Cloak and Dagger


Aurelia flopped, most unladlylike, onto her bed on her back. The kitten, who she had named Cel Mic, jumped onto her belly and started to knead her stomach. She giggled and scratched her behind the ears.

“What’s bothering you?” Madeline asked, getting her brush and Aurelia sat back up.

“I am in unfamiliar territory, Maddy,” she sighed. Madeline began to brush her hair as the snow started to fall outside again. “It has been just the two of us for nearly eight years and now….”

“You are wary of having friends,” she said and Aurelia nodded. Madeline smiled. “I want you to have friends, Aurelia; especially ones your age. Are we talking about Rosina?”

“Yes,” she said. “The other day she requested to be friends.”

“I see. Did you enjoy your ride with her?”

“Yes,” she repeated. “We wanted to see how far the path goes but the sun started to fall before we could.”

It was after breakfast and Aurelia was dressing to go on another outdoor walk to find the mother cat. Madeline bundled her hair into a bun and wrapped a scarf around her neck. Before she could put the tiara on, Cel Mic noticed the dangling fabric and jumped for Aurelia’s scarf. She cried out in shock and pain as the kitten scaled her like a mountain until she got to her hair. She and Madeline laughed as the kitten batted at some of the loose hair before settling herself.

“Shoo,” Aurelia said kindly. “I cannot walk with you on my head, silly one.”

Madeline tried to lift her off of Aurelia’s head but the kitten dug her claws in and Aurelia yelped in pain. Before they could come up with another idea, someone knocked.

Madeline opened it a crack.

“Francis,” she said and Aurelia groaned quietly.

Francis couldn’t see her with a kitten on her head! That would be so mortifying!

“I was hoping you and the duchess could join me for a walk on the grounds,” he said as Aurelia looked around desperately for some idea. “I understand she has taken in a new friend and I’ve heard rumors of a cat around the castle.”

“A cat?” Aurelia asked, forgetting about the kitten and opening the door wider.

Francis stared at her then covered his mouth. Aurelia stared back and gasped, her hands flying to the top of her head as if she could hide the kitten from view. A snort escaped Francis then he started to laugh.

“Please forgive me,” he said, gathering himself quickly. “I’ve just never seen something like that before.”

“We cannot get her off,” Aurelia mumbled, her face hot. “We have tried everything.” She cleared her throat. “What does this cat look like?”

“Why don’t we go find out?” he asked, offering his arm.

“I cannot let the others see me like this!” she said in a loud whisper, looking up and down the hall. “I will be a laughing stock!”

Francis looked thoughtful.

“Do you have a warm hat?” he asked and she shook her head, causing the cat to sway. “Wait here.”

Aurelia nibbled her lower lip, looking at Madeline. To her surprise, the old woman was laughing quietly.

“And what is so humorous?” Aurelia demanded, crossing her arms.

“You are,” she said. “Calm down, Elia.”

“This is most embarrassing,” she muttered. “Oh, what must he think of me?”

Footsteps announced his arrival and she turned back around. He was holding a loose cap and put it so it covered the kitten but nestled comfortably on Aurelia’s head. It even left her tiara out in the open.

“I suppose it’s a good thing it’s cold,” he said. “Perfect excuse.”

Aurelia smiled shyly. “Thank you. Where did you get this?”

He offered his arm again and this time she took it. On her head, the kitten was meowing and moving about a little. Finally, she settled as they were descending the stairs. People waved to them and they waved back, Aurelia paranoid about the kitten on her head.

As soon as they walked outside, the kitten started meowing again.

“She is probably cold, the poor thing,” Aurelia said.

She let go of his arm to wrap the kitten in the hat and managed to get her off of her head. She giggled as the hat seemed to vibrate once the kitten was comfortable and started to purr.

“What did you name her?” Francis asked as they made their way to the fountain.

“Cel Mic for now,” she answered. “In my father’s native tongue it means ‘little one’.”

“An appropriate name,” he nodded. “Now, let’s see if we can find that mother cat.”

The three of them wandered among the bushes by the fountain and Aurelia made cooing noises. As time went on, though, she was losing hope. Perhaps the rumors were false….

“I do not think we will ever find her,” Aurelia said in dismay. “She has probably moved on with her other kittens.”

“Well, you can take care of her,” he suggested. “Isn’t that what you’ve been doing?”

“I suppose,” she said. “It just breaks my heart that she has lost her mother.”

Against her will, tears popped into Aurelia’s eyes and she turned from Francis. Madeline hugged her briefly.

“It is sad,” Francis agreed in a quiet voice. “But that doesn’t mean she can’t have another.”

Aurelia smiled at him. Their eyes met and, for a brief moment, she forgot Madeline was with them. He held her hand. It was shattered, though, by loud laughter and they looked over.

“I’m glad I finally found you,” King Harrington said and Francis quickly let go of Aurelia’s hand. “You weren’t at the hunting party, young Francis.” He beamed when he saw him standing with Aurelia. “I can see why! Are you looking for the mother cat again?”

Aurelia sighed. “Yes. And, again, we have not found her. We think she has gone for the winter.”

“What a shame,” he said. “You may keep her if you’d like.”

“Thank you,” Aurelia said happily. “Thank you very much!”

“Of course. Now come along, Francis. That was our last hunting party and I want you to be there as we take care of the animals.”

“Take care of them?” Aurelia asked nervously.

He smiled. “Oh, nothing for you to think of, young Duchess. Perhaps you could go and wrap those gifts?”

Suddenly, the kitten jumped out of the hat and clung to Aurelia’s scarf, meowing desperately.

“We should go inside,” Madeline suggested.

They all agreed and quickly went inside. The king steered Francis into another room and Aurelia and Madeline took the kitten to her room again. When the door was shut she looked at Madeline with wide eyes.

“He skipped the hunting party,” she whispered, “to go on a walk with me. Oh, we should apologize to the king!”

Madeline laughed. “No we don’t,” she said.

“Why not?” Aurelia asked. “It is our fault that-”

“No it’s not,” Madeline said, taking the kitten to the bed and the kitten curled up on her pillow. “Francis made his own choice.”

“I wonder where he got this hat,” Aurelia said, looking at it. “We should wash it first, though. It is covered in cat hair.”

“Then let’s go down to where they wash the clothes,” Madeline said. “Or we can have someone do it for you.”

“No, I would like to do it,” she said quickly. “It is my reason the hat is dirty.”

Madeline looked ready to argue but she didn’t stop the duchess, knowing it was pointless. The servants refused to let Aurelia clean the hat so she grudgingly went up to the gift wrapping room. When they got to the room, Rosina waved her arm enthusiastically and Aurelia and Madeline went to join her.

“Did you make good use of my hat?” she asked.

“It was yours?” Aurelia asked. “Oh, yes thank you! It is being washed now.”

“Why? Surely it was just some cat hair.”

Aurelia felt embarrassed but didn’t have a chance to answer as the servants brought in the gifts and wrapping paper. For a while, no one spoke. They were given chairs to sit upon and Aurelia smiled. She began to hum a carol and the other women soon joined in.

“You know, this is more enjoyable than I thought it would be,” Rosina said as Aurelia passed her the scissors she, Madeline, and Aurelia were sharing. “I honestly didn’t think it would be worth it.”

“Worth what?” she asked, tilting her head.

“Nothing,” Rosina said quickly. Her cheeks were pink and Aurelia knew she was keeping something secret. “But would you like to come to my room with me when we’re done? I have a new dress and I would like some advice on it.”

“Certainly,” Aurelia said happily.

“I need to rest,” Madeline said and Aurelia hesitated.

When Madeline winked, she understood and her sense of nerves increased as her lady went down the hall. Aurelia followed after Rosina and was stopped by a servant with the hat.

“Why did you need it?” Rosina asked. “Francis didn’t say.”

“The kitten would not leave the top of my head,” she said and Rosina laughed. “Why do you have a new dress?”

“I felt like it was time to get one,” Rosina shrugged and got it from the walk in closet.

It was deep purple and looked beautiful. Aurelia helped her into it and nodded.

“You look gorgeous,” Aurelia said. “I do not know why you were worried.”

Rosina smiled nervously. “I’m not used to this, that’s all.”
Aurelia smiled back then tugged on her loose hair.

“Er…. May I ask you something?” she breathed and Rosina nodded, changing back into her normal gown. “Today, Francis held my hand. Could it be that he…?”

Rosina tilted her head this time. “We haven’t had a chance to speak lately,” she said. “I can ask him, though.” Aurelia was about to decline but Rosina interrupted her. “It would be a good chance for the two of us to bury that stupid hatchet.”

Aurelia rubbed her neck. “I just hope he does not realize I have asked you.”

Rosina linked their arms. “Of course he won’t. Now, let’s go get Madeline for dinner.”
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We'll be going on a brief hiatus as we both get used to different changes in our personal lives. But we will be back soon!