I Trust You

Infection Control

We pulled up to an Emergency Headquarter for Infection Control. Bodies were everywhere, human and zombie bodies.

"Not exactly what I was hoping for." Garnett said, getting out of the truck.

"One of these days you're gonna learn to not hope for things." Murphy said back.

"You better hope not, cause that's when we leave your ass at the side of the road." Roberta said pulling out her gun.

"Halt! Who goes there?" A man in a uniform holding a gun yelled at us.

"Sargent Charles Garnett, National Guard. This is Lieutenant Roberta Warren, also National Guard." Garnett said stepping in front of us.

"State your business." He said.

"We're on a high priority mission to get this man to a CDC lab in California." Garnett said, pointing to Murphy. "We were sent here by an Intell Officer from the NSA to see General McCandles. We need his help finding transportation. We were told he has a helicopter."

"Yeah, he's got a chopper. But General McCandles is a very busy man. He's got the entire east coast under his command. He can't worry about a raggedy ass group of civilians on a suicide mission. I suggest you move on before the infected find you." He said and pointed for us to leave.

"Nothing raggedy ass about this group of civilians, sir." Roberta snapped back. "And this man has important information about a vaccine for the zombie virus."

He walked down from where he was standing and came toward us. "He smells like a damn Z." He said, after he got close to Murphy.

"You don't smell so good yourself, septic tank." Murphy said.

"Are you gonna help us or not?" I asked, obviously annoyed. I felt 10k grab my hand and rub my thumb.

"You want to see the General? You're going to have to pay a tribute. Gesture of goodwill to show him you're serious." The guard said.

"What kind of tribute do you have in mind?" Garnett asked.

"Our medic has been MIA for over a year. We need painkillers. Antibiotics. Anything you got."

"I'll get my bag." Doc said sadly. He was attached to his drugs which I really understood.

"I got aspirin, tetracycline, cipro. That should knock out most any infection. And oxycontin." Doc said after he dug through his bag more.

"The oxy, we need painkillers." The guard said, eyes lighting up. Doc put a pill in his hand and the guard did not look impressed. "You want to see the general or not?"

"This is the last of our supply." Doc said as he handed over 3 pills.

"That'll do." he said and swallowed the rest of the pills.

"Hey!" Doc yelled at the guy.

He swallowed the pills and a look of relief spread onto his face. "The General will see you now."

He walked us over to the front door and buzzed the man. "Why are you wasting my time?" His loud voice boomed through the speaker.

"General McCandles sir. We have a National Guard unit and several civilians requesting permission to speak to you." The man said.

"Is sweet Jesus with them?"

"No, sir. I don't believe so."

"Then tell them to go to hell! I've got a war to fight! Where's that close air support I ordered? Tell the Admiral I need those subs in position by 0800. Bravo Company, hold your positions at all cost. Repeat, all costs."

The man turned to us. "You heard the General."

"General McCandles sir. We're on a mission of extreme importance by direct order from the president. It's imperative that we find air transport to Mt. Wilson CDC lab in California."

"You heard the man, time to go." The guard said after the General didn't respond.

"That's it? I've a good mind to make you barf up my Oxy." Doc huffed.

"Doc! Doc! Stop, he's not worth it." I said pulling him back.

"Did you say Doc?" The man said through the speaker.

"Yeah, our team includes a medical doctor." I had to hold back my chuckle when Garentt said that.

"Why didn't you say so? Send him up, I have wounded man in need of medical attention."

We headed for the door but the guard stopped us. "Just the doctor. The rest of you wait here."

"I got this." Doc said as he picked up his bag and walked into the building.