Status: Art is a metaphor. I used this definition to bring out the excitement of romance.


Colours (Part 3)

[Scene 27]

(At Joey's place)

JOEY - (On his bed) (narrating) I can't believe she's leaving me. It all happened very quickly. It was just the start to a perfect life for me, and does it have to end already? like they always say: time flies when you're having fun. I've had my fun, or have I? I have her number, and she has mine. We're friends now and um....what more can I say?

(phone rings)

JOEY - (On the phone) H-Hello?

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) It's me, Samantha.

JOEY - (On the phone) O-Oh um...hi!

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Just one last favour. If you could make copies of my full physique portrait and get it on sale, it'll be great. Glamor can get a glimpse of it.

JOEY - (On the phone) O-Okay, sure.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Thank you so much, Joey! love you! bye! (drops the call).

JOEY - (Shocked) L-Love you? (drops on his bed, in joy) S-She said it, she said it!!

(He gets down to work, creating copies of her full physique portraits)

[Scene 28]

(A week later, they are in the market)

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Hello?

M. SUPERVISOR 1 - (On the phone) Hi, it's me, the modeling supervisor.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Oh, Hi!

M. SUPERVISOR 1 - (On the phone) Yes, we all got a glimpse of your physique. We're happy to have you join our company.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Thank you so much sir! I-I'm really out for words.

M. SUPERVISOR 1 - (On the phone) We're as excited as you are my dear. When are you coming?

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) I-I'm all packed! I'll be there tomorrow morning.

M. SUPERVISOR 1 - (On the phone) Oh that's great! good to hear. We'll come to pick you up. Till then, bye now.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) B-Bye! (drops the call).

MUM - Well?

SAMANTHA - (Thumbs up).

MUM - Oh that's wonderful dear!


[Scene 29]

(At the Airport)

DAD - Goodbye dear! hope you enjoy yourself there.

MUM - Call us when you reach there.

CHLOE - W-We've had a good run together, babe.

KELLY - I c-can't believe you're leaving!

(Chloe, Kelly, and Samantha hug each other)

SAMANTHA - (In tears) I-I'm going to miss you guys.

PARENTS - (In tears).

JOEY - (Standing all alone, and watching her).

SAMANTHA - And how can I forget the outsider, behind my success!

JOEY - (Stunned).

SAMANTHA - Come here, Joey.

JOEY - (Comes forward).

(They hug)

SAMANTHA - (In tears) T-This was great. First you were just an artist, then a famous artist, and now? I-I'm proud to say you're my friend.

JOEY - (Tears) R-Really?

SAMANTHA - (Tears) A-All I needed, was you. To help me become a model.

JOEY - (Tears of joy) I-I'm really happy for you. I w-wish you all success.

SAMANTHA - Thanks.

ANNOUNCER 1 - Ladies and Gentlemen! Check-in counters for American Airlines, flight AA259 are now closed. Passengers boarding this flight must now head towards Immigration. Thank you.

SAMANTHA - Well, I-I have to go.

MUM - Bye dear! d-do well.

DAD - (Waves bye).

KELLY/CHLOE - Bye, Sammie! a-all the best! keep in touch!

SAMANTHA - (looks back at Joey).

JOEY - (Waves goodbye).

SAMANTHA - (Turns around and leaves).

(Parents, Kelly, and Chloe leave)

(Joey watches her disappear from his sight, in tears. Slowly turns around and walks away)

[Scene 30]

(At a Glamor Runway)

M. ANNOUNCER - Now presenting, our latest fashion design, which will be presented by: Samantha!

(Crowd goes wild)

SAMANTHA - (Walks the runway with class).

(Crowd takes pictures and admire her)

SAMANTHA - (Walks back to her bay).

ZAYN - Hmm....(thinking about her).

M. SUPERVISOR 1 - Good job! fifth runway, and you nailed it.

SAMANTHA - Why, thank you. Where's my PA? I need to ask him something.

M. SUPERVISOR 1 - Coming. PA! for Samantha! right now!

(PA enters)

M. SUPERVISOR 1 - You've done well, Samantha.

SAMANTHA - Thanks.

P. ASSISTANT - What assistance do you require?

SAMANTHA - Just um-

ZAYN - (Breaks in) Hey um...

SAMANTHA - Oh, Zayn! what's up?

ZAYN - Well um...I was just thinking. Coffee?


ZAYN - Costa Coffee.



SAMANTHA - Anything up my agenda tonight?

P. ASSISTANT - Um.....nope.

SAMANTHA - O-Okay, thanks.

P. ASSISTANT - You require anything else?

SAMANTHA - J-Just a bottle of water.

P. ASSISTANT - Coming up!


ZAYN - Thanks! you did great.

SAMANTHA - (Blushes) T-Thank you. You too! you um....did some Michael Jackson steps.

ZAYN - Oh that? (blushes) nothing big really, just killing them moves for the crowd. Improvising you see.


ZAYN - You know? you should do some also.

SAMANTHA - Who me? nah I don't think so.

ZAYN - No I'm serious! i-it'll be great. You'd appeal more to the audience.

SAMANTHA - Well um....okay! teach me.

ZAYN - Well...for a start: when you're half-way through, making it to the podium, snap your fingers with style. You know, either way.

SAMANTHA - Y-You mean like this? (does it).

ZAYN - Y-Yes, just like that. You'll sass it up.

SAMANTHA - But um....I don't want to look like a jerk. Maybe something hot, and sexy.

ZAYN - Well can try change the way you walk.

SAMANTHA - Like how?

ZAYN - Place each foot right in front the other one. You'll be walking naturally, slowly. Making things dramatic and all. You give more time for people to get snaps of you.

SAMANTHA - Ah! I see. Y-You mean like this?


SAMANTHA - Thank you, and um....Zayn.

ZAYN - Y-Yes?

SAMANTHA - Shall we?

ZAYN - O-Oh right! I-I forgot! let's go.

[Scene 31]

(National Art Academy)

(Lights out)

S. ARTIST - Joey? you haven't left yet?

JOEY - (Sitting in the dark, looking at a blank canvas) N-No.

S. ARTIST - But why? it's late. It's dark.

JOEY - No um...just not feeling well lately.

S. ARTIST - Oh (sits next to him), well, I hope you feel better. Tell me if something's bothering you.

JOEY - Nah, nothing's bothering me.

S. ARTIST - Come on! you can tell me. Don't look at me as your senior, take me as your friend for now. Um....a quite old one.

JOEY - It's nothing. After all, I am an artist right? so if I really was bothered, the canvas wouldn't be blank.

S. ARTIST - (Sees the canvas) Oh, right! you must be right. Clever guy, hehehe.

JOEY - Hehehe.

S. ARTIST - Well, you better leave now. I'm locking the studio.

JOEY - Coming (gets his stuff).

S. ARTIST - (Locks the studio) Well, see you tomorrow.

JOEY - Bye.

(Senior Artist walks a few metres away from Joey. Joey is thinking hard)

S. ARTIST - (Turns back) Oh! Joey! forgot to tell you! the art auction is coming in two days! do you want to auction your work?

JOEY - Um.....your choice! I-I don't mind.

S. ARTIST - Well then, fame should belong to you! I'll enter it in, is that fine?

JOEY - Yes! t-thanks!

S. ARTIST - Good on you sport! prepare another copy!

JOEY - Okay!

(Senior Artist leaves)

JOEY - (Heave breath relief, and leaves).

[Scene 32]

(Costa Coffee)


ZAYN - Haha! a-and I told him, dog biscuits? you don't find dogs in them!

SAMANTHA - Oh wow! hehehe.

ZAYN - It's crazy. He's just trying to be funny. Yes, you can find chicken in chicken pot pie, but no dogs in dog biscuits.

SAMANTHA - True. It's quite a crap joke to be honest.

ZAYN - (Mind voice) My jokes are that bad? w-well um....f-forget that fool.

WAITER - Cappuccino, Coffee latte.

ZAYN - Thank you (passes the coffee latte to Samantha).

SAMANTHA - Thanks.

ZAYN - (Drinking Cappuccino) Well um...d-do you have any plans?

SAMANTHA - (Drinking Latte) Plans?

ZAYN - Y-You know, y-your future. How do you like your future husband?

SAMANTHA - Well um....not trying to be picky here but, I-I just want a husband who's honest and, is "down to earth".

ZAYN - Hmm....nice.


ZAYN - Me? oh um....someone I know, like a friend, a colleague maybe. It makes things easy don't you think?

SAMANTHA - Yes, you're right. Not too much complications later on.

ZAYN - Exactly.

(Samantha and Zayn have eye contact)

SAMANTHA - U-Um....everything alright?

ZAYN - (Snaps awake) Oh! I-I'm alright! (spills a bit of his cappuccino)

SAMANTHA - (Giggles).

ZAYN - (Stunned and giggles along with her).

SAMANTHA - Hahahaha.

ZAYN - Tissue please.

WAITER - Here.

ZAYN - Thanks. Well? you done?

SAMANTHA - Yes, yes!

ZAYN - Phew.

SAMANTHA - (Yawns) Well um...tired. I should probably get going.

ZAYN - You want me to drop you?

SAMANTHA - It's okay, I'll take a cab.

ZAYN - I have a car.

SAMANTHA - Well um....okay then.

[Scene 33]

(While driving)

ZAYN - That was fun.

SAMANTHA - What was fun?

ZAYN - You know...runway, coffee.

SAMANTHA - Oh that! it was fun.

ZAYN - Sure was.

(pulls up by her house)

SAMANTHA - Thanks, Zayn.

ZAYN - Welcome.

(Samantha leaves)

ZAYN - (Thinking hard, looks back at Samantha).

(Samantha goes inside her house)

ZAYN - (Takes a look at her house, and drives off)

[Scene 34]

(Next day)

SAMANTHA - (Eating breakfast).

(Phone rings)

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Hello?

JOEY - (On the phone) H-Hello i-it's me, Joey.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Joey?

JOEY - (On the phone) A-Artist?

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Oh Joey! h-how are you?!

JOEY - (On the phone) I-I'm fine, you?

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) I'm doing great. Thanks again.

JOEY - (On the phone) No need.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Why did you call?

JOEY - (On the phone) Oh, um...just wanted to let you know. You're getting famous here.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Really? I-I am?

JOEY - (On the phone) You're on the "Lights Camera Action!" section of the newspaper.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Oh, wow! I-I never thought it would happen this quick.

JOEY - (On the phone) D-Did you create a facebook page? twitter account?

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) I only have instagram.

JOEY - (On the phone) Make a facebook page, and create a twitter account. You'll have a huge fan following.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) You sure?

JOEY - (On the phone) I-It'll work, I think.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Well, okay then.

JOEY - (On the phone) A-Am I bothering your busy schedule?

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) O-Oh no. Nothing on my list for today. I just have to shoot for an ad today evening.

JOEY - (On the phone) Oh okay. One more thing: y-you're portrait is going to be auctioned.

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Oh, t-that's nice to hear.

JOEY - (On the phone) True.

(doorbell rings)

SAMANTHA - (goes for the doorbell).

JOEY - (On the phone) Anything new?

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) Oh, nothing.

(opens the door. Zayn is seen holding a bouquet on his knees)

ZAYN - Will you marry me, Samantha?

SAMANTHA - (Shocked) (Gasps).

JOEY - (On the phone) Y-You okay?

(Samantha drops the phone)

JOEY - (On the phone) S-Should we talk later?

ZAYN - Well?

JOEY - She's probably busy. (On the phone) U-Um...Samantha, w-we'll talk later. S-Sorry if I caused any trouble (drops the call).

SAMANTHA - U-Um...w-what's this all about?

ZAYN - I-I love you.


ZAYN - I-I really love you.

SAMANTHA - Zayn, stop joking around.

ZAYN - I'm not.

SAMANTHA - (Looks around) Come inside.


ZAYN - Sammie! Sammie!

SAMANTHA - (Plops herself on the couch).

ZAYN - (Plops himself on the couch, sitting next to her) J-Just, I-I'm really into you.

SAMANTHA - (Stunned).

ZAYN - Y-You may not know, but I fell for you, even before you joined Glamor.


ZAYN - Your portrait. The supervisor bought your portrait, I-I was simply mesmerised by y-your eyes.


ZAYN - Your rose-budded lips, y-your cushion-soft cheeks, your silky hair, your physique, I-I'm blinded.

SAMANTHA - Zayn, I-I don't understand. I-It's all happening too quickly, perhaps. I-I mean, we've only done five runways. It's only been ten days.

ZAYN - Yes, we've only done five runways. Don't say ten days, say 240 hours. Pretty long right?

SAMANTHA - Um....I-I don't have a clue right now.

ZAYN - I'm not a good liar, and I don't wish to indulge in it. I don't supporting bragging, or any other rude activity.

SAMANTHA - Listen, Zayn. You're a great guy, I-I appreciate you doing all this for me but, I-I don't think I'm ready.

ZAYN - I-I'm ready. I-I still haven't told my parents about this, no one knows about this. Unless I get your green signal, I'll tell my parents, and you can tell yours.


ZAYN - How about this: close your eyes.

SAMANTHA - (Closes her eyes).

ZAYN - (Puts a diamond ring in her hand, and closes it) Open your eyes.


ZAYN - Check your hand.

SAMANTHA - (Opens her hand, and stunned) W-Wow, u-um....i-is this?-

ZAYN - Engagement ring, diamond ring, your ring.

SAMANTHA - Um....I don't know what to say but-

ZAYN - Close your eyes again.

SAMANTHA - Now you're just playing games (closes her eyes).

ZAYN - Am I? (kisses her hand).

SAMANTHA - (Gasps) (opens her eyes) Y-You love me that much?

ZAYN - Y-Yes.

SAMANTHA - Well....

ZAYN - Well?

SAMANTHA - I-I am your colleague after all.

ZAYN - Y-You're okay with it?


ZAYN - Yes!

(they both hug)

[Scene 35]

(Samantha's and Zayn's parents get a phone call)

S. MUM/Z. MUM - Hello? oh, oh! r-really?! yes!! o-okay! g-go for it!

(drop the call)

DAD - What happened?

MUM - Samantha is going to get married!!

(Zayn's parents)

DAD - What? r-really?

MUM - She's his colleague. The portrait girl.

DAD - Ooh! nice move.

(Samantha's parents)

DAD - I have to say, that's good a good move!

[Scene 36]

CHLOE/KELLY - (On the phone) Really? Ah!!!

SAMANTHA - (On the phone) I'm so happy right now! I-I'm flying back in two days for the engagement.

CHLOE/KELLY - (On the phone) That's great!

[Scene 37]

(Advertising Studio)

DIRECTOR - Lights! Camera! and.....action!

(clapboard cue)

SAMANTHA - Everyone's asking me, what's your secret? Gucci perfume. Now with an extra-strong kick!

AD VOICE - Gucci Perfume! now available!

SAMANTHA - Remember, it's a secret, don't tell anyone (giggles).

DIRECTOR - And....cut! that was brilliant!

SAMANTHA - How did I do?

DIRECTOR - Amazing is the word! good job! and all in one take! we need dedicated models like you. Other models just can't wait till we run out of film strips.


ZAYN - (Claps).

DIRECTOR - Who's that?

SAMANTHA - Oh u-um...

ZAYN - (Breaks in) Fiancee!

DIRECTOR - Fiancee?!

ALL - Fiancee?!

SAMANTHA - (Whispering) What? already?

ZAYN - (Whispering) It's true right?

DIRECTOR - Really?

ZAYN - Well, she's about to.

DIRECTOR - Oh wow. Samantha and?

ZAYN - Zayn.

DIRECTOR - Zayn! hmm...quite good. Well then, carry on! bye dear.

SAMANTHA - Bye! what is it?

ZAYN - I booked tickets.

SAMANTHA - You came all this way to say this?

ZAYN - Yes.

SAMANTHA - Stop lying.

ZAYN - Alright, alright! j-just felt like seeing you.

SAMANTHA - You couldn't look at my portrait?

ZAYN - Portrait?-

SAMANTHA - (Giggles and walks away).

ZAYN - Sammie! come on! why are you trying to run away from me?

SAMANTHA - Who said I'm running away? just playing a joke on you.

ZAYN - That was quite funny.

SAMANTHA - Why so serious?

ZAYN - Then? (walks off).

SAMANTHA - (Grabs hold of his arm and pulls him. They kiss).

ZAYN - W-Woah, that was amazing.

SAMANTHA - You should've told me you wanted a kiss in the first place.

ZAYN - H-How did you know?

SAMANTHA - (Sarcastic) Boys. Isn't this too much?

ZAYN - I'm not a stereotypical guy.


ZAYN - Okay, maybe a little bit. Not entirely, that's for sure.

SAMANTHA - Hmm....

ZAYN - Drive you home?

SAMANTHA - Sure, got to get packing.

[Scene 38]

(Next day, at the auction)

AUCTIONEER - Right then! calm down! calm down! everybody! first piece of work (picks up a work of art) Can I hear a $1000?!

VISITOR 1 - $1000!

VISITOR 2 - $1050!

VISITOR 3 - $1051!

VISITOR 4 - The hell? who bids a dollar extra?

VISITOR 3 - Cheep?

VISITOR 4 - That's crap you know?

AUCTIONEER - $1052? anyone?! sold!

VISITOR 3 - Darn it.

(everyone claps)

AUCTIONEER - Next! we have! oh! this will be good! (holds up Joey's work) Can I get a $1000?

VISITOR 1 - $1000!

VISITOR 2 - $2000!

VISITOR 5 - $3000!

VISITOR 1 - Damn you! $3010!

AUCTIONEER - $3011? $3020? anyone?!

VISITOR 10 - $4000!

VISITOR 1 - Oh no you didn't!

VISITOR 10 - Well, I just did!

VISITOR 5 - You must die! $4090!

AUCTIONEER - (Mind Voice) Boy, am I going to get rich.

VISITOR 2 - $5600!

VISITOR 8 - Suck it in losers! you can't bid! ha! $9000!

AUDIENCE - (Gasps).

VISITOR 8 - Take that! losers! eat a lemon!

VISITOR 6 - I'll turn you into a lemon! $10 000!

AUCTIONEER - Once! Second! Third! Sold! sold for $10 000!

VISITOR 8 - Well played, you walrus.

VISITOR 6 - Uh?! what's that? oh that's right! the elevator! I'm going up! because you're not on my level!!

ALL - Oh!!! Burn!!!

VISITOR 6 - Get some ice.

VISITOR 8 - For what?

VISITOR 6 - Too cool your burn, it's hot here.

ALL - Oh!!

VISITOR 1 - Burn!!

VISITOR 8 - Oh shut up! at least I made a higher bid than you.

VISITOR 1 - Say that to her face!

VISITOR 8 - I can't.

VISITOR 6 - And why is that?

VISITOR 8 - Because! what's that on your face?

VISITOR 6 - Eh what?

VISITOR 8 - Oh wait! that is your face!!

ALL - Oh!!! burn!!

VISITOR 8 - (Escapes).

VISITOR 6 - Oh shut up! sitting ducks.

[Scene 39]

(Flight arrives)

(Arrival Hall)

KELLY - Can you see her?

CHLOE - Not yet.

KELLY - Now?


KELLY - How about now?


KELLY - Okay, okay.

DAD - Found her! she's got her luggage!

ALL - Yay! Sammie!!

(outside arrival hall)

SAMANTHA - Hi guys!!

MUM - I missed you so much! a-are you good?

SAMANTHA - Yes, I'm fine.

KELLY/CHLOE - Ah!!! (they hug her).

SAMANTHA - Mum, Dad, this is Zayn.

ZAYN - Hi.

MUM - Wow, I'm out for words.

ZAYN - Hehehe.

DAD - What're we waiting for? let's go.

(they drive home)
♠ ♠ ♠
Samantha has taken off to follow her dreams. Now what happens next?