Bonding Over Haines

That no show

"Hey, Salmon?"

"Hey piglet. How have you been? It's been a while since you called in."

"He's so annoying! He hasn't been in school all week! I was going to tell you before but then I was like, I'll just wait until tomorrow when he shows and then I can tell you everything, but for the whole week, he hasn't been in.

And when I wonder if something is wrong and out of the kindness of my heart decide to ask the teachers if he's okay, they tell me that he's gone on holiday? He's gone on HOLIDAY?!! Can you believe it? The nerve!

Well next time I see him, he'll get his tenner back and that will be the end of it. Holiday...I thought you said he wasn't rich! That he had no disposable income."

"Ezra babe, when they say he's gone on holiday, it really isn't what you're thinking."

"What do you mean? How do you know? I asked like three different teachers and they all said the same thing, that he's on holiday."

"Umm hello?? I was his close friend for seven years. He may be off timetable, but it's no holiday for him."

"So where is he?"

"I can't tell you that."

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"It's not my secret to tell, it's his. I'm sure if you asked him, he'd tell you. He's really not uptight about stuff like that. It's just that that part of him...well, it's just not my place to say anything."


"Ezra, baby, come on. You know this isn't about you right?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Are you really that upset because he didn't show?"

"I'm annoyed because I cared enough to wait a whole week for him."

"Pardon? What did you just say?"

"That I'm angry I let it get to me. That I....shut up and stop giggling! I'm going to bed."

"Hehe, sleep tight my little piglet."


"I hope your dreams are sweeter than your week has been."