‹ Prequel: CIO: PA 911
Sequel: CIO: Tsoro Wipeout
Status: It's a fact that doping in sport has happened - especially in the Olympics. This is to showcase one of the reasons why doping took place in the Olympics.

CIO: Fair Play

CIO: Fair Play (Part Three)

[Scene 29]

(Meanwhile in Vaeri)

ASSISTANT - Sir? what are you doing?

NUTRITIONIST - We tricked the athletes into taking steroids right? now I'm testing to see if I can bind two strong drugs into one, it'll give the athletes their ultimate boost.

ASSISTANT - Which drugs?

NUTRITIONIST - I'm currently testing to see Ecstasy and Steroid. They are both really strong shots y'know?

ASSISTANT - Sir! how do you do it? (praising him).

NUTRITIONIST - The head coach wanted his athletes to be praised for more than 3 decades. My formula is sure to give them that much praise from the world.

ASSISTANT - How close are you to completing this?

NUTRITIONIST - Almost done. It's been 2 rigorous weeks of work, I just have a few more bonds to create between the both. I'll be done by tomorrow.

ASSISTANT - Great sir, are you going to send it through someone to give it to Team Dalek?

NUTRITIONIST - (Slaps the assistant) Are you mad?! we'll get caught in the customs, security-check and the check-in areas! no chance! I'm going to parcel this over to them.

ASSISTANT - S-Should I make arrangements for the parcel?

NUTRITIONIST - Yes, get the stamps, layers of boxes and covering sheets. We don't want people suspecting our parcel.

ASSISTANT - Right sir.

NUTRITIONIST - I'll inform the coach now itself (dials to reach the Head Coach's number).

BRETT - (Coach's phone rings).

JENSEN - Who is it?

ANNA - Hey that's not your phone! w-who's is it?

BRETT - Shush, it's the Head Coach's phone. I took his phone out of his pocket after killing him. It'll come in handy when the suspects try to reach him.

JAMES - Awesome, answer it! answer it!

BRETT - (Answers the call).

NUTRITIONIST - Hi sir it's me, the nutritionist.

BRETT - (Signals to team) Our target.

NUTRITIONIST - I've come up with a new drug formula which would boost your team's performance even more.

BRETT - (Curious reaction).

NUTRITIONIST - I'm binding Ecstasy with Steroid.

BRETT - (Heavy breath).

NUTRITIONIST - Ehem...are you on the line?

BRETT - (Silent) (Coach's impression) Yes, I-I'm listening.

NUTRITIONIST - You okay sir? voice seems a bit deep.

BRETT - Yes I-I'm just feeling a bit sick lately. Weather's not doing any good.

NUTRITIONIST - Right then sir. I'll be done with the formula by tomorrow. We'll be sending the parcel over to you tomorrow by air.

BRETT - I see, a-as you can see we're not far from the Qualified league stages. C-Could you send it tomorrow 3pm? we'll get it within the next 2 days.

NUTRITIONIST - Yes definitely sir! not a problem. I'll do it tomorrow 3pm. Bye.

BRETT - Bye.

DEAN - Well?

BRETT - Heh.....hahahahaha!!! and to think it was going to be hard, catching the culprit. The culprit instead chooses to come searching for me! oh and he's given me information about his next plans! James! pass me a Ricola.

JAMES - (Gives it to him).

BRETT - (Tosses the Ricola mint high in the air, and catches it with his mouth. Chews it with style) Nutritionist, count your days! (makes tick-tock clock sounds).


[Scene 30]

ANNOUNCER - Next we have Women's discus!

R. COACH - Alright Lily, are you ready?

LILY - Yes coach I-I'm ready.

R. COACH - I hope you had plenty of rest last night, as well as a good meal.

LILY - Yes sir, thank you.

R. COACH - Save that for the end. Now get into your game mode!

LILY - (Practices her throwing strokes).

R. COACH - Remember, your only weak point is throwing the discus at bigger heights. Otherwise the distance is pretty good. The advantage of the height is that the discus will cover more distance while coming down, so giving a bonus of at least 5 - 7m in your throw.

LILY - Right (warming up).

R. COACH - Just take my tip, do what you do best and make sure you aim to throw it towards the crowd at the very end. It'll get you the height and distance.

LILY - Sure thing.

R. COACH - Right then, let's do this!

LILY - Yes! (walks to the field).

R. COACH - (Goes back to his seat) Excuse me? One Gatorade.

DRINKS MAN - Sure thing.

R. COACH - Now then, we were we?

[Scene 31]

H. ASSISTANT - Welcome to Starlux Hotel, your name?

ANNA - Anna, Anna Broadman.

H. ASSISTANT - Anna Broadman (checking the server), okay then, 2 rooms right?

ANNA - Yes.

H. ASSISTANT - Right then, take a seat while I prepare arrangements for the rooms' clean up and keys.

ANNA - Okay.

(They take a seat)

BRETT - Right then, so the four of us are in one room, Anna has her own separate room.

ANNA - A separate room for me? why?

DEAN - (Gulps).

JENSEN - Y-You see y-your a female a-and w-we're-

ANNA - What? that's it? come on, that's ridiculous.

JAMES - (Stunned).

BRETT - James!

JAMES - Sorry.

BRETT - Listen Anna, you have a room for yourself. It's not good for some of us to share a room with you.

ANNA - Brett, are we on a business trip or honeymoon?

BRETT - Business trip.

ANNA - Right. Not honeymoon okay? we're leaving tomorrow night. Just one night okay.

JAMES - Darn it.

ANNA - (Stares at James in a pissed manner).

JAMES - I-I don't want to be in a room with you.

ANNA - I don't care who alright. I just don't want to be alone. Even though there are hotel phones to call each other we need someone else to take care, if one us are in danger. I can simply burn alone if my room catches on fire.

DEAN - Point taken.

ANNA - Dean's got it, make them get it.

DEAN - Point is-

JENSEN - Ehem...we're not dumb, we understood.

ANNA - Right, now decide who's in which room.

(They get talking)

H. ASSISTANT - Here are your room keys, Room 345 and 346. The rooms are on the third floor.

ANNA - Thank you.

H. ASSISTANT - He'll help carry your luggage up.

ANNA - No it's okay, we'll do it. Thank you.

H. ASSISTANT - Right, thank you ma'am! have a pleasant stay!

[Scene 32]

(Third floor hallway)

ANNA - Well? have you decided?

JAMES - Um...I'll be with Jensen!

ANNA - I thought so, the "J"s never split do they?

JENSEN - How dare you try to split the "J''s!

ANNA - Are you done Shakespeare?

JENSEN - (Whispers) Wasn't that a convincing power dialogue?

JAMES - (Whispers) Sounded like Captain Hook from Peter Pan.

JENSEN - (Pissed).

ANNA - Brett?

BRETT - U-Um....I-I don't mind.

DEAN - How about you decide! it's really hard if you ask a guy to make these kind of decisions.

ANNA - Oh poor creatures. I never knew men were so sensitive about these things, normally you would be really eager.

JAMES - (Smiles).

JENSEN - (Whispers) Kill the smile.

JAMES - (Puts up a frown).

ANNA - Fine. I'll be with Brett and Dean. You two are in Room 345.

JAMES - God damn it.

JENSEN - (Whispers) I said shut up.

JAMES - Okay! Okay.

ANNA - Come on guys (opens Room 346 and goes in).

(Brett and Dean go inside)

ANNA - Right then, for starters keep your stuff on this rack.

DEAN - Right.

ANNA - Brett are you okay?

BRETT - Y-Yes.

ANNA - You still can't believe you're with a girl right?

BRETT - (Nods his head).

ANNA - Don't get cocky alright, I'm going to call the hotel staff to solve this problem.

DEAN - How? Divide the house?

ANNA - What is it with you people and diving houses?

DEAN - J-Just a figure of speech.

ANNA - Peculiar child.

(Next room)

JAMES - (Plops his bag on the rack and rushes for the wall).

JENSEN - The heck are you doing? why are you hogging the wall?

JAMES - Shush!

JENSEN - Can you please tell me what you're-

JAMES - Shut up!

JENSEN - (Whispers) What are you doing?

JAMES - I'm listening to what's going on next door.

JENSEN - (Throws the bed cushion at James) Idiot!

JAMES - What was that for?

JENSEN - Why do you care about what's happening next door?

JAMES - You know um....2 to 1.

JENSEN - (Get mad).

JAMES - Okay Okay! I-I'll shut up.

JENSEN - I'm going to freshen up (goes for the bathroom).

JAMES - (Tries to go for the wall again).

JENSEN - Don't even think about it!

JAMES - (Wines) Aw!

JENSEN - Sick freak.

[Scene 33]

ANNA - Guys I'm going to go freshen up.

DEAN - Sure.

(Anna goes to the bathroom)

BRETT - Pass me my shoulder bag.

DEAN - Here.

BRETT - Thanks (opens his bag).

DEAN - What're you looking for?

BRETT - I brought an A3 Paper and marker, so we can plan our attack on the culprit.

DEAN - Cool. You want to start planning now?

BRETT - Call the guys from the other room over.

DEAN - Sure (goes for the door).

BRETT - Dean just use the hotel phone.

DEAN - Ah right (goes for the phone and dials 345).

(Phone rings)

JAMES - (On the phone) Hello?

DEAN - Come next door.

JAMES - Okay.

DEAN - Hold your horses! Jensen needs to come as well.

JAMES - Fine.

(Drops the call).

JENSEN - Who was it?

JAMES - Dean, he wants us to go next door.

JENSEN - Next door?

JAMES - You know, maybe for some.....(funny expressions).

JENSEN - Do that one more time, and I'll pour hot tea on your face while you're sleeping.

JAMES - Ha! hot tea, hot tea! where are you going to get tea?

JENSEN - (Picks up 5 tea packets).

JAMES - Huh?? h-how come-

JENSEN - Complimentary. Every hotel provides complimentary items.

JAMES - You know what I'll do? (opens the mini fridge and takes out a coca cola can) I-I-I'll-

JENSEN - Do what? treat me to a drink?

JAMES - No I-I'll-

JENSEN - Shove it up your!-

JAMES - Shush!

JENSEN - God damn you.

(Phone rings)

JENSEN - (On the phone) Hello?

DEAN - How long is it taking? are you taking turns in the bathroom or what?

JENSEN - N-No! w-we're on our way, bye! (drops the call) come on James!

[Scene 34]

(At Room 346)

JENSEN - Right now, what is it?

BRETT - Planning. We're going to plan our attack on the culprit.

JENSEN - Oh okay.

JAMES - I thought it was something else.

JENSEN - Can you just shut up.

JAMES - Fine, fine.

DEAN - (Face palms).

ANNA - Come on, let's plan.

JAMES - Right then, where do we start?

BRETT - For starters, let's go over our first big clue. (Takes out the coach's phone) I've got his number.

JAMES - Let me guess, you want us to trace that phone call to find out where he is?

BRETT - Spot on. As James said, we're going to trace this call to find out his location. He's a nutritionist, for sure he'll be at work now.

JENSEN - It's 1pm.

ANNA - Definitely at work.

BRETT - Right so this is our first plan. I want Jensen and James to go to a police station nearby and ask permission to trace the location of this caller.

JAMES - Got it.

BRETT - Here, take the phone. Go now, or it'll be too late.

JENSEN - Sure thing, come! let's go!

(James and Jensen leaves the room)

BRETT - That leaves the three of us. Our part is going to be a cake walk, all we have to do is wait for a reply from James and Jensen, about the nutritionist's location. Once we've got information about his location, we're going to drive to his location. He's definitely going to be in a laboratory, independent or associated with the Athletics Club for sure. We'll be looking for out for secret exits.

DEAN - Why secret exits?

BRETT - We're going to do the drill! we need to be extra cautious around this place because public will get the wrong idea of our doings. I'm thinking of renting a car for this kidnap. Once we've got him under our wing, we drive to the police station and finish it off.

ANNA - Awesome. When do you want to execute this plan?

BRETT - Oh I forgot to tell you all one thing. Remember when the nutritionist called me at the airport, just before departure?

ALL - Yes.

BRETT - This is what he said. He's been working 2 weeks on binding Ecstasy and Steroid. He's working on an entirely new form of dope, extreme dope for Team Dalek.

ANNA - (Gasps) Oh god.

BRETT - He's almost done with his project. He asked me when to parcel it over. I told him tomorrow 3pm.

DEAN - Ah! I see where this is going.

BRETT - You see what I mean don't you? he's fallen into our hands like candy. We're executing this plan tomorrow morning. We'll finish our job before 3, take rest and fly back.

ANNA - Great.

[Scene 35]

ANNOUNCER - Final throw for Lily! Lily now at third place with a total throw distance of 48.56m.

R. COACH - You can do it Lily! just remember my advice alright? get a distance of 56m and you're in for the jackpot.

LILY - Thanks Coach.

R. COACH - Now go for it tigress!

LILY - (Goes for the podium and does her throwing strokes for momentum. She then throws it).

ANNOUNCER - What beauty! i-it's a massive throw! wonder where it went!

D. MARKER - (Runs onto the field to note the distance) 56.25m!

LILY - Yes!!

R. COACH - Nice one!!

ANNOUNCER - Oh it's marvelous!! she's done it again! Lily Schwartz now secures safely at first position!!

LILY - (Runs to the coach) I did it coach!! I did it!! (hugs him).

R. COACH - I'm proud of you dear! you did well. You didn't shake, didn't feel nervous. You just did it. Keep it up Lily.

LILY - (Tears of joy) T-Thanks coach!

REPORTER - Attention everyone! we now come to the end of the qualifying rounds. For athletes involved in the running events: Top 5 out of the 8 will qualify for the championships, for athletes involved in throwing and jumping events: Top 8 out of the 20 will qualify!

LILY - Yes!

R. COACH - Lily, go help yourself to a Gatorade. You're done for the day! all that's left is the team talk, celebrations and dinner.

LILY - Okay coach.

R. COACH - (Looks around the stadium) What was once to have been a dream, now has become my reality. Dreams do come true (walks away).

[Scene 36]

(At the Police Station)

V. POLICE OFFICER - Yes gentlemen, can I help you?

JAMES - James (shakes hand).

JENSEN - Jensen (shakes hand).

V. POLICE OFFICER - Nice to meet you.

JAMES - We're from the CIO: Crisis Intelligence Organisation.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Ah okay, please take a seat.

(They sit down)

V. POLICE OFFICER - Yes, I can sort of see the lines of this talk. You need assistance from us?

JENSEN - Actually we're in the middle of doing our own investigation. We've managed to get the victim's number, we just need to use your equipment to trace the location of this number.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Certainly. Constable!


V. POLICE OFFICER - They need to trace the location of a number. Could you be of their assistance?

V. CONSTABLE - Yes sir, follow me.

(They go into the tracking room)

V. CONSTABLE - Right then, what's the number? (sets up the tracking computer).

JENSEN - (Checks the coach's phone, on Call log) Um....+01-

V. CONSTABLE - No, leave out our country's calling code. Just tell the number.

JENSEN - Oh okay, 7168 2205.

V. CONSTABLE - (While typing) 7168....22..05, am I right?


V. CONSTABLE - (Clicks search).

(The tracking computer searches for the location)

V. CONSTABLE - Ah we've got it. It leads directly to Sport Science Laboratory.

JAMES - (Whispers) Got it!

JENSEN - Where is this laboratory?

V. CONSTABLE - It's in association with the Dalek Capital Athletics Club. So you'll find the laboratory right next to the place.

JAMES - Great, thanks a lot!

V. CONSTABLE - You're welcome.

(James and Jensen walk away and stop)

JAMES - Oh sorry I forgot to ask you something. For our investigation we'll be bringing the victim in for interrogation, may we borrow your interrogation room?

V. CONSTABLE - Come with me, I'll ask my boss.

(They go to the boss)

V. CONSTABLE - Sir! they said as part of their investigation, they'll be bringing in their victim in for interrogation.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Carry on..

V. CONSTABLE - They wish to use our interrogation room.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Oh...okay, not a problem. Just before you leave, I'm quite interested in what you're doing. Can you let me in on what we're doing?

JAMES - Um....

JENSEN - (Whispers) We can trust him, he's the police.

JAMES - Okay. Sit down sir w-we'll explain it to you.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Right then, hit me.

JENSEN - If you're not aware, the Olympics are going on right now.


JENSEN - We've managed to find drug dealing connections between the Head Coach of Team Dalek and the Nutritionist at the Sports Science Laboratory.

V. CONSTABLE - (Shocked).


JAMES - Don't panic. The players haven't been drugged yet, they're doing their best to bring glory to the nation. It's just that the coach has plans to drug his athletes for the championships.


JAMES - The nutritionist had made a deal of parceling an entire new dope, which is basically ecstasy and steroid put together, and he's planned to parcel it over tomorrow 3pm.

V. POLICE OFFICER - My god, this is pretty serious.

JAMES - Earlier on we asked the head coach if he was involved in this dealing. He tried to escape. We managed to bring him in and interrogate him. We have a drill when it comes to our interrogation: We talk it through with the victim to get information, we give them various solutions for them to escape from this problem, if they don't listen (uses his hand as a gun) boom.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Woah, seriously?

JAMES - You know it.

V. POLICE OFFICER - S-So what happened to the head coach?

JAMES - Well...he didn't listen.


JENSEN - Yes. We haven't done anything wrong right?

V. POLICE OFFICER - Nonsense. You're an intelligence organisation, I mean you give your victims ways to escape from the problem. They don't listen, their loss.

JENSEN - You're at it sir.

V. POLICE OFFICER - What if you get caught for killing him all of a sudden? I mean you have no evidence to back up the scene.

JAMES - Actually....we do. We video record each and every interrogation.

JENSEN - So that once the news is out, exposed! world knows it, evidence is there.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Smart, really smart people. But really, if you record it as evidence to expose, why didn't you expose it then?

JAMES - It's not the right time sir. The Olympics are going on right now. If the news goes out, there's a chance of Team Dalek being put under heavy pressure because people suspect whether they've taken drugs in advance. Truth is that the athletes are innocent, they aren't aware of this at all.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Good, really good! I wish you and your team best of luck into finishing your mission. Your permission to use the interrogation room is granted.

JAMES - Thank you sir.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Plop yourselves in there, anytime tomorrow, and one more thing: don't hesitate to contact us for back-up. We'll help out.

JENSEN - Sure sir. We'll let you know. Most likely we won't be needing any help because the final victim is right in our hands. All we have to do is assault him. We can handle that.

V. POLICE OFFICER - Well then, it was good meeting you.

JAMES - Thank you sir.

[Scene 37]

BRETT - (On the phone) Hello?

JAMES - We've got it. The nutritionist works at the Sport Science Laboratory, it's in association with the Athletics Club. Right next door to the place.

BRETT - Yes! I knew it. Good job (drops the call) we've got the location. He works at the Sport Science Laboratory, which is right next to the Athletics club.

ANNA - It's in association?

BRETT - Yes. Dean take out your laptop.

DEAN - (Takes out his laptop).

BRETT - Go on Google maps and type in "Dalek Capital Athletics Club".

DEAN - Okay (enters it in) here, got it!

BRETT - Right then, turn it to face us.

(Everyone sees the club)

ANNA - It's huge! t-they've got four tracks, three practice tracks and one centre track.

DEAN - Man! it's massive!

BRETT - Thank god we can identify the location easily. Now look here, the laboratory is to the right of the centre track.

ANNA - The Hexagonal shape right?

BRETT - Yes. Take a photo of this place using your phone.

ANNA - (Takes the photo) Got it.

BRETT - Okay. Now all that's left is to go find the secret exits. We'll take a taxi to the place, once we reach the laboratory I want Dean to go search at the back, Anna at the left and me at the right.

DEAN - Okay.

BRETT - Take note of where exactly the secret exits are. We don't want any outsiders looking.

DEAN - Shall we head out now?

BRETT - Yes let's go.

[Scene 38]

(At the hotel lobby)

ANNA - Can you a book a taxi?

H. ASSISTANT - Yes ma'am, one moment please.

ANNA - Right, then she's booking.

BRETT - (On the phone) Hello?

JENSEN - Hey Brett, what's our next job?

BRETT - We're on our way to search for the secret exits.

JENSEN - Brett, I forgot to inform you that we told the Police officer about our investigation. Don't worry, we left out the part where the athletes got drugged. I just told him that there's a drug dealing connection between the nutritionist and the head coach.

BRETT - That's okay. Just as long as you didn't mention the athletes being drugged.

JENSEN - They fully support our investigation. They've told us not to hesitate to call for back-up.

BRETT - Back up....(remembers what he said previously: "No outsiders should see us") I've got it! we need back for tomorrow morning. Not for the arrest but to cover us up when doing the kidnap.

JENSEN - Right, I'll inform the officer. Anything else?

BRETT - Nothing else. Just inform the officer for back-up tomorrow and you're doen for the day.

JENSEN - Right then, bye!

BRETT - Bye.

DEAN - Who was it?

BRETT - Jensen. The police are serving us tomorrow for back-up, during the kidnap.

DEAN - Oh great. Makes it easier for us.

H. ASSISTANT - Ma'am, your taxi has arrived.

ANNA - Thank you.

(They get in the car)

ANNA - What're we going to do about renting cars?

BRETT - No need, the police are helping us. We'll travel in the police car.

ANNA - Police?

DEAN - Serving as back-up for us, when doing the kidnap.

ANNA - Oh okay.

BRETT - Dalek Capital Athletics Club, please.

DRIVER - Yes sir.

(Drives off)

[Scene 39]

R. COACH - Right team! that was an excellent performance put up by you all. Firstly give yourselves a round of applause, you all truly deserve it!


LILY - (Proud).

R. COACH - What I respect and like about you all is the fact that you aim higher than the given expectations. To qualify you had to get into the top 5 and top 8, almost all of you qualified in the top 3!


R. COACH - Except for the shot put team who came 4th and 5th, but that's okay. Don't feel upset that you didn't equalise with your team's performance. Be glad you met those expectations, we'll work together over the next few days to build up on our skills. Now then, celebrations!

TEAM DALEK - Woohoo!

R. COACH - I ordered healthy meals for everyone as usual, other than that also some fizzy drink and cake. Enjoy your treat everyone! you did good.

(Everyone cheers and celebrates)

[Scene 40]

DRIVER - We're here sir.

DEAN - Look Anna.

BRETT - How much?

DRIVER - $10.

BRETT - (Pays up)

(They exit the taxi)

ANNA - Now then, here we are.

DEAN - Athletics Club.

BRETT - Take out your phone Anna.

ANNA - (Takes it out).

BRETT - Open the Google maps image.

ANNA - (Opens it and gives it to him).

BRETT - Hmm....if I'm not wrong, the laboratory should be to the very right.

DEAN - Yes, see the signboard says "Sports Science Laboratory".

BRETT - Bingo! let's move.

(They move towards the laboratory)

ANNA - Not really what I was expecting.

DEAN - I know right? I expected this place to be higher.

BRETT - It's a lab. Just one big floor full of scientists.

DEAN - I see.

BRETT - Weird infrastructure, it's hexagonal.

ANNA - It'll take ages to get around the place.

BRETT - Well, we can't afford to lose anymore time. Just follow by our plans. Hexagon has 6 sides, each person take care of 2 sides.

ALL - Got it.

(They move to search for the secret exits)

ANNA - (Walking down the 2 sides of the laboratory) (Searching here and there).

[Scene 41]

(At Room 345)

JENSEN - Phew! so tired (lands on the bed).

JAMES - Travel, planning, police station....lots of work.

JENSEN - Well? what now?

JAMES - You want to go snoop around their room?

JENSEN - What for?

JAMES - You know (making weird expressions).

JENSEN - (Pissed) (Goes searching for something in the complimentary basket).

JAMES - W-What're you doing??

JENSEN - (Turns around, and flicks a packet of tea in front of him).

JAMES - Oh no! no no no! please!

JENSEN - (Rips open the tea packet).

JAMES - Jensen, listen to me. I was just joking around, n-no hard feelings.

JENSEN - (Prepares hot water).

JAMES - Dude! stop, please I-I'm begging you!

JENSEN - (Pours hot water in his cup, along with the tea bag).

JAMES - D-Don't do it!

JENSEN - (Comes for him with the tea in his hand).

JAMES - Please, I easily get frights!

JENSEN - (Lifts his cup).


JENSEN - (Drinks the tea).

JAMES - (Shocked) B-B-Buh- what??

JENSEN - (Still drinking his tea).

JAMES - You idiot! you fool! you twit! you! you! retarded piece of shit!! is this how you scare your team mate?? keeping an angry expression on your face, preparing tea in slow motion to create fear?! as if you're Spielberg?! in the end just when I'm about to be drenched...you drink it!! w-what's wrong with you?!

JENSEN - (Burps) Ah....very soothing taste (walks off to the complimentary basket).

JAMES - Oi! I'm screaming my head off like a dinosaur and you're walking away from me?!

JENSEN - (Drinks water).

JAMES - Oh great! now you're drinking water. Who drinks water after a cup of tea?!

JENSEN - We'll talk this through later, I'll be in the bathroom.

JAMES - Oi! deaf child! don't go! I haven't finished scolding you! d-don't! I-I'll lose my tempo!

JENSEN - (Stops and turn to look at James) T-Tempo?

JAMES - (Nods) Yes!

JENSEN - Dude please, don't play jokes. What, did you develop a script for this event?

JAMES - I had it all planned out in my mind at that point and...you're just killing the moment for me!

JENSEN - And what do you want from me?

JAMES - Well sit down here so I can talk this through to you because you're giving me nothing!

JENSEN - (Pissed) (Goes to sit down next to James on the bed) Lights, Camera, Action! (claps his hand).

JAMES - What are you doing?

JENSEN - You said you had a script planned out in your head about this event. You also said I was giving you nothing. Just creating the feel.

JAMES - Joke?

JENSEN - (Giggles).

JAMES - Let me get to the point: One does not simply create a killer build-up and kill the entire thing in the end!

JENSEN - Point?

JAMES - I sort of trashed talk some shit into you and you went straight for the tea packets! y-you opened it in slow motion, prepared the tea and! and! y-you came for me!

JENSEN - Great, go on, go on.

JAMES - Then! then! you freaking drank the entire thing! you know you almost scared the piss out of me! I mean just look! my shirt got wet in that tension!

JENSEN - (Sniffs) Gosh! pee-yew! how does one sweat so much in tension? you were that scared?

JAMES - Before you were going to pour tea, you scared the pee out of me!

JENSEN - I said I'll do it in the night you lemon! not now.

JAMES - Night?

JENSEN - I clearly said "I'll do it in the night". Next time listen carefully, alright? see, just one misunderstanding and you almost pissed yourself.

JAMES - (Pissed) You suck.

JENSEN - What? me?

JAMES - You suck!

JENSEN - I made myself very-

JAMES - You suck! you suck! you suck!!! (rushes and closes himself in the bathroom).

JENSEN - Heh, (takes out a memo pad and pencil. Writes down the following while talking) "April fools ultimate prank.....prepare hot tea in front of James...dot".

[Scene 42]

(Brett, Anna and Dean still searching)

DEAN - (Finds the emergency exit) (Calls the others).

ANNA - (On the phone) Yes?

DEAN - I found it.

BRETT - (On the phone) Where is it?

DEAN - On the other side of the laboratory. 180ยบ from the entrance.

ANNA - Right.

(Brett and Anna rush to the end)

ANNA - Bulls eye, what do you think?

BRETT - (Looks around the place and doesn't see much) Well....it's an empty road alley way here. We'll make it for an easy kidnap. Take note of the location.

DEAN - Yes (takes note) got it.

BRETT - Good. Now follow me back to the main road. We're doing this to visualise the location, to execute our plan tomorrow morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
The CIO have now headed over to get closer to the prime culprit - find out who he is, and what his intentions are.