Bonding Over Haines

He was nice to me

"Hey, Salmon?"


"I think...I think he was trying to be nice to me today."

"Are we talking about-"

"Shut up! All he did was save me from embarrassment when I got to the till with no money. He was a couple people behind me and offered to pay, no biggy."

"I think paying for your lunch definitely counts as being nice and not just trying to be."

"Okay, whatever. He was nice to me."

"Did you thank him?"

"Who do you think I am? Of course I thanked him! I said thank you, he said 'any time', gave me some creepy smile and then walked off to sit at that loser table he always sits at."

"He's not a rich kid like you. He works his-"

"I'm not rich!"

"-he works his ass off every weekend to make ends meet for his family. He's only got his mother to support him and has three younger siblings to take care of, so he doesn't get a lot of disposable income to just hand out whenever."

"I get it, I get it. He's poor and he was being really generous when he gave me that money."

"Did he give it you you or lend it?"

"I'm pretty sure he gave it to me. But I'll give it back okay? Happy?"

"As long as you get that he's actually a nice person."

"Just because you're nice doesn't mean you're not a loser."

"You know what?"


"I can believe that he gave you that money for keeps. He's that kind of guy."

"Uh huh...where is this going? I can hear your scheming with that tone you're using."

"Instead of just returning his money, why don't you sit with him for lunch?"



"There's a reason why I didn't have money today. I don't eat in the cafeteria. I eat at home. Or if I won't have time I get a packed lunch. I don't eat school lunches. Today was a ONE time exception that will NEVER happen again."

"Come on, it's just one lunch. What's the worst that could happen?"

"You just jinxed the whole of tomorrow by saying that. I hope you're happy."

"Seriously though. He'll like it more than you just tossing some coins back at him."

"Coins? He gave me a tenner."


"Why are you so surprised? That's how much lunch cost me."

"What world are you living in? You seriously spent the whole tenner on your lunch?"

"Well yeah..."

"Aren't you going to elaborate?"

"Umm...well I got some sort of pasta dish and a water and some cake. I didn't trust the meat or the salad, I mean who knows where that stuff's been, if it's been cooked properly and what sort of water it was washed with..."

"Pasta, water and cake came to a tenner. In a school cafeteria."

"I got some snacks too."

"Uh huh. I still can't see all that plus a couple packets of crisps going over a fiver let alone reaching a tenner. Don't you go to a comprehensive?"

"What are you trying to say?"

"You know exactly what I'm trying to say."

"Well...okay, okay, I had like five pieces of cake."


"Hey, don't laugh!"

"He paid for your five slices of cake!! Awwww man, he really was being nice, ahahahahahaha!!!!!"

"Shut up!! They tasted good okay?"

"You're such a little pig. My little piglet."

"Please don't call me that."

"Well piglet, ahaha, as long as you know what you're going to do tomorrow, then I don't mind. Sleep tight."

"Ughh, good night."
