Status: A story oriented between making tough choices in life.

My Backbone

[Scene 1]

DOCTOR - (Checking pulse rate) Hmm.....Nurse, get him on the bed.

NURSE - Down, lay down. Yes, yes, you're doing it right.

DOCTOR - (Setting up the scan) Alright, send him in.

(Nurse sends the patient through through the scan)

DOCTOR - Hmm.....Okay.

(Nurse makes the patient get face to face with the doctor)

NED - (Smiles) Heh! Heh?

DOCTOR - (Smiles and rubs Ned's head) Don't worry. Call Mark.

NURSE - (From outside) Mark!

(Mark enters)

DOCTOR - Have a seat.

MARK - He's okay?

DOCTOR - Take Ned outside, Nurse. It'll be a while.

(Nurse and Ned go out)

DOCTOR - Right then, Mark. How do you I break this to you.

MARK - I-It's fine. I kind of anticipated this moment too.

DOCTOR - Let's not talk as doctor to attendee. Let's talk as doctor to doctor, then only you can understand the situation.

MARK - Right.

DOCTOR - I can definitely say that his mental state hasn't improved. It has gotten worse.

MARK - How worse?

DOCTOR - Just as how it's gotten worse through previous years. Like everything that builds up, there comes a point, where things just cross the limits.

MARK - Paul.

DOCTOR - I don't know how to stress his current state now. Let me give it straight to you. If he goes into depression, or any unhappy mood, he'll get suicidal thoughts.

MARK - What?!

DOCTOR - Listen, his electric impulse has gotten slower. The Myelin Sheath layer over about 60% of his entire Nervous System has gotten weaker, some have been completely damaged.

MARK - H-His X Ray Scan?

DOCTOR - Oh that, I just did that. I'll have to wait for it to process. That'll take about 2 to 3 days or so. As of now, as per the tests I have conducted on his mental stability. It's not stable.

(Mark is upset)

DOCTOR - It's not too late, Mark. We can still conduct surgery on him, to repair his neurone connections. It's possible.

MARK - (Looks up) A-Any other option left?

DOCTOR - is the best one we have as of now. That's if you want him back, as a normal person. Now,'ll have to ensure he does not get moody, that leading to depression and other unhappy moods. Keep him satisfied as much as you can. You're qualified enough for mental training right?

MARK - Y-Yes.

DOCTOR - Yes, so just give him some training at home, to help improve his thinking, understanding, possibly even raise his IQ. Yet, that is a challenge. For now focus on improving his thinking and understanding skills. At the next check up, if there's improvement, we'll give support for training his mind even further.

MARK - I-I can still do it after the next check up, when there's improvement right?

DOCTOR - No, no. You're mostly just a Neurosurgeon. You only have a undergrad in mental training. He needs highly qualified trainers if there's improvement. Just try your best, okay?

MARK - (Nods).

DOCTOR - (Smiles) Take care.

[Scene 2]

(Mark's home)

MARK - (Holding Ned) Alright, Ned. Sit, Sit.....on the couch.

(Ned sits)

NED - Ha! hahaha! (bouncing on the couch).

MARK - Hmm...never gets old.

NED - Oold?

MARK - Hahaha.....old, Ned, it's old.

NED - O-O-Old.

MARK - Yes, that's it. You're getting there. (Arm on Ned's shoulder) Listen bro, you know my friend Paul right? the doctor?

NED - Docta! Docta!

MARK - Yes, yes. You've seen him a million times now. Well, I-I've said this, e-every six months and all. Nothing big, you're going to okay.

NED - M-Mee?

MARK - You....okay. As long as you're

NED - Mee! Mee!

MARK - Hehehe, Ned. Having the time of your life, aren't you?

(Ned is gazing at the ceiling)

MARK - Hmm....I-I'll go make lunch. TV? y-you want to watch TV?

NED - Tee Pee! Tee Pee! (clapping his hands).

MARK - Alright, alright. I'm turning it on. Right, no HBO (switches channel).

NED - Eh?

MARK - No Comedy Central (switches channel).

NED - Ah?

MARK - No, definitely no CNN.

NED - Ka! ka!

MARK - You're not cut out for those channels yet. You start from the bottom, alright?

NED - Hmm....

MARK - Playhouse Disney? or Disney Channel?

NED - D-Dah! neey!

MARK - Disney it is then. Oh look! perfect timing, your favourite show.

(Phineas and Ferb on TV)

NED - Phinea!!

MARK - Phineas....and Ferb, say Ferb.

NED - F-F-Fah urb.

MARK - Okay then. (Turns and goes back) Why don't people give a damn about Ferb?

NED - D-Dahm?

MARK - No, no! d-don't say that again.

NED - Eh?

MARK - It's a shush mm.

NED - Oh! shush mm.

MARK - Right. Don't change the channel, alright?

(Ned is focused on TV)

MARK - No that he's occupied (gets into cooking lunch).

(On TV)

PHINEAS - Ferb! I know what we're going to do today!

NED - Ah! Ah! (in excitement).

PHINEAS - A time machine!

NED - T-Tah eeme.

(Mark Smiles)

[Scene 3]

(At the hospital)

NURSE - Doctor Paul? Doctor Paul!

DOCTOR - Coming! coming! yes?

NURSE - Ned's Scan.

DOCTOR - Oh right. That was quite early, don't you think?

NURSE - Turns out no one needed the Scan Printer.

DOCTOR - Hmm...that's a record around here. (Checks the brain out) The cortex is a bit damaged here, you see that?

NURSE - Yes, yes.

DOCTOR - Look closely, the neurones are almost jumbled up like a ball of yarn here.

NURSE - Could Ned be having seizures at those times?

DOCTOR - Could be, but we would've known beforehand. For now I'm going to go with the breakdown of Myelin Sheath. The lost insulation is causing the neurones to clump into one. Just like electric wires, you remove the the insulated coating off, everything becomes a mess.

NURSE - Certainly.

[Scene 4]

(Phone rings at home)

NED - Phon! Phon!

MARK - Hold on! I-I'll get it.

(Picks up the phone)

MARK - Hello?

DOCTOR - Mark, it's me.

MARK - Oh, Paul. Tell me, what is it?

DOCTOR - I the scan done with.

MARK - Oh....that was quick.

DOCTOR - No scans as of now today.

MARK - Okay, what does it say?

DOCTOR - The cortex is slightly damaged. At the same area there's a clump of neurones together like yarn.

MARK - Oh....

NED - Eh?

MARK - (To Ned) That way, (eye gestures and moves to the kitchen).

DOCTOR - Mark?

MARK - I'm here! tell me.

DOCTOR - Yes, so his cortex is slightly damaged. Neurone clump is detected at the site of damage. This will affect his consciousness.

MARK - Right.

DOCTOR - Training him by yourself until the next check up may give you a tough time. Should I send a consultant to come help out?

MARK - No, no. It's fine. If I can't do the surgery, least I can do is train him.

DOCTOR - Right. Still, I don't want you to forget the surgery option. I still believe it's better for Ned.

MARK - I-I have my own personal worries, Paul. I feel he's better off.

DOCTOR - That' your choice. Remember what I said earlier on: when stuff keeps building up, on and on and on, things get worse. Today, he's as sensitive as housefly resting on your palm. Tomorrow, god knows - seizures, maybe even-

MARK - I get it. Just...d-don't bring it up. I'll see what I can do at that point.

DOCTOR - I want you to take the right decision, Mark. Surgery is difficult if you bring him in at a very late stage. Keep that in mind.

MARK - Sure (drops the call).

(Oven makes a ding sound - Mark takes the food out of the oven)

MARK - (Holding the tray) Ned! Ned!

(Ned doesn't pay attention)

MARK - Foo Foo is ready!

NED - Foo? Foo Foo!

MARK - Yes, so just....turn off the Tee Pee.

NED - Tah? urn?

MARK - Like this, pick up (gestures) the remote.

(Ned follows his instructions)

MARK - Yes, now move your thumb (gestures) to the red button.

NED - Reh? Reh?

MARK - No, that's volume control. Red, go up, up, up...

(Moves thumb up very slowly)

MARK - Yes, now (gestures).

NED - Ooh! (presses the button).

(TV turns off)

MARK - Yes! you did it!

NED - (Smiling) Ay!!

MARK - Come....for foo foo.

NED - Foo! Foo!

(at the lunch table, they enjoy eating the food)

[Scene 5]

(At the Public Park - Ned and Mark holding hands and strolling)

MARK - Ned? Ned? what do you see?

NED - (Turns to him) Eh?

MARK - See...(finger gestures) what do you see?

NED - Um.....

MARK - That's okay. We uh....we haven't got to that part yet. We'll get there.

(A soccer ball reaches Ned)

NED - Ooh!! (picks it up)

MARK - Ned...Ned, that's not ours. Put it down.

BOY 1 - (Running towards Ned to get the ball) Sorry, sir. C-Can I have my ball back?

NED - Eh?

MARK - Ned, what did I tell you about finding things. If it's not yours, you put it....down.

NED - D-Dah oon?!

MARK - Doon.

NED - Oh! (puts it down).

MARK - Yes, yes. That's a good boy.

BOY 1 - Eh?

MARK - S-Sorry there, little one. Here you go.

(The boy's mother rushes in)

MOTHER 1 - Hello?! Baxter! Baxter where are you?

BOY 1 - I'm here ma!

MOTHER 1 - Where were you?

BOY 1 - Just getting my ball.

MOTHER 1 - Sorry to bother. Kick more gently next time, okay?

NED - K-Kah keeck! keeck!

MOTHER 1 - Um...

MARK - D-Don't mind him. Carry on.

(Mother takes his son along, back to where they came from)

MOTHER 1 - (Fading sound) Be careful around here. You don't know what kind of weirdo you'll run into next.

(Mark over hears)

MARK - (Upset) Come on, Ned. T-There are much better places to be.

[Scene 6]

(At home)

NED - Hoom! Hoom! Hoom!! (all over the place).

MARK - Alright, alright. Hold on a second. No TV time just yet. You're going to do some training with me.

NED - Eh?

MARK - Sit...sit down.

(they sit on the couch, face to face)

MARK - (Soft voice) Okay, Ned. I, I'm going you, improve your (car engine noises).

(Ned makes the same car engine noise as him)

MARK - Hehehe, never gets old. Are you with me? (thumbs up).

NED - Ooh! (shows thumbs up).

MARK - Now then (places four different coloured cards on the space in front). Ned, I want you to pick up, the red card.

NED - P-P-Pah?

MARK - this (demonstrates).

NED - Ooh! Ooh!

MARK - Okay, so, pick up the red card for me.

(Ned picks up the same card Mark picked up)

MARK - Not quite. That's yellow. Red, you remember the colour don't you?

(Ned thinks hard and picks up the red card)

MARK - That's great! that's great, you're doing great. Remember: this, this is red.

NED - Rah Rah!

MARK - Let's go with that.

(Mark takes four different coloured pencils out)

MARK - Ned, find the red pencil.

NED - Rah? Rah Rah?!

MARK - Yes, yes. Rah Rah pencil.

(Ned thinks for a while, looks back at the red card, and picks up the red pencil)

MARK - Great. You're doing great!

NED - Ay!! Ay!!

MARK - I'm proud of you. Tomorrow we'll do the colour blue.

NED - B-B-Buh ooh!

MARK -'ve got spit all over me.

[Scene 7]

(Dinner table - Ned and Mark are eating)

MARK - Ned? no, don't use the fork and knife. Dangerous, as of now. You the spoon, it's mashed potatoes anyways.

NED - Spoo? spoo!

MARK - How do I do this, hmm.

(Mark picks up three different coloured spoons)

MARK - Ned, pick up the Rah Rah spoon.

NED - R-Rah Rah spoo?! (thinks and picks up the red spoon).

MARK - That's great! you're doing great, my man.

NED - Ay!! Ay!!

MARK - Now be careful. Eat with that spoon.

(Ned eats with the red spoon in a relatively clumsy manner)

MARK - to clean that up afterwards.

[Scene 8]

(Next day morning - doorbell rings)

NANCY - Morning, Mark.

MARK - Oh hey. He's inside, and still in deep sleep. I wrote all the things you need to do on a sticky note. It's on the fridge (getting his bag ready for work).

NANCY - Don't worry, Mark. I'll take care of it.

MARK - And um...this time, just be extra careful with him. Doctor said he's in his critical state, and god knows what he'll do next.

NANCY - It'll be fine. I'll take care of it. If anything's not going well, I'll give you a call.

MARK - Okay then, bye.

NANCY - Bye now! (closes the door)

[Scene 9]

(At the Hospital)

DOCTOR - Hey, Mark. How's Ned doing?

MARK - Yes, doing great actually. He's picking up colours at a good pace.

DOCTOR - That's nice to hear.

MARK - Nancy's on duty, and I've told her everything. She can manage it.

DOCTOR - Still, I want you to stay on guard.

JAMES - Hey, Mark. How's it going?

MARK - Fine, you? when did you get back from Singapore?

JAMES - Last night.

MARK - Must've been a pain all these months there.

JAMES - The place is great. I just got too busy with my chiropractic appointments. I would get so many patients each day.

MARK - You have like five or seven here a day, or a week I suppose.

JAMES - I got like ten to twenty over there, man. It's rather shocking to see 20 year olds get treatment. Most of their cases are because of looking down at their gadgets.

MARK - I see.

JAMES - Forget that, did you meet her?

MARK - Meet who?

JAMES - We have a new cardiologist, her name is Lisa.

MARK - Where is she?

JAMES - She's in her office, fourth floor.

MARK - Right then.

[Scene 10]

(Lisa's office - Mark enters)

LISA - Hi, can I help you?

(Mark falls in love with her - love at first sight)

LISA - Ehem....can I help you?

MARK - Sorry name is Doctor Mark, Neurosurgeon (shakes hand).

LISA - Oh sorry (shakes hand) Lisa, Cardiologist. I just joined today.

MARK - Good to hear. I-I uh, just came by to uh....y-you know uh...

LISA - A-Are you okay?

MARK - I'm fine, t-totally fine. J-Just came to give you the warm welcome.

LISA - (Smiles) Thank you. I look forward to working with you all at any point.

MARK - S-Same here.

(awkward silence between both in the office)

LISA - Um...I-I've got to do the rounds at the ICU.

MARK - Yes, yes. Please go, s-sorry, I-I meant, sorry for taking up your time.

(Lisa is confused and leaves)

MARK - (Heavy breath relief) Oh god. That was a rush. Jeez, what's wrong with me?

[Scene 11]

(Lunch break - the doctors are at the canteen. Mark and James are in one table)

MARK - (Staring at Lisa, who's at the other side) Uh huh?

JAMES - So yes. Income was pretty much satisfactory there, but I just think the law is too strict, don't you think? you can't even chew gum.

MARK - Uh huh (staring at Lisa).

JAMES - So I uh....(notices Mark) ehem, ehem!

MARK - What? What was that?

JAMES - You uh, you okay, man? why are you gazing at the horizons?

MARK - (Staring at Lisa again) She is the horizon.

JAMES - She? (looks at where he's looking) Oh....Lisa.

MARK - Uh huh.

JAMES - You told her yet?

MARK - Told her what?

JAMES - Your love.

MARK - You serious? we just started.

JAMES - Ehem, yo just started.

MARK - Right, so I just started. I-I'm still a bit nervous about this. In the morning I was stammering like anything at her.

JAMES - Come on, it can't get any worse than that.

MARK - I sounded like a spoken English student.

JAMES - Oh well. You never try, you never know. That's what I say.

MARK - Should I take a chance now?

JAMES - Go for your life.

MARK - Hmm....b-but her new friends are with her too.

JAMES - Go for it. It'll be a good test.

MARK - You think so?

JAMES - You either start now, or tomorrow she becomes someone else's wife.

(Mark gets up and approaches Lisa's table)

LISA - So yes, I-I've had a pretty good run so far.

CAITLIN - At the same university, I had Professor Kevin. Did you?

LISA - No. He was part of the Pediatric faculty.

NATALIE - I see...

MARK - Ehem...

(the ladies direct their attention towards Mark)

LISA - Oh, Mark right?

MARK - Y-Yes.

LISA - What's up?

MARK - W-What's up um.....t-the ceiling?


LISA - (Giggles) Good joke.

MARK - That was funny?

LISA - No seriously, what did you want to talk about?

MARK - J-Just um...y-you know uh. W-We just met and um, y-you've been like....

LISA - Like?

MARK - S-Skipping on my head lately.

NATALIE - Skipping on your head? what is she a leprechaun?

CAITLIN - Hahaha.

MARK - U-Um....

LISA - Well?

(Mark starts sweating a bit. Now the cashier at the canteen counter)

CASHIER - (To Doctor Paul) That'll be $7.50.

MARK - (All of a sudden, across the canteen) I'll pay for that!!

(Ladies react awkwardly to Mark)

MARK - Don't worry....I-I didn't know you already bought lunch. H-He's my senior so....

(Mark makes a dash to escape)

DOCTOR - Mark?

MARK - (Whispers) Sorry, Paul (gives him the money).

DOCTOR - I don't owe you anything, you know that right?

MARK - (Whispers) It's a treat for attending to Ned.

(Mark rushes back to his table)

JAMES - What...was that?

MARK - Don't ask.

JAMES - I don't know what you did there. That uh, that was-

MARK - Shit, am I right?

JAMES - Sure, keep it that way.

MARK - Just screwed up my chances.

JAMES - Don't worry. She won't become your wife tomorrow.

(Mark reacts to James in an awkward way)

JAMES - I-I meant, sure w-why not?

MARK - (Face palms) I'm such a train wreck.

JAMES - Sure.

[Scene 12]

(At home - Mark is talking to Ned)

MARK - And so, I met a new person. She's a doctor, just like me...

NED - (Listening to Mark) Ooh...

MARK - Very, very pretty.

NED - Ah....

MARK - V-Very cute...

NED - Ooh....

MARK - I....heart...her (gestures it out).

NED - Hahaha!

MARK - It's good right? I know.

NED - M-Makee?

MARK - Yes, Ned?

NED - Ooh, er, (gestures using ring finger).

MARK - Oh um...(gets reminded about his screw up) how do I say this....

(Remembers what Doctor Paul said, "Keep him satisfied with life")

MARK - You know what? counter her in. She, us, together (gestures for together).

NED - Ehehehe haha! (hugs Mark).

(Mark hugs back)

MARK - S-She'll come one day, don't worry.

[Scene 13]

(At work)

JAMES - What's your next move?

MARK - I'll see to it. I told you I shouldn't rush it.

JAMES - She'll become someone else's-

MARK - Say that one more time and you'll end up getting a chiropractic treatment yourself.

(Mark leaves)

JAMES - That's harsh.
  1. My Backbone (Part Two)
    Continuation from what happened in "My Backbone" Part One.
  2. My Backbone (Part Three)
    Continuation from what happened in "My Backbone" Part Two.
  3. My Backbone (Part Four)
    Continuation from what happened in "My Backbone" Part Three.
  4. My Backbone (Part Five)
    Continuation from what happened in "My Backbone" Part Four.