Walking With Grace

Knock, Knock

A school bell rang across campus at 3:30pm, letting all the elementary school kids know that school was over and pour out of their classrooms in a rush. Kids waited on the steps for their parents to pick them up as some took the bus home. Some rode their bikes and some walked. A blonde boy 6 years old, soon to be 7 in a couple months, sat up against a pole by the front of the school; waiting for his babysitter to pick him up. His parents were lawyers in Atlanta and rarely were around after school due to work. Today was one of those days, and as Kyle waited, he read one of his favorite comic books. Red Fang a super hero whom seems like a bad guy with instincts like a snake in a gothic themed world. There were video games and action figures that he had at home. The comics were for kids 13+, however, they were his parents way of saying sorry for not being around. Kyle was use to it.

A half hour went by and Heather still wasn't here. Heather was a 19 year old online college student that moved in with her friend after graduating High School. She worked at a grocery store and would get off at 12, go home, go to the house and then come pick him up and walk him home. It was now 4:45pm, some teachers were now going home and she still was not here... Kyle decided then to just walk home himself. He knew he wasn't suppose to, but he didn't want the teachers to come and bring him back inside.

It felt weird to walk home alone, especially when kids were being forced inside their homes rather than play with the other kids. Kyle looks up at a father placing bags and suitcases in the back of his SUV. He stopped when he notices Kyle, and sighs frustrated before slamming the hatch and went inside to get his family. Kyle went back to walking as he got to his neighborhood, there were more people like that man rushing to get in their cars and leaving. He was confused, the people were panicking as he sees one of the teenage boys spray paint his house, NO HOPE. Kyle began running down his street as he made it to the front door, he took his key out and unlocked it before shutting the door behind him and locking it. He notices red dots on the wooden floor by his feet.

“Heather! I'm home!” he calls out, but no one answered.

The drops trailed across the floor to the kitchen as he follows, there on the floor, he finds Heather; laying in a pool of blood-- holding a bloody rag against her neck. Her breathing was scarce and she looked pale from the loss of blood. Her brown skin was now a sickly pale and clammy from sweating so much.

“Kyle...” she mutters weakly.

“I-I'll go get help!” he stutters, dropping his bag to run back out the door.

“No, Kyle don't!” she cried out. “Don't go outside...”

Kyle drops down next to her, he didn't know what to do. This was like his comic books when Red Fang had carried his girlfriend to the hospital after his nemeses beaten her up! But he was not Red Fang, he couldn't carry her to a hospital.

“What...What can I do?”

Heather sat up a bit, rubbing her sweaty forehead and tried standing. She was too weak as she got to her knees. “Grab some water from the fridge and the lunchables and go hide...”

“But why?”

“Don't argue with me on this, Kyle- just do it!” she collapsed back on the ground.

Kyle didn't argue this time with her. He went over to the fridge and grabbed some water, he didn't know where to put it so he ran back to his backpack and dumped everything on the dinning table before going back to the fridge and put the waters in. And some soda, juice packs and lunchables. He decided to look in the pantry to see if there was anything he could bring for him and Heather. He packed what he thought was enough and returned to the kitchen to find Heather asleep...

“Heather! Heather I got it, lets go!” He rushed over and tugs on her arm. She didn't move though. And he almost thought she wasn't breathing until he sees her chest moving, her breathing sounded more gaspy but ignored it as he kept trying to get her to wake up. “Come on, Heather! Stop being stupid!”

When Heather opened her eyes, Kyle knew there was something different. Heather's eyes had glazed over like a cloud and she sat up without struggle. He steps away from her as she growls at him and tries grabbing his ankle. He dodges her and runs to the other side of the kitchen, watching her stand up. The rag she held was forgotten as she drags herself limply towards him, he dodges her again. This wasn't Heather, she was a monster! He thought quickly and dove into the pantry. She snarled and followed him in, closing in on him as he was trapped in the corner. Heather advanced towards him, arms out to grab him! He remembered Red Fang dodging his nemesis and slid under her in time just like Red Fang and shut the door behind her! He cried as he grabbed his bag and ran out through the sliding glass door, shutting it behind him and climbed up the tree house. Reaching the top, he pulled up the latter then slamming the door down so no one could get up to him... He about fell into the corner of the house and curled up into a ball, hyperventilating.

He shut his eyes tightly, hoping that this was just a dream and he would wake up with his parents home having breakfast... He wanted his mom and dad. He wanted this nightmare to end and the monster Heather turned into to go away.


The sun began to rise over the house, shining in through the small window of the tree house. Kyle stirred in his sleep as he felt the warmth of the sun over his face and a small nudge on his shoulder. He had almost forgotten about the woman that came over...Grace. His eyes fluttered open as he stretched on his side. He turns his head to look at the woman that watched over him. She smiled kindly and brushes some of his hair away.

“Come on, kid. We gotta get go...”

Kyle instantly felt his heart drop... That means they had to leave his home. He knew his parents were gone... And Heather was gone too. It was just Grace. He trusted her. And as much as he didn't want to leave his tree house, he got up and started putting his shoes on.

He followed Grace down the rope latter and went inside the house one last time to collect some clothes and a jacket. It was not winter yet, but he would need it when it comes. Grace pushes the table that she blocked the front door with then looks out the decorative glass on the sides to see if anything was around.

When the close was clear; Grace turns to Kyle and sighs. The kid looked around the living room for awhile as Grace gave him space. He was so young and he had to deal with all this shit. She waited for a few minutes, seeing that he let out a few sobs before rubbing face with the end of his shirt. She placed a hand on his shoulder and kneeled down to his level. “You alright?” He nods his head before lifting it to look up at her. His eyes were bloodshot and he let out a small sniffle. She smiled, standing up and opening the front door. She went out first and Kyle close behind as they headed down the street.

Grace had decided to head south of Atlanta, near Senoia. They would need a car to head down there. They walked back to the intersection where Grace crashed, seeing that Sam was still there only now looked more rotted and melting from the heat... Grace stopped in her tracks and motioned Kyle to wait. She approached what was her best friend, and kneeled down in on the passenger side... She opened the door, tugging a few times to get it to open wide enough for her to get to Sam. The smell was so bad that she had to cover her nose with her shirt. Sam squeaked and moans weakly than before, her bottom lip was drooping so her teeth were more visible. Grace brushed her stinging nose against her sleeve before pulling the gun from the back of her pants and lifted it up to Sam's head. Her left hand wasn't her dominant, but she still shook out of grief at what she was about to do. She looked into Sam's clouded grey eyes, that were once brilliant bright blue, with tears filling up her eyes as she took a deep, shaky breath.

“Bye Sam...”


“Knock, knock.”

“What are you doing?”

“Passing time. Knock, knock

“This is stupid!”

“It's not stupid, now come on! Knock, knock”

Kyle rolled his eyes, “Who's there...”


“Iva who?”

“I've a sore hand from knocking!” he tried not to smile, but she caught him cracking one and fist pumped, “Gotcha! Good one, eh?”

“It's still stupid.”

She got him to smile. It was always once in a while, but she got him to. Its been a couple days since leaving Smyrna, they got to the next town. Apparently they can hear, so after Grace shot Sam in the head-- it attracted a dozen of them so they had to haul ass outta there. Kyle still hadn't said anything about that situation. She looked over at him to see his head was down again, keeping to her side. Every once in a while he'll look around before looking down at his red shoes.

“You got any jokes?”

“Not really...”

She tsk'd at him, “No fun. Okay. I got another one for you.” she watched him sigh, grinning and waited for her next joke. “Knock, knock.”

“Who's there?”


“H who?”
“Bless you.” he shook his head but his grin was widening. “One more, one more!”

“Fine! One.”

Jeez, who was the kid now? Grace was jumping up and down, begging the 6 year old to let her tell him another knock knock joke. “Knock, knock.”

“Who's there?”

“A little old lady.”

“A little old lady who?”

She stopped them from walking- placing a hand on his shoulder looking shocked, “I didn't know you can yodel!” she tried sounding amazed. That got him. His little giggles were contagious as they both bent over in giggles.

“I like that one.”

She ruffles his hair and pulled him by her side, continuing down the road. “You got any jokes?”

“Uhm...” he thought for a second. “I heard a kid in my class tell a joke once.”

“Well...Come on! Lets hear it!”

“Uh... What do you call a fake noodle?”

“I don't know? What?”

“An impasta!”

“That was good!” she giggled.

“Its stupid.” he smiled, “It's just taking a word that sounds same.”

“That's the point! They're fun! They're puns.” She wiggles her eyebrows as he rolled his eyes again. He was still smiling.

It was progress. She hoped to get him to open up some more. The only way she knew how was using her tricks from when she babysat as a teen and what she learned when she dealt with kids in the pediatrics office in her early days as a LPN before becoming an RN in a Memorial Hospital in Atlanta.

The street that they were on lead them to a small shopping center. Grace looked through the window of a store finding it empty...Well... Except for the creep that just jumped in front, startling Grace as she took a step back. Kyle nibbled on his bottom lip, looking up at her. Its been a couple days and they haven't found anyone yet. Grace looked back at him, and through their silent exchange she took a deep breath and headed towards the entrance. Kyle followed and helped by opening the door, they waited for the creep to get close before Grace took the machete and whacked the creep in the head and pulled- splitting the creep's head in half before it slumped to the floor. It was quiet, up and personal attack that wouldn't attract anymore nearby. She was still trying to get use to using her arm for hitting them hard enough to puncture the brain. They've learned that nothing will kill them unless you destroy the brain, when Grace tried cutting off ones head yesterday-- it was still moving even without a body!!

They got inside and checked the place for anything. The place was obviously an auto part place. The smell of tires and oil filled the store. Next door there was a dollar store that they could check out, but it was hard to tell if anything was in there.

“Find anything?” Grace called out quietly, but loud enough for Kyle to hear.

Shrugging his shoulders, “I don't even know what I'm looking for.”

“Maybe something you could use defend yourself? Like a crowbar? Hammer?”

Kyle came around the corner to meet Grace at the end of her aisle, holding up a sludge hammer. “How about this?” he tries lifting.

She shook her head, chuckling, “Maybe something you can lift easier. Put that down before you hurt yourself.”

He groans and goes back to where he found it. Grace took her time walking down each aisle. A lot of the products were emptied off the shelves, some remain the floor. Some oil had broke from the bottle and spilled all over the floor. “Hey kid, careful where you step. Okay?”

“Okay!” she still couldn't get over how cute he was. His voice reminded her of a chipmunk.

Grace was glad she had found Kyle when she did. Not that she was happy that he has to adapt to this kind of lifestyle! Hiding and running from the creeps, watching them turn, killing them. An apocalypse was no place for a 6 year old. He wont have a normal childhood like she had. So far he's been handling it very well... Sort of...

She walked up to the desk to see all the candy, chips, drinks that they had displayed were all gone. Figures. She spies a pack of watermelon flavored gum and stuff that bad boy in her pocket. Even the cash register was open and emptied out. No body is going to need money anymore. She remembered hearing about riots in different cities- never really understanding their reason for it. She was never really into watching TV or playing video games. She use to with her ex, yeah, before they broke up and she focused on school. Almost wanting to kick herself for not watching the news, she would have been prepared. Sam would still be alive...But then what about Kyle? He'd still be in that tree house...

“Hey Grace! I thought of another joke!”

“Let me hear it.”

“Knock, knock!” she heard his little giggle.

“Who's there?”

“Orange!” 'ah, the classic.'

“Orange who?”

“Knock, knock!”

Shaking her head. 'This will take a while...' “Who's there?”


“Orange whoOoOoo~?” she sang. Setting Kyle into another giggling fit and it was fricken' adorable!

“Knock, knock!”

“Who's there?!” a deep voice called out before she could answer.

They were too into their little game to even hear the store's bell ring! Grace got down and crawled over to the next aisle where Kyle went and found him on the ground as well, covering his mouth. Placing a finger to her lips, she motions him to keep quiet and to follow her. They went behind the desk and hid. She wrapped her arms around him, keeping his mouth covered so they wouldn't hear him pant.

The steps came closer and closer, Grace could hear her own breath shaking and bites her bottom lip. Just because they have been looking for people, does not mean all people are good people. They stayed like that until Kyle moved, hitting her in the arm making her groan in pain.

“Hello?” a man called out again. He had a slight southern accent.

Holding up and cocking what sounded like a gun... A shotgun! 'Oh shit...' she cursed in her head. They only had 3 chances of getting out.
1.Stay where they are and hope they leave. Doubt that.
2.They could sneak past them. Probably get caught.
3.Surrender. Not happening.
Kyle looked up at her terrified, waiting for her to do something just as the footsteps got closer.

“Is it one of them things, Daddy?” asked as small voice of a girl with a the same accent. 'Wait. What? A little girl?!'

“Just stay back, okay sweetpea?” 'Sweetpea?!'

Kyle and Grace both looked at one another with large eyes before Kyle sits up, “We're alive!” he cries. “Don't shoot!” god damn that boy...

Grace stands on her knees and looks over the desk to see a man in a white sweaty undershirt and a beige button up flannel that's seen better days. He had dirty blonde straggly hair tied in a low ponytail and a mustache. He was very tan, like he was baked in the sun from working outside a lot. Behind him was a girl about 10 years with pixie short brown curly hair, wearing shorts and a dark blue shirt with a pink heart on it. Kyle tugged Grace up, careful not to grab her bad arm by grabbing a hold of her shirt. She pushed Kyle behind her as the man's face softens from its tense face, lowering his gun til it pointed to the ground. Now she can breathe.

“Well I'll be damned... Sorry...We thought you were one of them things.” the man says as his daughter stepped forward and stood behind her dad.

“Yeah...Ditto.” She and Kyle came from behind the desk- Kyle latched onto her back side making it hard for her to walk properly. “I'm sorry...We haven't seen people for days, it's...” the man smiled, nodding his head.

“It's fine... Tell you the truth, we haven't seen people since the outbreak either. We've been driving from Florida, our car broke down. Dead battery. So we were just here to look for one.”

“We just got here...For shelter.”

“Is it just the two of you?” he asks.

She nods. “Yeah...”

“What happened to your arm?” the little girl pointed, stepping out from behind her father.

“Got in a accident when this all happened. Broke it. Should be okay after 6 weeks.”

“Ah...” nods the man. “At least you weren't bit...”

Mentioning biting made her think about Sam... She wondered if there was another way to save her? Cleaning the wound didn't work. Can't even think about dismembering her arm. That thought sent cold chills down her spine.

“Well...I'm Jerry, this is my daughter Susie.” he introduce themselves as Susie waved.

“I'm Grace and this is Kyle.” Kyle waved back as well.

“Is he your kid?” he asked.

Grace hesitated for a bit before she shook her head, “No, he's a friend though.” Pushing Kyle's hair back away from his eyes.

The man smiles, “Well...It's nice to meet ya'll...”

“Batteries are over here, I think?” Kyle points to the aisle he found the sludge hammer and points at the rows of car batteries on the top shelf.

The man laughs, placing the gun on his shoulder-- keeping his hand away from the trigger part as he found the one he needed and grabbed one...

“This'll do! Thanks kid.” he ruffled Kyle's hair and returns looking up to Grace, “This is all I'm here for.”

“Great. Hope it gets you to wherever your heading to.”

“Thank you.”

Taking Kyle's small hand, they headed out the door. Not before something caught her eye. Letting go of his hand to picked up the crowbar then handed it to the 6 year old. Oh god that sounded like child neglect. Giving a 6 year old a crowbar. Damn this world was messed up. They stood outside. There were a couple of creeps roaming about the street, they could easily pass them without them getting near.

“Do you know where we should go?” asked Kyle.

“No idea, kid.”

“You're more than welcome to come with us. We've been looking for more people to group with.” The Florida man, Jerry and his daughter emerges from the auto store. “We were heading to North Carolina where some of our family is, but, we decided to head to Fort Benning. It would ease my conscious if you came with us.”

Kyle's eyes lit up as he looked at Grace for her response. “We'd be happy to come. Thank you!”

“Cool!” Susie claps.

“Alright, lets get going...” Jerry looks down at Kyle's new crowbar as he chuckles, “I got a knife you can have in the truck. Come on.”

Kyle instantly drops the crowbar. “Really?”

So... Grace and Kyle join Jerry and Susie on there way to Fort Benning. It was a start, at least they weren't alone anymore. Kyle and Susie walked together ahead of them but stayed close enough. Susie was talking Kyle's ear off, something about hunting back in Florida. Grace had started realizing how mature Kyle was for his age, he dealt with everything better than she did to be honest.

“So, what did you do before all this?” Jerry asks, keeping his shotgun out in case a creep came.

“I was a student, going in for my masters in Nursing.”

“That's handy. I reckon that's why you patched yourself up real good.” he motions her injured arm. He was impressed.

“It was the best I could do.” she shrugged.

“Eh, well. You make due with what you got.”

They've reached an old green Ford pickup truck with it's hood lifted up. Susie immediately goes inside the small back seat while Jerry went straight to the engine and began replacing the battery. Grace knew nothing of cars so she felt a little useless in this department. Kyle was over by Susie listening to her ramble about gators or something? By the look on his face- he wasn't interested about reptiles invading peoples pools in Florida.

“So why Fort Benning?”

“Well... For one it's secured. They got guns, beds, food, tanks! I mean, big ass tanks. Ones that can run over this ol' truck. I think it's a good shot to check it out. I mean, there ain't much out here.”

She couldn't argue with that. It didn't take him long to change the battery out. He shuts the hood and brushes the oil on his pants. “That'll do it. Ready to go kids?”

“Yeah!” Susie cries, excited as they all got into the truck and took off.

“Got your seatbelt on, kid?” she asks Kyle.

“Do I really need it?”

“Uh, yeah. Put it on, dude!” he sighs dramatically and puts his seat belt on, with Susie's help since he was having trouble clicking it in.

“Y'know for someone who isn't a mother, you sure have that tone of one.” Jerry complemented her (she thinks) then started the truck, howling in success as it came to life. Jerry howled with it before putting it in drive.

Grace can finally relax and ease her mind. They had a plan and they had a destination. There were also more of them which was perfect. She had no idea where Fort Benning was or how far it is. What was it like there right now? How many people were there? Would there be enough room for them to join? Or at least take the kids.

She pushes those thoughts in the back of her head, trying not to raise her anxiety about it. She leans back and looks behind her to see Kyle was trying not to fall asleep. She reached behind her to place her hand on his knee. He looked up at her with heavy eyes as she gave him a nod to let him know it was okay to fall asleep. With that, he was out like a light. Poor kid. She decided to get some shut eyes as well. Leaning her head against the windshield, she fell asleep to the noisey truck's engine rattle and the bumps on the road.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Sorry, I did say I'd update every Friday but I might have to change scheduling a bit. I'm gonna say I'll update on weekends. The next few chapters I'm gonna be working on will probably not make it next week, maybe it will. I don't know? I actually wanted to write more in this chapter, but I couldn't get what I wanted written down, so bare with me!

What do you think about Jerry? Good guy? Bad guy? Imagine him as Matthew McConaughey in True Detective when he had long hair and that mustache.

Thank you guys for Subscribes to this story!