I Trust You

Saving Addy

(A/N I took out the dog from my story. It didn't seem logical too be able to keep a dog alive this long in the zombie apocalypse.)

We followed Cassandra out to a trailer park that Addy was being held captive in. Garnett went up to the fence by himself, but we waited close by just in case.

He tried to talk to a couple of them but they wouldn't comply with him. Garnett snapped his fingers at 10k, he took out one of the guards with a shot right to the head.

Mack started getting anxious when they brought Addy out, but he couldn't run down to her, we had to stay hidden if the plan was going to go well.

Seconds later the started shooting at us. When they stopped I looked over and saw they had a knife too Addy's throat.

Mack was going to run to her, but before he could Cassandra stood up and spoke out.

"I'll go," Cassandra said. They released Addy back to us and took Cassandra back in.

Charlie had Addy and she running over to us.

"Hey, we'd about given up on ya." Doc said.

"I actually gave up on you an hour ago." Murphy said.

"Never thought I'd be happy to see your sad ass again." Addy chuckled.

"Let's get out of here guys, now." Mack said.

"Wait. What? We're not...we're not leaving here there, are we?" Addy asked.

"Addy, she lied to us. It almost got you killed." Mack said.

"We can't do that, we can't just leave her there." Addy yelled.

Mack put his hands on her shoulder and spoke. "Come in the truck with me. We'll talk about this when you're safe."

"I am not going."

"Look, he's right. We almost all got killed going back for you." Garnett said.

"Yeah, she's a freakin' cannibal, and she got what she deserved." Murphy agreed.

"She did what she had to do to survive, And you of all people would have done the same." Addy said, sticking up for Cassandra.

"Come on, Addy is right! We cannot leave her back there!" Roberta said and sided with Addy.

I also stepped up beside her.

"What is this, a chick thing now?" Murphy laughed.

"Yes, something you'd know nothing about." I replied. I caught 10k smiling at me and I winked in response.

"All right, I want to help her too." Garnett said," But we're not gonna beat a fifty caliber machine gun. It's gonna tear us to pieces before we get to the fence."

"How good a shot are you?" Roberta asked 10k.

Picking up his gun he shot a Z in the head that was stupidly far away. "Pretty good. One thousand eighty-four. Oh yeah, and a half."

"Okay. I have an idea." Roberta said.

I walked over to the police car Addy had rigged up earlier, and tried calling Citizen Z. "Calling Northern Light." I spoke into the radio. "Calling Northern Light. Come in, Northern Light. Do you copy? Over. Come in Citizen whoever you are. This is Delta-Xray-Delta. Where the hell are you? Come in. Over. This is Delta-Xray-Delta. Where the hell are you? Come in. Over."

Just as I was about too give up hope a voice rang out through the radio.

"I'm here! I'm here. Northern Light. Copy you Delta-Xray."

I smiled. "Northern Light, we need your help. Do you copy? We need your help."

"Copy that, ma'am. What can I do?"

"We need music." I responded.

"I'm sorry. Say again. It sounded like you said you needed music?"

"That's a roger. Can you broadcast on the AM frequency? Over."

"Were the NSA, ma'am. Master of all frequencies. What would you like to hear?"

"We need a diversion. Something loud. Something that'll make all the Z's go crazy!"

"Copy that and can do ma'am. I think I have just the thing. Give me five minutes and look for my broadcast on the low end of AM dial."

"Thanks dude." I said, "Over."

"And we're set!" I yelled to everyone.

We sent Doc in pretending to someone who needed "female companionship." But we had too make sure it was Cassandra going into the trailer with Doc and not someone else.

Doc was in so we hooked up the speaker to the top of the truck and some classical music started coming out of them.

"You know this is gonna get us all killed right?" Murphy said as I got into the driver seat.

"At least were dying in some style." Roberta laughed.

"Crank it up." I told Roberta as it was not loud enough.

She cranked it and the z's started running after us. "Here the come." I said.

I put the car in drive. "If you got any prayer's, now's the time." I said too everyone.

We lead the zombies towards the trailer park. 10k was with his sniper somewhere close ready too shoot.

"Hold on!" I yelled to everyone as I crashed right through the gate.

They started firing at the zombies and they ran through the broken down fence. With everything going on no one noticed Cassandra and Doc run to the truck.

10k had manged to kill the guy with the machine gun so that was one less thing for us too worry about.

We drove away and picked up 10k, who was standing on the side of the road.

We drove past the liberty bell and 10k shot at it. "My kinda town." He said with a smile on his face.

"If anyone asks we were nowhere near that bell." Charlie commented. I just put my head back and laughed, continuing down the road.

"I always heard Philly was a tough town but geesh." Doc said.

"Zombies with attitude."