Status: Contest Entry - Complete

Gem 'n i

Forgive me for my wrongs, I have just begun

“How long has it been since your last confession?”


“I'm sorry miss, but the confessional is for members of the church.”

“I know. Will you just humor me, Father? Please?”

“Uh, well, I -”

“C’mon. I'm sure the big guy wouldn't mind.”

“I don't know…”

“Look, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't desperate. I don't normally do the whole church thing. I guess you could say I'm taking a ‘leap of faith’ being here.”

“I guess it would be okay, but just this once.”

“Oh, believe me, once is all I need.”

“What brings you to confessional this late at night, child?”

“I just recently lost someone very important to me and I'm not sure I can handle it.”

“I am utterly sorry, my girl. Who have you lost?”

“Her name was Gem. We were always together and now…now I'm all alone.”

“We are never alone, dear. God is always around.”

“Ha, ha, ha! I'm sorry Father, it's been a while since had a reason to laugh. I gave up on religion a long time ago. God was selfish with his compassion when it came to ‘creating’ me…us.”

“Oh, so is Gem your sister?”

“I guess you could say that.

“Little one?”

“You can talk to me, child. If forgiveness is what you seek, you need only ask and repent of your sins. God will forgive those who ask for it.”

“I thought it was considered unforgivable to break a commandment. Is it not, Priest?”

“Well, yes child, we must follow the commandments, but there is really only one commandment a person can never return from.”

“Then it is useless for me to ask for His forgiveness. There is no saving me…I don't deserve to be saved.”

“Everyone deserves saving, even those of us who have sinned beyond all belief. He can be very merciful.”

“He's never shined his mercy on me, I don't expect him to start now. I've lost everything, Father.”

“I know times may seem tough, but the Lord never puts us through anything we can't handle.”

“He's lying, Meg. The big dude thrust me upon you and you could never handle me.”


“I'm sorry, my child, what was that?”

“Shut up, old man!”

“Gem, I thought you were gone! Thank god you're okay!”

“Child, are you okay?”

“What the fuck was that back there?! You tried to kill me!”

“No, I'm sorry! I – I didn't mean to! I don't know what came over me!”

“News flash, Meg! I'm in your fucking head! I'm not going anywhere! You're never getting rid of me!”

“…I wasn't trying to. I just don't think I can control you. You were going to kill Dr. Urie.”


“What? You don't agree with my actions?”

“No. It's not right. You're spinning out of control.”

“Hah! I was never in control, Meg. I'm all your wretched, devious thoughts brought to life. I'm the absolute worst part of who you are.”

“No…that's not true.”

“The truth hurts like a bitch doesn't it?”

“Miss, is everything okay in there? Who are you talking to?”

“Mind your own fucking business, Priest!”

“Gem. We can go back to the way things were. We don't have to be like this.”

“There's no turning back, Meg. This is us now.”

“But why?”

“We can't be tamed. There is no other life for us. All we have is each other. No one could love a crazy, little freak like us.”

“Dad loved us.”

“No. He loved you. You were his little gem. You named me after his nickname for you and because it was easy for you to spell. It is your own name just backwards. You were a regular Einstein as a kid.”

“I – I don't remember that…”

“Yes you do. If I remember, you remember. That's kinda how it works.”

“Anyway, how about we get outta here and head back to Urie’s?”

“What? Why?”

“We have some unfinished business to attend to.”

“I can't let us do that.”

“You don't have a choice. I'm stronger than you. I've dominated as the alpha personality since I was formed.”

“You're never going to stop are you?”

“Nope and trust me, I only plan to get worse.”

“What could be worse than this?”

“You're asking me here. Believe me, I can be worse.”

“Miss? Should I call someone for you? Do you need medical assistance?”

“No, I'm fine. Just give me a minute, please Father.”

“Ha, ha, ha, yeah we're fine. Don't mind us talking to ourselves.”

“Gem, I can't let you continue like this.”

“Oh, come on, Meg. Don't be such a stiff.”

“No, I don't trust you and I can't trust myself to stop you again.”

“Don't try to fight it, Meg.”

“I have to though. What you're suggesting, it isn't me…life's a bitch and then you die.”



“Yes, child?”

“Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.”


“Child?! Child?! Oh my...
…Bless, O God of eternal life,
all who have died
by their own hand.
Grant them peace
from their inner turmoil
and the compassion of your love.
Comfort those who mourn
their loved ones.
Strengthen them to face the questions of pain,
the guilt and anger,
the irreparable loss.
Help us to reach out in love
to others who prefer death
to the choices of life
and to their families who grieve.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gem and Meg

It's been fun writing as Gem and Meg. I hope I made the characters believable enough. I will admit, I was a bit rushed with this story, hopefully it isn't extremely apparent. I enjoyed the challenge of writing in dialogue format, I might make it a thing every now and then in my stories. Please tell me your thoughts. I hope you all enjoyed the ride as much as I did. Thanks for giving my story the time of day.