Status: Slowly starting

Shut Your Mouth

Hand In Your Badge

Violet had an early start to the day. Her whole body was aching after a night of filming, but she had had an epiphany. There was no way she would be able to pull this double life any longer. She had to make a decision: go back to the force or pull out and continue her work amongst Cara Cara.
She had thought that the Sons were just like any other MC, but after having walked in on them doing background checks one someone in Luanne’s office the night before, she knew that her double life would be discovered sooner or later.

Walking down towards her desk in the PD, she greeted multiple fellow officers and stopped at her desk for just a moment, picking up a stack of notes that had been left there. She loved her job. She has wanted to be a policewoman ever since she could remember, no matter how many people had advised her against it during her early teens.

“McNulty, my office.

Her eyes rose to her superior, who was standing in the open door of his office. Her hand instinctively went to her badge, hidden in the inside pocket of her jacket. Taking another deep breath, she marched on and entered the small office.
Looking across the table as she took a seat, she felt sick to her stomach.

“I am glad to see you back, wasn’t able to get a hold of you for the last couple of weeks.”

He said as both of them settled in their respective seats. He knew that she was one of the brightest people he had on this force, her taking leave after her sister had been murdered had been understood…but he needed her back.

“I am here to hand in my badge Chief.”

She slid her badge across the table and unclipped her holster with her gun, placing it on the table, too. No more words were spoken.

“I know that there has been some personal issues McNulty, but this is not something to end your career over. You’d be serving the community much better if you’d-“

“I went undercover a few days after my sister was killed. I am officially working on the Cara Cara and I don’t think that the connection to the PD will look good if the Sons decide to look up my background for whatever reason. I wanted to ask if you could erase some of my history.”

There. It was out. She licked her lips, knowing that there was no coming back from what she has just said. Meeting her boss’s hard stare, she knew that she was asking a lot.

“How deep in are you with the Sons?”

Her eyes widened at the question. This was more than what she had expected.

“I see most of them every day, I am on good speaking terms with them but have kept my distance as I am not sure if I can trust myself around them. Plus, they’re rather suspicious about new people around them, so…-“

“Alright. I don’t like what you’re telling me, it sounds like you’ve been selling your body in order to get closer to who may have killed your sister. If you would have taken my calls, I could have told you, that we took in a guy who was at your sister’s place just a few hours before she died. He denies shooting her, but we’ll charge him either way.”
Violet’s hands were shaking. They had someone in custody after she had been busting her ass?

“How are the chances of him being the one?”

The Chief turned his head for a second and she knew: it was a charge that would not carry.

“Listen Chief, I am grateful for what you’re doing but we both know he’s not the person we’re looking for. I am in a shit situation right now and I need your help. I need my last two years wipe off the record.”

She knew that it was something big to ask and didn’t expect to be helped, but there was still a chance, and she had to take it.

“Violet, I can’t just get your records wiped, you know that.”

The Chief looked at her, leaning back into his chair. She knew that there was more to come, so she didn’t respond to his comment. She watched as he raised his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes vigorously before pinching the bridge of hid nose.

“If I get your last two years on the force wiped, what’s in it for us? “

She perked up, her hands gripping the edges of her seat.

“I’d be able to infiltrate the club. I know no one inside Cara Cara had anything to do with anything, but with a somewhat clean slate, I’d be able to get closer to the MC without fear of being discovered. I am on very good terms with some of them already…a clean slate, at least partially, would make me unsuspicious when I go deeper.”

Chief was sighing, twisting his hands. He turned to look at her and she stared right back into his eyes. She was determined, he had to give her that.

“I will see what I can do Violet. It shouldn’t be an issue wiping records clean, but we will have to add one or two charges to it, otherwise they will never buy you jus quitting. How about sexual harassment against you in the force, you taking matters into your own hand to get back at that person and being laid off due to that.”

She instantly had to think about her close co-workers, cringing at the idea, but she had to admit that it was the perfect excuse.

“As long as you make sure it isn’t someone in our Department, it’s fine. I will be able to feed you info if and when I get it and it leads to anything. You have to stay off my case though, they’re always suspicious. And this has to happen fast.”

He wrinkled his brows looking at her.

“There is a big meeting of various chapters coming up as far as I understand…I was asked by one of them to go down to Charming. I need to be sure that my history is clean before I ever consider saying yes.”
She had been a most eager cadet upon joining the force. She had been putting in more hours than anyone else during her early years and hence attracted the eyes of various precincts. Stockton was where she had ended up, and she had moved through the ranks quickly for her young age. He hated seeing her in this position, but she opened up a new way to maybe strike down illegal trades. He admired her for her will to do whatever it took to clear up her sister’s murder.

“Consider it done. You may not have a badge, but be sure that you’ll be on the payroll, we’ll figure something out that doesn’t draw attention.”

He grabbed her badge, but slid her gun back over the table, landing right in her hands.

“You may need it Violet.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This really is a filler.
I didn'y get all that much feedback so I am just running with this...constructive criticism and comments are very much welcome