Truth, Lies and Bitchy Girls

Monday morning. The beginning of the week. The time that Ellen McAvey wishes would never come around. To her, Monday morning was always the beginning of a week of hell. That’s the way it was. You ask why? That’s where I come in. I’m here to tell her story.

Ellen McAvey used to be a bright and bubbly teenager. But that all changed when she went to high school. Her clothes changed. Her personality changed. Her friends changed to the point where she had none at all. Her mother understood none of this and wanted her daughter back. She thought it was just a phase. But it was a phase that would change her life forever.

She started to listen to different music just to fit in. This just caused people to reject her even more. She turned to self harm. Her mother suspected something but never confronted her about it. She couldn’t live with it anymore. She just needed someone to talk to. That’s why she logged onto MySpace.