Help me!

The beggining of the beggining

My life has been pretty perfect untill now. you know, loving family, great friends, model looks and confidence. But now I just could not believe what I heard.
" I dont believe you! " I cried, staring at the woman sitting opposite me on our dining room table. Who was she anyway?
"Livia, you have to believe me." she sniffed "Its true."
I dropped the sandwich i had just made, after hearing that both my parents had died in a tragic car accident. They had been turning a corner when a lorry swirved into them. My father had died immedietly, while my poor mother had suffered with a broken spine and ribs, for three hours.
I stared at her again in disbelief. " It can't be." I cried "They phoned me last night, telling me they would be home this afternoon!"
"It happened this morning, on their way back here." she shook her head "Im your aunt Linda, by the way. your going to be staying with me and your uncle Bill." She announced. "why don't you go and pack your things" I nodded, tears trickling down my cheeks, as i stood up to go upstairs. I couldn't believe i'd lost my parents, we were so close.
Looking round my wonderfull, large room for the last time, I sighed, wondering how this had happened.
I started by packing my clothes and underwear, then my toiletries and a photo of my parents. Before I left I went into my parents room to take in one last breath of their scent. Picking up my mothers blanket, I closed my eyes hoping this was all just a bad dream, But I knew it wasn't.
"Livia, hurry up, we've got a long flight!"
I stuffed the blanket into my bag.
"Coming!" I called.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this chapter is so short. but ive got a good feeling about this story. please comment.
Beckiie. X