at me.

“Oh my God, I am so sorry. I didn't even know you were right behind me. I swear if I knew you were there-”

The woman's hard glare soften up as her red lips curved into a smile. “Americano.” She had a beautiful voice covered by an Italian accent.

I didn't know Italian but I was pretty sure she just said ‘American’ to me.

“Yes, I'm American.”

I replied politely as I sunk to the floor and began gathering up all the broken shards of plates. She kept her smile on her face but it looked like a light bulb went off in her head.

“Rachel, what are you doing? Off the floor. Theresa can clean that up.” Malvagio’s voice made me jump.

“Ma, why is she cleaning this up?” He asked.

I swallowed the lump that clogged my throat. Did I hear Malvagio right? Did I just bump into his mother? It certainly would make sense with the whole intimidating Italian thing. At that moment I was so embarrassed by myself I wanted to disappear into thin air. My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

“Um, it's my fault. I bumped into your mother and dropped the food. I'm so sorry, you can just take this out of my tips.” I stood up with the broken glass in my hands.

“Nonsense. It was clearly my fault. I snuck up on her looking for you and your father.” The beautiful Italian woman replied.

I threw away the glass shards and tried to find a broom to pick up the food but Malvagio grabbed my wrist. Our eyes connected and chills ran down my spine.

“Rachel, I said you no clean it up. Now please let me introduce you to my mother.” His words could have made me melt at his feet if he wanted me too.

I wiped my palms on my black apron, nervous.

“Rachel this is my mother, Angie. Momma, this is my good friend Rachel. Everyone loves her around here.” Malvagio introduced us.

“Nice to meet you.” I waved my hand at her in attempt not to shake her hand because my palms were dirty with food residue.

“Nice to meet you too. Now if you don't mind I need a minute alone with my son. Here take these to the customers.” She handed me plates that were full of food.

I didn't say another word to her. I just nodded my head and grabbed the plates from her as she asked. Angie already began talking to Malvagio in Italian before I could even leave the kitchen.

“Hai Trovato un?” Angie asked.

“Si. Ho Trovato Rachel. Voglio sposarla.” Malvagio replied.

There was my name again. I stepped out of the kitchen and stood beside the door. Why was I suddenly a topic of discussion for the Italians? And why couldn't they say anything in English?

“Lei e’ molto bella.” Angie commented. “Lei fara buona mogile si?”

“Si.” Malvagio replied. “Solo aiutare Papa sgombrare ristorante. Ho bisogno di parlare con lei da solo.”

I forced myself away from the doors and returned to one of my tables before their food got cold. Even though I heard my name mentioned I felt like I shouldn't have been listening in other people's conversation. I was always taught to mind my own business and that was exactly what I was going to do.

My customers sat at a round table and waited patiently for me to deliver their food. They both looked to be in their upper 20s. The man had thick full dark brown hair that was slicked back all the way behind his ears. He had these beautiful steel blue eyes and was dressed in a pair black jeans with a white wife beater. The girl had raven black hair that fell to her shoulders and her eyes were dark brown like a lot of people around the restaurant. She had pretty pink lips that looked enticing and plump. She was wearing blue jean shorts with a matching denim vest that hid some torn up black shirt. She kind of reminded me of Joan Jett.

“Sorry for the wait, there was a crazy incident in the kitchen.” I placed the plates in front of them.

The man looked at the woman with a smile before turning to me. “Rachel, you're an American, yes?” He asked.

I nodded my head. “Yes, the only one working here actually.” I answered.

“Ho detto che c’era un Americano qui.” The man turned to the woman.

She smiled and pointed a thumb at me. “Problema buon Malvagio e’ risolto.”

“Is everything okay?.” I asked as I brought my eyes to the man again.
“Yes. Everything is just fine. My name is Donnie by the way.” He held his hand out.

I shook his hand with my clean hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“And I am Sabrina.” The girl held her hand out to.

I shook her hand to and smiled politely. As I leaned more towards the girl I noticed Donnie's eyes went from my chest all the way down to my bare legs. It happened a lot working in the restaurant but some reason his gaze made me fidget.

“Rachel, I seen you had the pleasure of meeting my siblings.” Malvagio's voice made me jump yet again.

“Siblings?” I asked as I turned to Malvagio.

Like always he was dressed well in a black button up shirt with short sleeves and a pair of black slacks. I honestly wanted to ask if there was a family reunion going on but decided to just keep my mouth shut. Malvagio already didn't look happy for some reason and I was not looking to push the “you're fired” button. I looked at the three Italians and I saw how they could be related. Especially the girl. She looked like the mother, Angie but had Dante's dark brown eyes. The two boys looked like Dante but Donnie had the same cold blue eyes as the mother. Siblings indeed.

“Wow. You all look so much alike.” I commented.

Malvagio started to glare at Donnie and I suddenly got the feeling that they weren't supposed to be here. Or maybe I wasn't supposed to be their waitress. Whatever it was caused a thick tension to lure in the room like a fog.

“Cosa stai facendo qui?” Malvagio practically growled.

Donnie stood up. “Sono venuto a vedere l’ americano.” He brought those eyes to me and he smiled. I noticed a small scar just on the right side of his face. It curved almost like a big dimple. From far away you wouldn't have been able to tell but up close it was definitely a scar. “Lei e’ molto bella.”

What ever he said caused Malvagio to wrap an arm around my waist as if he was a jealous boyfriend. The two boys stared at each other again.

“Entrambi si lasciano!”

Malvagio spoke between clenched teeth. His brother looked down at me and sent me a flirtatious wink before walking around me. Sabrina stood up, fixing her denim jacket before giving me a smile and following Donnie. As soon as they were gone Malvagio released his hold on me and sighed.

“Is everything alright?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Malvagio tugged on the collar of his shirt as if he was feeling claustrophobic. His dark brown eyes searched my face. Pure stress was stretched all over his face. Something was bothering him bad.

“Yeah, can I talk to you real quick? We can sit at the bar and have a few drinks. Theresa will take care of your customers and it will be just us.” Malvagio requested.

I nodded my head and we both sat at the bar. The bartender had already closed the bar so Malvagio grabbed two pint size glasses and began making drinks.

“Is Vodka and cranberry good for you?” He asked.

I never really drank much and I hadn't tried that one before so I just nodded my head and held onto the pint glass. Malvagio stayed behind the bar, leaned on the black marble top and let out a frustrated sigh. He drank his drink in one gulp and looked around. The restaurant thinned out and eventually everyone was gone.

“What's troubling you? I know something's wrong so why don't you just tell me?” I asked as I folded my arms over my chest.

“I got big problems, Rachel.” Malvagio replied.

I took a sip of the vodka and cranberry. It wasn't too bad but man was it strong. I tried my best not to wince at the taste.

“Immigration coming for me. My visa is long expired and I don't have time to get a new one. They plan on taking me back to Italy and that is no good because my Dad is not doing good. He wants me to run the restaurant for him. I can't do that in Italy.” He explained.

I felt my heart drop in my gut. Did this mean they were gonna shut down the restaurant? Malvagio was a good friend to me and I didn't want anything happening to him. I would miss him while he was gone.

“When are they coming to pick you up?” I asked.

“Soon. Probably a few days.” He answered as he began making himself another drink.

I only had a few sips of mine but Malvagio topped me off and we continued on with the conversation.

“What about your brother or sister? Can't they run this place while you go to Italy, get another visa and come back?” I suggested.

Malvagio shook his head.

“I could help with anything they would need. I could pick up extra hours and even manage the place if needed. I'm great at multitasking.” I offered.

“Rachel if I get deported I can be gone for over a year. My siblings have their own business to run and kids. They don't need another thing like this hanging on their shoulders.”

I finally finished my drink and slouched on the bar. The alcohol was making my head feel a little fuzzy. I obviously wasn't a drinker. Malvagio poured me a little more but stopped drinking his.

“So what can I do to help? I mean there has to be something and your family has been so nice as to help me so much. If there's anything I can do, I mean anything.”

Malvagio raised his eyebrows. “Anything?” He asked.

“Anything.” I nodded my head.

He scanned my face for a second and reached in his pocket. He pulled out a small black velvet box and placed it on the bar.

“Marry me.”

I looked up at him with glossy eyes and had to swallow my laughter. Was he being serious? I didn't respond to him I just looked at the box. Malvagio reached forward and opened it. My eyes nearly popped out of my skull when I saw how beautiful the engagement ring was. It wasn't your average tear cut or princess cut ring. This thing was shaped just like a rose. It even had a little leaf on the side to make it look realistic.

I never seen such big diamonds before in my life.

“If you marry me immigration can't take me away because I automatically become an American.” He explained.

I looked back up at Malvagio and opened my mouth, speechless. Nothing came out. My mind screamed to say no because he had a fiance in Italy. So what was the right thing to do?

“What about Maria? Isn't she waiting for you to go back to Italy?” I asked.

Malvagio shook his head. “No, she will be okay with this. She already knows and she understands it will be for the best. It is okay to say yes, Rachel.”

I stepped off the barstool and almost stumbled to the floor. Malvagio came out from behind the bar but I stepped away from him.

“I can't marry you.” I shook my head and held my hand up to tell him to stop.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me with concerned eyes.

“You don't want to marry me because we love each other. You want to marry me to stay in the United States. I don't want that. If I marry someone, I want it to be because we are in love.” I explained.

Malvagio stepped back and leaned on the bar. “Is it the ring? I can get you a better one.”

I laughed at his words. He wasn't understanding what I was saying. And how the hell would I need a better ring? That thing was perfect in every way. I was almost tempted to marry him for the ring. And I would have if I didn't have a conscious that was haunting me. In all reality, if I had a fiance I wouldn't want him to marry another girl, I would feel like that was my job.

“Just take me home please. I’ll sleep on it.” I finally spoke again.

Malvagio just nodded his head and picked up the box and shoved it back in his pocket. He gave me a ride home in his Audi but the ride was awkward. Malvagio didn't say a word to me and I assumed me rejecting him had insulted him. Which wasn't my intentions at all.

“Hey, I really hope you don't take it personally. I just couldn't imagine having a fiance that marries another girl in another country.” I tried explaining to Malvagio.

Malvagio pulled the Audi in my driveway and parked the car before turning to me. “I didn't ask Maria to marry me because I want her to be my wife. I did it because she threatened to leave me if I didn't give her a ring.”

Hearing that made me feel sad for my friend. If he wasn't ready to marry then he shouldn't be forced to. So I turned to him and put on a fake smile while I gave him a thumbs-up.

“All the more reason for us not to get married right?” I asked.

Malvagio just stared at me with a serious look. “If she was more like you, Rachel I think I would have already married her.”

His words made my heart pound in my chest. With that Italian accent I found it hard not to drool all over him. So I locked my lips and reminded myself that he still was in a relationship even if he was being forced into the next step.

“This thing with Maria. . . I don't know.” He shook his head.

I looked at him and he looked like he was pouting. Suddenly I felt really bad and I reminded myself that he did a lot to help me out and it only seemed fair to return the favor. I cursed myself and then held out my hand.

“Give me the ring.” I demanded.

Malvagio picked up his head and looked at me with watery brown eyes. “What?” He asked.

“Give me the ring. . . I'll marry you.” I repeated.

Malvagio scanned my face and it got really quiet. He handed me the box with the ring in it.

“Thank you.” He spoke quietly.

A finger tapping on the drivers window made the both of us flinch. Angie lowered her face and as soon as Malvagio rolled his window down she gave off a smile. I felt like a teenage girl getting caught making out with the football player. My heart was racing and I felt like we were in trouble for some reason.

“Malvagio, so nice of you to give her a ride. I'm sorry if I gave you a scare. I was just introducing myself to the neighbors. Your mother, she is very nice.” Angie commented.

I got out of the car and turned to my house. Mom was standing on the porch waving at us. It was hard to see what she wearing in the dark but it looked like she had on some kind of a summer dress. I turned to Angie with a small smile on my face, confused. Why would she introduce herself to the neighbors?

“I'm sure they were all happy to meet you. Are you throwing a fundraiser or something?” I asked.

Angie looked down at Malvagio in the car. “Oh my son didn't tell you? We just moved in today.” She replied.

I felt my jaw drop but made quickly clamped my mouth shut. “Oh, congratulations! I hope you enjoy your new house. We should throw a housewarming party.” I tried sounding excited when really I was nervous.

She smiled. “Actually I just talked to your mother about that. We will be dropping by tomorrow morning. We want you to meet everyone in the family. Donnie says you're a real catch.”

“That's great. We’ll see you then.” I replied.

She waved her fingers at me and headed for the passenger door. I watched the car pull into the blue house next to ours and a lump suddenly formed in my throat. I was terrified.

Temptation just moved next door and I didn't know what to expect next.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait my lovely readers. It's been extremely busy for me working on everything at once. I hope you all liked what you read. Please let me know what you think. Opinions are always welcomed, anyone excited to see what's going to happen next? Translations are down below along with links for the characters. Once again thanks so much for reading

Hai settimana - you have a week

Hai Trovato un - did you find one?

Americano - American

Si. Ho Trovato Rachel. Voglio sposarla - Yes. I found Rachel. I want to marry her

Lei e’ molto bella - she is very beautiful

Lei fara buona mogile si - she will make a good wife yes?

Solo aiutare Papa sgombrare ristorante. Ho bisogno di parlare con lei da solo - Just help Dad clear out the restaurant. I need to speak with her alone

Ho detto che c’era un Americano qui - I told you there was an American here

Problema buon Malvagio e’ risolto. - Good, Malvagio's problem is solved

Cosa stai facendo qui - what are you doing here?

Sono venuto a vedere l’ americano - I've come to see the American

Entrambi si lasciano - both of you leave







Ashley (Rachel's mother)