Status: Contest Entry - Complete

Gem 'n i

A quick Russian roulette

“Shh, be quieter Meg. You want her to hear us.”

“I don't think we should be doing this Gem.”

“Don't be a pussy.”

“I'm not. I just don't know why we're doing this again. Wasn't what we did to Dr. Miller bad enough?”

“She's had it coming though. She questioned our sanity. What kind of fucked up shit does she mean by telling us you're me?”

“I don't know. Maybe it was one of her tactics to get us all emotional and spill our sap story.”

“Oh, I'm emotional alright. Hand me the bat.”


“Batter up!”

*SMASH! Clink, clink, clink.*

“Ah, I love the sound of breaking glass in the middle of the night. Don't you?”

“Not as much as you.”

“Hello?! Who's there?!”

“No need to call the five-oh Doctor. It's just us. Your wonderful, tormented little patients.”

“Gem? Meg? What are you guys doing here?”

“Oh nothing in particular. We just needed a house call, but seeing as how late it is, we figured we'd come to you. We can be thoughtful at times. It's both a gift and a curse.”

“Uhm, okay. How can I help you?”

“No, no, no Doctor. This is about how we can help you.”

“I don't understand.”

“We just want to open your eyes so that you can better understand us. Isn't that what you wanted Urie, to get to know us?”

“Y – yes, but I-“

“Well, then this is our own little experiment that we want to test out.”

“Meg? Meg you didn't agree to this did you?”

“I was against it, but I can't go against Gem.”

“What do you mean? Of course you can!”

“Sorry, Dr. Urie.”

“Stop! She can't help you now! Just like she couldn't help Doctor Miller!”

"Dr. Miller? What does he have to do with anything?"

“Oh, so you don't know the details of his sudden leave of absence? Well, let's have a little chit-chat. Meg, be a dear and seat the good Doctor.”

“Come Dr. Urie, let's sit.”

“O – okay.”

“We paid the old quack a visit quite similar to this one before he took some time off to reflect on his methods. It was a quiet night, much like this one. We did him the courtesy of smashing his sliding door as well so don't feel too special.”

“What did Dr. Miller do to earn a house call?”

“He questioned us.”

“B – but that's our job.”

“They weren't just your run of the mill questions, but you know all about pesky inquiries, huh Doc?”

“I – I do?”

“Yes. Just like old Dr. Quackers you danced too close to the edge. You both enjoyed playing mind games with us and asking nonsensical questions.”

“What did I ask th – that upset you so?”

“What if I told you Gem wasn't your twin?”

“I - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Meg, you're a reasonable girl. Please, please think about this.”

“Why are you talking to Meg? I'm the one speaking to you!”

“Gem, I-“

“Shut up, Meg! Don't let the doctor talk you outta this!”

“Meg you don't always have to do everything Gem tells you. You are your own person. You can be your own person. She doesn't control you.”

“Shut the fuck up, bitch!”

*woosh, smack*


"Gem, what are you doing?!”

“What you don't have the guts to do! She's trying to come between us!”

“It's okay Meg. I'm fine. I know you didn't mean to do it. Resist her Meg. You're stronger than her.”

“You love talking so much, huh?! Let's see if you can still talk after I shatter your jaw!”


"Gem, stop!”



"Get outta my fucking way Meg!”

“No! This isn't right! This isn't us!”

“What the fuck do you know about us?! There was never an us! It was always just you!”


“You're so goddam stupid. You think I've taken care of you all these years? I hate to break it to you, Meg honey, but you're all fucking alone in this sick, sad world. All alone with no one who loves you.”

“Gem…why are you saying this?”

“Since you can't seem to decipher between reality and fantasy, I'll clue you in on a little secret. The doctor is exactly right. I'm not your twin. I'm not even real. I'm just a figment of your imagination. A little piece of you that was formed long ago when you were a child in order to deal with the fact that daddy left you and mommy never loved you. You couldn't bear to be alone so you invented me.”

“I – I don't understand.”

“You're a fucking psycho! You're nuts little girl! You're a grade A level crazy! What did you think the real reason was behind seeing a pyscho analyst? Because you're a fucking loon with multiple personality disorder!”

“That doesn't make sense. You've always been here. I have memories of us.”

“All in ya head, sweetheart. Tell her, Doc.”

“Doctor Urie, is all this true?”

“Yes…I'm sorry, Meg. I can help you if you just let me call the police. You have to control her Meg. She is only a piece of you, you are the one in control.”

“I – I can't. She's all I have.”

“Even when you know the truth you still try to cling on to your false reality. You're pathetic! I'm getting bored wrecking your entire world. Let's end this!”


“Oh lord. No, Meg, please don't let her do this!”

“Gem, no! Put the gun down, Gem. You don't have to do this.”

“Oh, but I do.”


“Damn it! You're lucky that one was empty. This is somewhat exciting. It's like Russian roulette except the only one playing is you, Doctor.”

“Gem, give me the gun!”

“Urgh , let it go, Meg! Let go of the gun!”

“Grah! No! Give it to me!”


"It's over, Gem. I'm gonna let the Doctor call the police and this will all be over.”

“Ha, ha, ha! Oh, Meg, Meg, Meg, sweet, innocent, doesn't have the fucking balls to do it, Meg. What are you gonna do with the gun, huh Meg? Ya gonna shoot me? Well, do it tough girl.”

“I don't want to, but I will.”

“No you won't! You're too much of a fucking pussy! C’mon, give it back and we can just forget this ever happened.”

“Don't you dare take one more step.”

“Or wha-“


“Meg, it's okay. Give me the gun.”

“I – I really jus – just…oh my god. No! Gem?! Gem, where are you?! Doctor, what did I do?! Where is she?! GEEEEM?!!!”

“It will be okay, Megan. You have to listen to m-“


“No! This is your fault! *sniff* This is all your fault!”

“Whoa, calm down Meg. Don't do anything you'll regret. Just hand me the gun.”

“I should've never listened to you! *sniff*”

“Wait, no! Meg, come back! Megan!”

“*sniff* Gem, I didn't mean to. Please come back. Please. *sniff*”

*dead silence*
♠ ♠ ♠
Gem and Meg