‹ Prequel: CIO: PA 911
Sequel: CIO: Tsoro Wipeout
Status: It's a fact that doping in sport has happened - especially in the Olympics. This is to showcase one of the reasons why doping took place in the Olympics.

CIO: Fair Play

CIO: Fair Play (Part Four)

[Scene 43]

JENSEN - (On the phone) Hello?

ANNA - It's me Anna, we found the secret exit. Do as I say (Gives him the instructions).

JENSEN - Got it thanks. (Goes on Google maps, zooms in on the laboratory and screen shots the location) James, call the reception and ask them to print this out for us.

JAMES - Right.

JENSEN - A3 Size.

JAMES - (On the phone) Hello Reception? yes, I'm calling from Room 345. We want you to take a print out really urgently. Could you do that?.....thank you....yes..we need it A3 size.....thanks.....okay I'll bring my laptop down to send the file...yes, thank you (drops the call). Be right back! (rushes out with the laptop).

[Scene 44]

(Rushes to the lobby)

H. ASSISTANT - Hi sir, how can I help you?

JAMES - Came to get the print out.

H. ASSISTANT - Ah yes. Do you have the file with you?

JAMES - Yes (shows the laptop).

H. ASSISTANT - Right, here's a USB. Copy the file onto the USB, and I'll print it out. A3 size right?

JAMES - Yes, thank you.

(Copies it onto the USB, gives it to her, she prints it out for him)

H. ASSISTANT - Here sir.

JAMES - Thank you very much.

(Brett, Anna and Dean enter the hotel)

ANNA - Hey, you did it?

JAMES - Oh you're here.

ANNA - Nice job. Here Brett.

BRETT - Good, let's go upstairs.

[Scene 45]

(In Room 346)

DEAN - Right, is everyone here?

ALL - Yes.

BRETT - Now then....here we have the map of the laboratory. This is the main road....

JENSEN - It's hexagonal.

DEAN - I know right? weird.

BRETT - Getting to the point (uses a marker) this is where the secret exit is (marks the exit with an "X"). This space behind the laboratory is just an empty, spacious alleyway, so we have no trouble into getting the car to the back.

ANNA - What will the police squad do?

BRETT - We're using their police car remember? what's the width of the gaps between the walls and the laboratory?

DEAN - Um......the scales say that the width 190cm.

BRETT - Great. We won't require much policemen. We just need four of them, (marks them) 1 on each of these vertices, leaving the side vertices out, because five of us will be inside doing our job. If he and possibly a third man tries to escape, we have someone guarding the boundaries.

JENSEN - Great.

BRETT - To make it brief. Two police cars will be involved: two policemen and three of us in one car, two policemen and the other two of us in the second car. The first car with three of us will drive to the back of the laboratory, (marking) once you exit the car tell the two policemen to secure themselves at the back vertices.

ANNA - Okay.

BRETT - The second car will pull by just in front of the laboratory. The two of us will go to the back, joining the other three. Meanwhile the two policemen will secure themselves at the front vertices, giving the public an idea of them patrolling, no suspects, no problems.

JAMES - Then?

BRETT - We go inside and do our business. If he's a big coward than the arrest is easy, if it gets hasty.....then, we spring into action. Got the plan?

ALL - Got it!

BRETT - Good. Now we can take rest. Tomorrow morning when we wake up I want James and Jensen to go the police station and get the four policemen. We'll be in action immediately from then on.

JAMES - Who'll be in which car?

ANNA - You're definitely not with me, I can tell you that.

JAMES - What? no! I'm a man of a gem!

JENSEN - (Pissed) Anyone want hot...tea?

JAMES - Huh? (whispers) Jensen, please don't do it. Don't e-expose me bro.

ALL - Yes please!

[Scene 46]

(In Room 346)

JENSEN - (Preparing hot tea).

(Everyone else, watching TV and talking. Except for James who is hiding himself with a pillow).

BRETT - The heck are you doing?

JAMES - Jensen! h-he's preparing tea! hot tea!

BRETT - Yes, he's preparing tea. So what? it is soothing.

JAMES - Not for me it isn't.

BRETT - Oh come on, it can't be that bad.

JAMES - You don't understand Brett. It's not about the taste, it's about the temperature!

BRETT - Temperature? what?

JAMES - You know, the temperature. I-It can be really hot, and it can also sometimes be....very cold.

BRETT - Well yes, it's tea, if it isn't then it's coffee.

JENSEN - Tea's ready!

ANNA - Coming!

DEAN - Ooh! tea!

BRETT - Get one for me Dean!

JENSEN (Giving it) One for you, one for you and...one for you and...hold on a second (sharp turn, looking at James).

JAMES - Gah!

DEAN - (Spills his tea in his scream).

JAMES - (Shivering).

DEAN - Ehem....

JAMES - Not now.

DEAN - Ehem!

JAMES - What? Oh!

DEAN - It....burns!

JAMES - Y-You see what I mean? t-this tea isn't safe!

ANNA - James! it's god damn tea!

DEAN - Don't scream like that alright? I was in the middle of drinking my tea, and this happens.

JAMES - S-Sorry...

JENSEN - (Walks towards James with a cup of tea) James, h-have some tea.


JENSEN - Have some tea, James.


ALL - (Looking at them).

JENSEN - I made this specially for you.

JAMES - N-No you didn't! y-you made it for everyone too.

ANNA - Just take it James! it's tea!!

JAMES - No!! (runs to the bathroom and locks himself inside).

DEAN - What was that about?

JENSEN - Sit down guys, I-I'll tell you.

[Scene 47]

(In the bathroom)

JAMES - (Looks at himself in the mirror) Gosh! I-I didn't even get drenched, but I'm drenched in sweat. Unbelievable! what's wrong with me? a-am I tea-phobic now?? deep breath James, deep breath (takes several deep breaths) Now then, I feel better. (Opens the bathroom door).

(Brett, Dean, Jensen and Anna holding their cups of tea, right in front of the bathroom door)

ALL - (In a creepy way) Have some tea, child!

JAMES - Gah!!!!! (Locks himself inside).

ALL - (Places their tea cups on the table) (burst out laughing) Hahahahaha!!!! oh! oh! oh!!

ANNA - (Laughing) Tea!! h-he's scared of tea!!

BRETT - (Laughing) What comes after the letter S?

ALL - Tea!! (T!!!) hahahaha!!

JAMES - (Walks out of the bathroom all furious) You idiots! you fools! you twits!! w-what the hell!

DEAN - Woah! calm down bro!

JAMES - You...b-b-bunch of freaking creeps!!

BRETT - Hahaha!!

JAMES - I just calmed down after a tea-phobia attack.

ANNA - Tea phobia hahaha!!

ALL - Hahaha!!!

JAMES - Oh, s-so you think this is funny? isn't it you people!! t-tea can get...r-really scary you know?

DEAN - (Uncontrollable) How?

JAMES - You know, the temperature?

JENSEN - I believe you bro.

JAMES - You do? finally, thank you.

JENSEN - No. Hahahaha!

ALL - Hahahaha!!

JAMES - Man, t-this....is....bullshit!!

[Scene 48]

(In the laboratory)

NUTRITIONIST - Bingo! I-I'm done.

ASSISTANT - You are?


ASSISTANT - Sir i-it's bubbling and r-red in colour.

NUTRITIONIST - It's meant to be red. It symbolises fury and excitement. Don't worry about the bubbles, I just finished binding all of them. The bubbling will stop within the next 2 hours or so. Did you get the stamp ready?

ASSISTANT - Not yet, s-should I go now?

NUTRITIONIST - Wait, just hold on (dials on his phone).

(Meanwhile at Room 346)

ALL - Hahaha!

JAMES - Good times.....

(Phone rings, everyone looks at the phone).

BRETT - (Picks up the phone) Shush....(whispers) it's the nutritionist.

ALL - Right.

BRETT - (Answers the call) Hello?

NUTRITIONIST - Sir it's me. I've completed the binding process. It's ready for parceling. You want me to parcel it over earlier or....

BRETT - Hmm.....no, 3pm like I said earlier. If I get the package earlier, I'll find it hard to sneak it into a safe place. Whereas at the time I told you, I could rush the drugs into play, no one would suspect.

NUTRITIONIST - Right sir. Good business.

BRETT - Indeed (drops the call). He's caught, he's definitely caught.

ANNA - What was it about?

BRETT - He finished the binding process ahead of time, and asked if he could send it earlier. I said no and.....you heard the reasoning.

JENSEN - Right, a-are we done with serious business?

BRETT - Oh that? yes, yes we're done. God damn this guy, just had to interfere our free time.

JAMES - I know right? what a jerk!

JENSEN - (Looks at James).

JAMES - What? d-did I say anything wrong?

JENSEN - I-I just don't know how to respond to that.

JAMES - Then don't. You don't need to respond to everything people say.

JENSEN - No, I'm trying to make it a point.

JAMES - For what?

JENSEN - See how long I can go with making responses to you.

JAMES - Why?

JENSEN - S-So the moment eventually comes, w-when the time is right.

ALL - Hahahaha!!

JAMES - Oh come on! give me a break alright? you people, always thinking about hot tea and put weight on others.

DEAN - Oh calm down bro. Just for funsies you know?

JAMES - Elaborate please.

ANNA - (Coughs) T-T-Time pass.

JAMES - (Pissed) Oh dear.

ALL - Hahaha!

BRETT - No escape I guess right?

JAMES - No escape really. Business trip, I'm stuck with this troll who apparently can't wait to pour hot tea on me!

JENSEN - (Giggles).

JAMES - Unless.....you know.....you have a return ticket for tonight....if you do, please hit me now!

ALL - (Silence).

JAMES - What? no return ticket for tonight? don't be scared to give me one. You are encouraged to give me one, if you have one.

ANNA - Ehem.....first make sure that you're not scared.

BRETT - Ehem....I clearly specified, return flight is tomorrow night.

JAMES - I know!! I-I'm just trying to be sarcastic here alright?

JENSEN - And!-

JAMES - Shut up! you duck!

ALL - (Giggles).

JENSEN - D-D-Duck?? (whispers) I thought we killed this topic at high school.

JAMES - (Whispers) You killed the topic. I on the other hand reserved it in my jokes account.

ANNA - Duck? w-what's with the duck?

JENSEN - Nothing really-

JAMES - No let me tell you.

JENSEN - James!

JAMES - Yes!

JENSEN - Don't even-

JAMES - His nick name in high school! Duck!

DEAN - (Giggles).

BRETT - (Giggles).

ALL - Hahahaha!!

ANNA - Oh my god! c-can't take it!

JAMES - Oh oh! l-look at his face! oh look at his face!

JENSEN - (Pissed).

JAMES - Quack quack!

JENSEN - I won't laugh.

BRETT - Come on Jensen! quack a joke!

DEAN - Hahaha! good one!

ANNA - No seriously....why duck?

JAMES - You see. Back in high school, he always had itchy legs, every now and then he would walk like a duck because of that!

ANNA - Bwahahaha!

JENSEN - Are we done!

BRETT - (Giggles) Yes, w-were done.

JENSEN - Thank you very much. Now what?

DEAN - Dinner downstairs.

[Scene 49]

(At the dinner restaurant downstairs, at Starlux Hotel)

DEAN - (Talking to the waiter) Thank you very much.

ANNA - Nice Lasagna.

DEAN - Thank you.

(While eating)

JENSEN - What time are we waking up tomorrow?

BRETT - 6:30am.

ANNA - That early?

BRETT - Well yes, that early. Unless you want to wake up at 7, and be at a rush.

DEAN - I'm going with the 6:30am idea, provided I'm in bed by 9:30pm.

JAMES - 9:30pm? why? are you a kid?

DEAN - I need that much sleep.

ANNA - Sleep deprivation?

DEAN - Um.....something like that.

ANNA - Sleep deprived child!

JENSEN - Indeed.

JAMES - (Giggling).

ALL - (Reacts to James, laughing).

BRETT - Ehem.

DEAN - Ehem!

JAMES - Yes?

DEAN - What are you giggling on about?

JAMES - (Giggling) Ducks.

ANNA - (Giggles).

JENSEN - Dean, give me your lasagna.

DEAN - Dude please don't! I'm hungry.

JENSEN - It's okay, we're dealing within our budget. G-Give it to me.

JAMES - W-What're you doing?

JENSEN - What do you think I'm doing?

JAMES - About to splat my face with hot lasagna.

JENSEN - Ridiculous! I'm just hungry alright?! gosh!

JAMES - Fine, fine. Chill.

JENSEN - (Takes 4 spoons of his lasagna. Then takes a spoon of the sauce and flings it towards James).

JAMES - What!

DEAN - (Giggling).

BRETT - Hahaha!

ANNA - Hahaha!

JAMES - (Sharp turn at Jensen) Explain.

JENSEN - Don't talk about me.

JAMES - I didn't talk about you. Did I talk about him? huh?

ANNA - He has a point, he didn't.

BRETT - Not at all.

JAMES - I was talking about ducks, not Jensen right?

ALL - Agree.

JAMES - See? just because I'm talking about ducks doesn't mean I'm talking about you. Unless......you think you're a duck.

ANNA - (Giggles).

JENSEN - Then why did you giggle while saying ducks?

JAMES - D-Ducks are funny....you know?


JAMES - You know um....they quack me up every time.

JENSEN - I see. You might want to wipe the sauce off.

JAMES - Stop! (tastes the sauce on his face) needs some more salt.

(Adds salt to his lasagna)

JAMES - There you go! (eats his meal).

[Scene 50]

(Everyone's asleep at their rooms. Meanwhile at Room 345)

JENSEN - (Wakes up, quietly).

JAMES - (Fast asleep).

JENSEN - (Gets up slowly, walks towards the complimentary basket, prepares hot tea, approaches James and pours it on his face).

JAMES - (Gets up) Ah!!! hot tea!! hot tea!! it burns!! oh the pain!! what is wrong with you?

JENSEN - Got you back.

JAMES - W-What?? what's wrong with you? you son of a creep! you keep scaring me with hot tea, I got you back with the duck joke, it quacked them up!

JENSEN - Ehem!

JAMES - Fine, it um....cracked them up, and just when things get even at the end of the day. This!! at 1am in the morning!! A-Are you mentally retarded or anything?

JENSEN - Oh shut up!

JAMES - Why did you pour hot tea on my face? give me one valid explanation for why I shouldn't buy you Vampire duck Halloween costume.

JENSEN - I um.....you called me a duck.....a freaking duck alright?

JAMES - Ah I see.....sensitive huh?

JENSEN - Shut up!

JAMES - Just admit you're sensitive, so I can catch up on my sleep.

JENSEN - But!-

JAMES - 5...4....3....2-

JENSEN - Alright alright! I-I'm sensitive. Mainly about you bringing up the duck joke. Don't do it again alright?

JAMES - Fine, and you too. Don't scare me with hot tea. I know very well about you, every time you prank me, you note it down in your memo pad as an idea for April fools.

JENSEN - (Stunned) W-W-What plans? hot tea? on 1st April? not my type.

JAMES - Scratch that idea and we're through.

JENSEN - Okay.

JAMES - Hold on! get me a towel, my face is melting.

JENSEN - Right.

JAMES - (While wiping his face) Gosh, nowadays people use anything to get people back. I'm never going near England if I have to sit down for afternoon tea.

(Lights out)

[Scene 51]

(At 6:30am in the morning)

BRETT - (Wakes up) Oh...i-it's time. G-Get up guys.

DEAN - (Wakes up) I-I'm up....Ah!!!

BRETT - Ah!!! w-why are you screaming!!

DEAN - A-Anna...s-she's sleeping on your lap!

BRETT - What?! r-really? (looks down and sees her) Ah!!

ANNA - (Wakes up) Ah!!!!

ALL - Ah!!!

(Next door)

JENSEN - (Wakes up) D-Dude what's going on next door?

JAMES - D-Don't know. Oh wait! t-this can be my chance! (runs and puts his ear on the wall).

JENSEN - What are you-

JAMES - Shush.

(Next door)

ANNA - W-Why are you screaming?!

BRETT - You.....on my lap....sleeping!

DEAN - Oh dear me!

JAMES - Ah ha! I knew it!

JENSEN - Knew what?

JAMES - You know um.....

JENSEN - (Stunned, puts his ear on the wall).

ANNA - What? you guys are ridiculous. You screamed just because of that?

DEAN - What did you think? I woke up and I see this! a-a-a-

BRETT - (Nervous) Anna.....w-what happened??

ANNA - Huh?

DEAN - Me and Brett. Were sleeping on the big bed, you ordered an extra bed. Morning...you're here, on his lap!

ANNA - Woah really?

DEAN - Then?

ANNA - Wow.

DEAN - Don't tell me you-

ANNA - Oh no no no please! n-nothing alright!

JAMES - It's coming, it's coming!

ANNA - Ah! now I remember, I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night. After using the bathroom I couldn't find my extra bed anywhere. S-So I plopped myself on a rather fluffy part of your bed. Turns out it was Brett's lap.

BRETT - Phew!

DEAN - Thank goodness.

JAMES - Damn it! totally killed it.

ANNA - Well? what're we waiting for? get ready!

BRETT - (Shocked) Right (gets up awkwardly).

[Scene 52]

(At the hotel lobby, everyone has assembled)

BRETT - Call the police station and tell the four policemen to come, in two police cars.

JENSEN - Right.

(While Jensen is talking to the police)

JAMES - Brett.

BRETT - Yes.

JAMES - What happened last night?

BRETT - Last night?

JAMES - You know um...Anna and-

BRETT - Ssh! y-you found out too?

JAMES - Then? you people were screaming your heads off at 6:30 in the morning. We woke up thinking Godzilla entered the building.

DEAN - What's going on here?

BRETT - H-He found out.

DEAN - About what?

BRETT - You know (points at Anna).

DEAN - Oh god. James, listen buddy, don't go about spreading this to everyone. Control your mischief mind.

JAMES - Don't worry, it's a secret.

DEAN - Yes, keep it. Let's be reminded that it was an accident.

JAMES - Wait what? an accident! s-so it really-

BRETT - (Slaps him) Why? why dude? please, y-you're in the other room for a reason. Utter your mouth like that one more time, you'll be my next victim in the interrogation room.

JAMES - (Gulp) Please, I too am an Intelligence specialist.

BRETT - Then act like one.

JAMES - What? always? listen Brett. I know when to be in serious mode and when to have fun. No one can say I'm stupid because of me being jolly. Let loose of yourself like us, don't restrain. Remember (points at Jensen) the duck is on the line.

BRETT - (Giggles) I-I see.

JAMES - Okay fun time's over. Now, back to duty.

V. CONSTABLE 1 - Ma'am!

ANNA - Yes, are the two police cars here?

V. CONSTABLE 2 - Yes ma'am.

ANNA - Good. Let's move.

[Scene 53]

(In the car)

BRETT - (Conference call) James, Jensen, are you both connected?


BRETT - Right then. Your car is ahead of us, tell our plan to the 2 policemen.

JAMES - Right.

BRETT - I'll meet you at the back.

JENSEN - Okay.

V. CONSTABLE 3 - Sir, how is this going to work?

DEAN - Pull up just a few metres away from the laboratory. I want you both to station yourselves, covering the gaps of the lab alleyways. Fix yourselves in positions of a patrol officer. There's a less chance the culprit will try and escape. Whoever runs out of the front exit, just catch them. We'll give you the signal when we've done the arrest.

V. CONSTABLES - Yes sir.

[Scene 54]

(In the car)

JENSEN - Go inside the alleyway.

V. CONSTABLE 1 - Right.

(They pull up behind the lab)

JAMES - (On the phone) Brett, we're here.

BRETT - Right, we're almost there. Just pulling up.

JAMES - Okay.

(They exit the car)

DEAN - Everyone here?

ALL - Yes.

ANNA - Right then, positions!

(Constables station themselves, the three specialists go to the back of the alleyway to meet the others)


BRETT - Right, we all know what to do here right?

ALL - Yes.

BRETT - Police in positions?


BRETT - Right then, let's go.

[Scene 55]

NUTRITIONIST - Pass me the packaging box.

ASSISTANT - Here sir.

NUTRITIONIST - Thank you. Oh wait! what are you people doing here? wrong place.

BRETT - Ehem (shakes hands with the nutritionist) Brett, CIO Specialist.


BRETT - Crisis intelligence organisation.

NUTRITIONIST - O-Oh! okay, w-what can I help you with?

BRETT - We've received information about Team Dalek involved in doping.

NUTRITIONIST - (Shocked and stop packing) W-W-W-What?

BRETT - You know, drugs in sports, to win, cheating!

NUTRITIONIST - C-Could you give me a minute, I-I'll be inside.

BRETT - Right then, go ahead.

(Nutritionist goes to the very end of the laboratory, Jensen and James follow him at a distance)

NUTRITIONIST - (Takes out his phone) Head Coach....head coach....got it (dials to reach the head coach).

(Phone rings from Brett's pocket)

NUTRITIONIST - Pick up...pick up.

BRETT - (Takes out the phone from his pocket and waves it in front of him).

NUTRITIONIST - (Shocked and turns back to see Brett. He comes for Brett and snatches the phone from him. He sees his phone trying to reach it) Y-Y-You are-

BRETT - (Disguises his voice like the coach) Is my parcel ready for post?

NUTRITIONIST - (Shocked) No, No! i-it can't be! how could you-

BRETT - We know A to Z about your drug plans. Team Dalek hasn't won any major competition events in athletics. You teamed up with the coach to dope the athletes. Now you're currently working on making them into invincible mutants, by binding ecstasy with steroid.

NUTRITIONIST - (Shocked) H-How?

BRETT - You know yesterday morning you were trying to reach the coach right?


BRETT - That was my first conversation....with my victim....over the phone.


BRETT - Anna! Dean! show him the video recordings!


(They show him the video recordings of both interrogations).


BRETT - 4 Policemen surrounding this laboratory compound, me and my four agents here to finish the case off. What's your plan?

NUTRITIONIST - (Runs around the lab, throwing chemicals at them).

DEAN - Everybody duck! duck! duck!


DEAN - He's throwing chemicals!

JENSEN - Oh! down! down!

ANNA - He's getting away!

BRETT - I'm going for him.

(Brett chases after the nutritionist in the laboratory).

NUTRITIONIST - (Cornered near a table) D-Don't come near me! I-I'm warning you!

BRETT - (Comes forward).

NUTRITIONIST - I'll! I'll! (finds a pocket knife on the table) I'll kill you! I'll hack at your neck!

BRETT - You'll hack at my neck. Do it.


BRETT - Don't worry, I can wait here all day.

NUTRITIONIST - (Shaking even more).

BRETT - Hack at my neck! you imbecile!! (grabs him by the arm, snatches the knife and places it next to his neck) you had your chance.

NUTRITIONIST - D-Don't kill me! please I-I'm begging you!!

BRETT - Come with me (drags him) get the car.

[Scene 56]


DEAN - Start the car.

BRETT - (Shoves the nutritionist inside the car) Jensen, I'll take care of him. You two get in the car at the front.

JENSEN - Sure.

BRETT - Right. Heading for the police station okay?


(In the car)

ANNA - Step on it.

(They reach the police station)

POLICE OFFICER - Sir! pleasure to meet you!

JAMES - Yes, thanks for your help.

POLICE OFFICER - Don't mention it.

JENSEN - Right then, is the interrogation room ready?

POLICE OFFICER - Yes, yes. Proceed.

ANNA - Video recording?

DEAN - All set.

(In the interrogation room, nutritionist is all tied up inside)

NUTRITIONIST - What do you want from me?!

BRETT - Shush! you had your chance. Now.....it's my turn.


BRETT - You saw the video recordings. You know very well how we got here.

NUTRITIONIST - Spare me! please!!

BRETT - Let me see.....you've brought in danger to Dalek athletes, just to win, am I right?


BRETT - Personally......I really don't feel like letting you go.


BRETT - Anna! pass me your phone.

ANNA - Here.

BRETT - (Plays Lily's recording "Kill them! don't spare them! how dare they try to endanger our sporting careers!").


BRETT - Lily knows, Team Dalek knows, the replacement coach knows too! and do you know what they've all decided?

NUTRITIONIST - (Scared) W-W-What?

BRETT - (Draws his gun and loads it) This (aims towards his head).

NUTRITIONIST - W-What!! p-please!! d-don't kill me!! d-don't!!-

BRETT - I'm not killing you for myself. The national team you entrusted with the drugs, wants you dead! end of story, I'm nothing but their echo.

NUTRITIONIST - Please!! please!!

BRETT - Next time, think before you do something stupid like that. Any stupid act like that will endanger the entire country, at least be happy that I haven't revealed the full story to the public. Not for you! but for the athletes, so that their reputation doesn't get spoilt.

NUTRITIONIST - (Shivering) Don't!!!!

BRETT - Good night (shoots him in the head).
♠ ♠ ♠
CIO have managed to track the whereabouts of this culprit. They shall now end this madness once and for all.