Status: A representation about how the concept of "framing" the innocent works in today's society.


Run (Part Two)

[Act 4 Scene 2]

(Lights out - nothing to be seen as it's the funeral)

(Background sounds/music - sad music)


(gun fire in the background)

OFFICER FRED - In loving memory of Inspector Anna's daughter. Prayers go out to her families and the dearest of friends. On behalf of the police force....may you: Amy Douglas, (slowly) Rest in peace.

(Sound Effect - Possibly thunderstorm)

[Act 5 Scene 1 - Bakery Store]

JAMIE - Hi! how can I help you?

JACK - Slice of chocolate cake, and you?

JOSEPHINE - Just Orange Juice.

JAMIE - Right then, that'll be $5.

(they give the money)

JAMIE - You can take your seat. We'll come and serve you.

(Josephine and Jack sit down at a table - Jake enters)

JAKE - (On the phone) Sir, please listen to us. It's all a big mistake. We're just three fine people who came to enjoy a holiday (whispers) why would we want to murder someone? and that too an Inspector's daughter? please let us go. No, no, no, don't do that, please I beg of you. Officer Fred! (Phone call ends - Jake in Shock).

JESSIE - Are you crazy? are you trying to get us all in trouble? just when we've found safety, you decide to get us arrested?

JAKE - I'm trying my best to get us out. It's ridiculous to get arrested for something we didn't do. We just need to talk sense into the police.

JESSIE - Let's see: blood stains on your shirt, our finger print scans on the body, you wrapping the police officers with a blanket, us running away. What more evidence do they need?

JAKE - (Silent).

JESSIE - You should've stayed calm at that moment. You're saying all of this right now? I'm sorry Jake, y-you're too late. Remove your SIM Card - they'll trace your call.

JAKE - Oh right (opens his phone and throws the SIM card out).

JAMIE - (Gives the food in a tray) Enjoy.

JOSEPHINE - Thank you.

(Jamie makes her way back to the counter)

JOSEPHINE - You heard the latest headlines?

JACK - Which one?

JOSEPHINE - The one about the murder.

(Jamie pauses in shock - and turns to look behind)

JOSEPHINE - It was the daughter's funeral yesterday. The police is on a serious hunt - they said they're going to arrest them by tomorrow.

JACK - Serious?

JOSEPHINE - The quicker the better. Besides, this is too much for a mother to take in. She has to balance her police duties, with her personal duties.

JACK - I hope those murderers rot in hell.

JOSEPHINE - They deserve to be hung.

(Jamie walks back to counter - nervous)

JESSIE - Don't worry, i-it's okay.

JAMIE - It's not okay. W-We're dead, o-our life is over with. The people want us hung.

JESSIE - We...are not...them! listen to me! we did not kill the inspector's daughter. How many times do I have to say this?

JAMIE - But...i-it's too late to reveal the truth. Just look at us - innocent people hiding in a store like criminals. We really are criminals.

JESSIE - Snap out of it! if you say that one more time. I swear I-

(Baker enters the store)

BAKER - How are you all doing?


BAKER - Where's the other one?

JAKE - I'm here!

BAKER - You made the cake?

(Jake takes out a piece of cake)

BAKER - (Tastes) W-What is this?

JAKE - Cake.

BAKER - What flavor?

JAKE - Coffee, you like it?

BAKER - It tastes like dead rats. Did you knead the dough properly? it's still in chunks. Work on the texture and your kneading skills - inside.

JAKE - Y-Yes.

JESSIE - (Whispers) He can bake? I didn't know that.

JAMIE - He makes cake for his mother every Mother's Day.

[Act 5 Scene 2 - Line of Small Shops]

(Rob is waiting for Bob)

BOB - (Looking around and coming towards Rob) I got what you need.

ROB - Open it.

BOB - W-What?

ROB - I said open it!

BOB - But-

ROB - No buts, open it.

(Bob opens the briefcase, cautiously)

ROB - (Small Laugh) $100K. I look like a fool to you don't I. I look someone you can cheat on don't I. Cough up my $1 Million.

BOB - D-Due to some circumstances, I simply had to- (cut off by Rob).

ROB - (Knife at Bob's neck) I'll make myself very clear to you. I know you'll listen this time, but I'll say it once again - draw the money or I'll draw this (action with a knife). Make it simple.

BOB - Follow me, I'll give you the money.

[Act 5 Scene 3 - Partner's Hideout]

(Rob looks around the hideout. Newspapers etc.)

ROB - Hmm....interesting.

BOB - Here...your money.

ROB - (Checks the amount) Good. Now then....what circumstances?

BOB - Income tax officers broke in, and raided this place. They said I didn't cover the taxes for the past year or so.

ROB - So?

BOB - They got a glimpse of what I was doing around here. I bribed them to not tell the officials. Under one condition - I have to cover the debt.

ROB - May I uh....please know what you're up to? you've signed me up on a 2 year contract.

BOB - You're a contract killer, not my business partner.

ROB - I want an insight - there should be a reason why I do the jobs you give me.

BOB - Take a look at the newspaper.

ROB - But they're everywhere.

BOB - (Gives him a newspaper) Read.

ROB - (Reads the news article) Inspector Anna kills Barry Duncan. What's this got to do with you?

BOB - That's my brother. A week ago she killed my brother, who was doing side business with me. I lost the ten million dollar contract deal he was about to sign, and my brother - and poof! went my drug business.

ROB - You do drug business?

BOB - My brother was doing the drug business. Like I said he was about to sign a million dollar contract - and just like everything vanished into thin air. All because of this inspector! just when life was going well for me, s-she disturbed it. That's why I told you to killer her daughter. She must've felt how it was for me, t-to lose my loved one. Now she's distracted with her business - making my route clear.

ROB - I-Is that the new assignment?

BOB - (Goes to the wall and crosses out Amy's photo with a marker) Done. Now (Pins Jake's photo next to it) new target. This is my business rival's son - he has a trade business running against mine.

ROB - Name?

BOB - Jake Flynn. I received information about him being in town from immigration. I lost the 10 million dollar contract - I'm not letting my rival take up the five million dollar contract.

ROB - Who's the contract client?

BOB - The Army - they're shipping some of their weaponry over to their Ally. Rob, bring Jake Flynn to this hideout. This - this will be interesting tomorrow.

ROB - I'm on it.

[Act 6 Scene 1 - Police Station]

(Inspector Anna - all alone)

INSPECTOR ANNA - Amy checked out at 7am, the three people checked in at 8:30am, the murder took place, she claims to have gone to meet her friend. (At the audience) W-Why did they kill her? (gets up and starts walking - thinking) is it....revenge for what Amy might have done to them? I checked Amy's phone Jake, no Jessie, and no Jamie. D-Did they make her delete their contacts to cover their tracks? is there a third party involved? now then....none of the three people have a high social status, except for....Jake. Yes, his father owns a big trade business. What link do I have with him? did I do anything wrong to his business? hmm.....(sits down and thinks).

[Act 6 Scene 2 - Bakery Store]

(No one's in the store yet - early morning)

JAKE - (Hands on his head) W-We're getting arrested, we're getting arrested today, I'm going to jail, I'm going to count my days, I'm going to die, we're getting-

JESSIE - Shut up, Jake! snap out of it! no point in panicking! stay calm, don't think about it, and pray that all of this will get over soon.

JAKE - I made the police chase after us in the first place. I gave them all the evidence they needed. I'm such an idiot! what's wrong with me?!

JESSIE - Talk sense into him, Jamie.

JAMIE - Calm down. Everything will be alright. Police said they'll be arresting us today right? they won't make it to a bakery store.

(Josephine enters - friends are in shock at first)

JOSEPHINE - Gah!! w-what happened?

JESSIE - N-Nothing. Sorry, w-we're really tired. W-What would you like to have?

JOSEPHINE - Same as yesterday. Orange juice.

JESSIE - That'll be $2 (gives her the bottle, and gets the money).

JAKE - Now then. Phew!

(Officer Fred enters)

JAMIE - Get in, get in, everyone.

(Jamie looks around and finds a cap - she puts on the cap and waits at the cashier counter)

OFFICER FRED - Good morning.

JAMIE - (Looking down) Good morning. What would you like to have?

OFFICER FRED - Just a doughnut.

JAMIE - $3.

(crouches down to get the doughnut)

OFFICER FRED - Miss, I-I don't mean to be rude or anything but...c-could you show your face to me and deal properly? otherwise it's not good.

JAMIE - Sorry, I-I have skin allergies. It's contagious.

OFFICER FRED - You too? well, I had something like that last month. Terrible, really terrible. Couldn't sleep properly. Don't worry, I know the pain, I'll take a look and recommend a good ointment.

JAMIE - (Gives him the doughnut).

OFFICER FRED - Now then (tries to take the hat off) Oh, Oh! a-aren't you the-

JAMIE - (Uncontrolled) R-Run!!


(Jamie, Jessie, Jake run out)

OFFICER FRED - (On his walkie talkie) I've found the suspects, heading for third block.

[Act 6 Scene 3 - Line of Small Shops]

(Lights out - nothing to be seen)

ANNOUNCEMENT - Attention everyone! suspects identified. Heading for third block. Form a barrier if you have to!

(Lights on - friends are running)

ROB - (Appears out of a sudden with a knife) Not so fast! (takes Jake).

JAMIE - W-What're you doing? put him down!

ROB - Come near, and he gets it.

JESSIE - I-I'll call the police!

ROB - You're trying to get yourself caught? (leaves with Jake).

OFFICER FRED - Having a conversation, are we?

JAMIE - Sir, t-that goon just took our friend. I-I think he's the one you're after!

OFFICER FRED - Oh shut it! I'm only following you to catch that other goon.

[Act 6 Scene 4 - Partner's hideout]

ROB - I got him!

BOB - Great! don't do anything yet! I'll call his father and tell him I abducted his son.

JAKE - Let go!! please!! I-I didn't kill her!

BOB - Shush! (on the phone) Hello?

(Officer Fred breaks in with Jessie and Jamie)

OFFICER FRED - Freeze! nobody move a muscle! (holding a gun)

BOB - Officer (hands up) w-what a surprise. Can I interest you in any beverages?

OFFICER FRED - Shut it. Hands off the boy, or the bullet gets you.

ROB - Hands off the gun, or the knife gets him.

OFFICER FRED - Hands off the boy.

ROB - Hands off the gun.

BOB - Can you guys not? listen, I've got a left and a right hand, I'll slap the both of you with either hand, right now. Officer, you have no business here at this moment - if this is about income tax - I'm already in the process of covering it soon.

OFFICER FRED - (Looks around and notices a photo of Amy) Is that- (comes close and touches Amy's picture, and see's Jake's picture) You're the one!

ROB - Heh! took you long enough. You're too late.

OFFICER FRED - I'm sorry for the trouble.

JAKE - Very nice of you to say it at this point of time!

OFFICER FRED - Count of three....I put my gun down, you put your knife down. You give me the boy, and nothing happens.

BOB - Officer. You're putting yourself at a risk - if you trick us, you know what's coming.

(they put their weapons down - Jake runs to them)

(Gunfire sound effect - Rob and Bob collapse. Inspector Anna steps in)

INSPECTOR ANNA - (Looks down at Rob and Bob) Looks like my work here is done.

OFFICER FRED - M-Ma'am, actually-

INSPECTOR ANNA - I heard it all. Those three are free to go - I'll inform the immigration and transport authorities.

JAKE - T-Thank you madam!

(the friends leave)

OFFICER FRED - I believe our work here is done. H-How did you figure it out?

INSPECTOR ANNA - (Takes out a USB) This is video footage of what had happened in the Resort, between 7 and 8:30am. I recognized Rob. I came down to the market area as soon as I heard the announcement - from a distance in my car, I noticed Rob, kidnapping Jake. The rest, it was all taken care of. Clear the bodies, and close this hideout - permanently.

OFFICER FRED - Yes Ma'am (salutes and gets to work).

INSPECTOR ANNA - (At the audience) Case Closed.
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Find out how the gang manage to clear the air. What really happened? Who was the real culprit?