Status: Complete thank you for reading!



Eleanor sighed sitting on the cot she was presented with; sitting on this uncomfortable excuse for a bed she realized that she really was spoiled. She remembered a time when she was three and she didn’t even have to beg her dad for a new bed it was a farce really how she got it but she was so excited to get something from her dad it remained a positive memory.

In what felt like a sea of negative.


There was a raging storm going on and it shook the little blonde girl awake in fright. She immediately hopped down from her pink princess bed with the tiara headboard with a little ‘umph.’ She nearly fell on her butt however when the next clap of thunder rumbled through her room she skidded out the door and down the hallway to the right.

Leaning up on her toes she managed to turn the doorknob just in time for the crash. With her running start she managed to catapult herself on to the tall bed. Using the expensive purple comforter to pull herself up.

She crawled her way between her parents and began shaking awake her father, “Daddy?”

Slowly but surely he began to stir awake, “What? What is it?”

“I’m scared…” she squeaked when lightning flashed and she buried herself head first into the comforter.

Her father laughed that eerie laugh but it gave the small child some comfort; when her daddy laughed like that it meant that everything was alright and nothing could get to her. She felt something warm wrap around her ankle and gently pull her out from her hiding spot.

“My little Ellie you know that Daddy’s scarier than a teensy tiny little thunderstorm and you know what that means don’t you?”

Eleanor nodded her head wiping her tears away, “I have nuffin’ to be afraid of, ‘cause daddy will kill anytin’ that scares me.”

“Right you are cupcake right you are,” her father ruffled her already messy hair, “Let’s get you back to bed.”

“No,” she tugged on her father’s hand, “I like your bed better…”

She stuck her bottom lip out telling a little fib just so she could stay in her parents room for the night. She was pretty good at getting what she wanted. She knew that when her dad swung his leg back into the bed she had won.

“Just for tonight Ellie,” her dad said in that low raspy drawl, “Push mommy over I don’t want her to roll over on you.”

She attempted to roll over her mother but her little arms produced nothing.

“No, no, no Ellie watch Daddy.”

She did just that watching her father’s fingers curl almost into claws, he leaned past her and gripped her mother’s side, sending her flying over the edge. Her father chuckled when her mom let out a whine and it caused Ellie to laugh too. If something was funny to her daddy it must have been really funny.

“What was that for Mr. J?” she asked rubbing her back but giggled after, “Oh is cupcake afraid of the storm?”

“Uh-huh,” Ellie answered through her yawn, “I’m sweepy.”

“Go ahead lay down,” her father coaxed her and she did just that when her mother got back into bed, “Watch where you roll if you land on her—”

“I wouldn’t smother my cupcake geez…”

Ellie closed her eyes and rolled over so she was in her father’s pale chest facing one of his many tattoos. She sighed in comfort and fell asleep almost instantly.

When she woke next she was being carried gently to her room, when she was set down she felt like she hadn’t left her parents bed. She opened her eyes briefly and smiled, she had gotten a new bed just like her Mommy and Daddy’s.

“Thank you Daddy,” she mumbled rubbing her tired eyes.

“Anything for my little Ellie.”


The memory left a smile on her face; it made her miss her Dad. She wanted to go home, there was no one physically keeping her there.

Batman had disappeared but his elderly butler visited her often, offering her food, and books which she found interesting. He was a very nice man, very wise, and always delighted in conversation with her.

But he wasn’t her dad nor her mother.

Crazy or not they were her parents and she knew they cared about her; there was some anger in her heart because they hadn’t searched for her. But then again she knew why they couldn’t, for starters they didn’t know where she was on top of that B-man was probably using her to lure her parents in and they were always one step ahead of him.

Her dad had to be thinking of something Batman was always first to blame in any circumstance.

She didn’t want to sit around anymore just to thank Batsy for his hospitality. She penned a note instead, gathered her things and made her way to the exit the butler always took. She found it locked though.

“Umm hello?” she banged her fist against the door, “Hey there’s a human down here who wants to leave!”

No answer.

“Hello?!” she made a ruckus again starting to get a lil angry, “Unlock the door!”

Frustrated by no answer she grabbed her cellphone from her pocket with a new found idea.

Running back to the door she yelled again, “If you don’t let me out I’ll call my Daddy and give up your hideout!”

She held the one down on her phone and began to muster up tears when no one unlocked the door for.

“J Enterprises how can I help you?”

She understood why a croony had to answer her dad’s cellphone but now was not the time.

“It’s me Ellie, Leroy I need to talk to my dad it’s important,” she got out through fake tears trying to shake the guard so that he would give up the phone immediately.

“Of course right away.”

She tapped her foot waiting for the goon to move a little faster. Her dad would’ve shot the man for taking so long to hand the phone over under any other circumstance. She instantly regretted pushing him to the edge, what if he didn’t come through for her?


She could hear her father breathing heavily on the other end, purposely waiting for her to speak first.

“I-I can hear you breathing D-daddy,” she amplified her act by ten hoping her tears still worked on him, “I’m sorry for not listening to you, I was w-wrong if I listened I wouldn’t have run in to Bats. I would’ve never ended up here locked in his weird b-basement…”

It was quiet for a moment, she thought she had failed but finally his raspy voice graced her ears.

“Did he hurt you?”

She felt bad for the lie she was about to tell but he lied to her just to gain her trust. He was worse than her parents at least she knew their true intentions. She should have known that he just wanted to help her to bring down her dad. Well now she wasn’t going to let him.

She sniffled for dramatics, “I think he broke my wrist…”

She heard her father growl but her mother was louder, “Batsy’s dead who does he think he is laying a hand on my cupcake?!

She heard glass shatter probably her mom taking her rage out on a goon.

“Tell Daddy Eleanor,” her dad paused as if he was trying hold a fit of rage inside, “Where you are.”

It wasn’t a request it was a demand.

Sorry Bats but you deserve it.

“Go toward the bus depot on north and then go straight for three blocks take another left down LeMoine and when you hit Tower turn right and there’s a opening—”

She couldn’t finish her set of directions because she was tackled to the ground harshly landing on her arm; she let out a scream and she could hear her father calling out to her but her attacker stomped on her phone and crushed it.

“Do you have any idea what you just did B-man?”


Ellie?” Mr. J snarled over the phone, “Eleanor?!

Harley swung her bat at another breakable when she realized their daughter was in more trouble and they were so close to getting the location of the batcave...J threw the phone on the ground in anger.

“What are we going to do Puddin’?”

“Call the car rally your friends my dear,” he turned around slowly while laughing maniacally, “We’re going bat hunting.”


Her hands were now bound together and she had no way to get in touch with either of her parents. She had no idea where he was taking her she just watched in agitation as he maneuvered the streets of Gotham.

“You’re just as bad as they are,” she said quietly, “You lie and use people to get what you want.”

They are murderous psychopaths,” Bats replied, “We aren’t even close to being the same.”

“Actually dad is more of a borderline sociopath but anyway you’ve kidnapped me someone who has nothing to do with your game of cat and broke my wrist and have it tied to my other painfully, what makes you any better?”

Silence; what she said was getting to him but he was trying to be tough acting like he had never heard her. She just let out a chuckle.


“Shut up,” he snapped, “We’re here.”

When he stepped out she turned enough in her seat to look out the window to see she was in front of her home. She remained still; the place was on lockdown there was no way he could get in without knowing each and every trap.

Then she realized that’s why he brought her here; he was going to use her to get inside.

He pulled open her door and she refused to move; so Bats grabbed her by the arm causing her to yelp in pain. Her wrist was definitely broken.

“Let me go will ya?” she snapped trying to pull away from his grip, “You’re hurting me.”

“Suck it up I’m sure you’ve had worse.”

She glared at him and did it again when he expected her to give him instructions on how to get inside.

“As if I would let you in my house…”

He gave her a shake and she let out a grunt, “My Dad is going to kill you.”

“What else is new?” he retorted with a calm demeanor that pissed her off, “Get moving.”

As she punched in the code to the house she remembered what her dad had told her for situations like these. Two codes one for normal entry, two for panic/forced entry. He wouldn’t know which one she pressed; it also helped that it would page her dad no matter where he was.

She just hoped he was close.

She hit the code; she just had to stall for the time.

“I need to know where he keeps all of his work.”

“I don’t know where that is.”

He rolled his eyes, “I doubt that he trusts you more than Harley.”

She did know; her father told her to burn it up if she ever found herself in this kind of situation. She let herself in the house followed by the masked man; she knew that she could detonate the house from the office with button under the desk but she wasn’t sure if it was worth it. She had an extra cell phone in the drawer but she wasn’t sure if she could reach for it with her hands tied.

So she led him on a wild goose chase through the house as soon as she could; subtly though she led him past her bedroom where there was a large, weird, picture of her parents and herself. Which doubled as a passageway.

“This way Bats,” she would have waved but it was hard when your two hands had turned into one, she led him past the office and pointed to her room. Once he opened the door she used the full force of her body to push him in. Caught off guard he fell in it gave her enough time to get the portrait and close it.

She took off searching for the weapon’s wall she needed to get her hands untied.

“Fuck,” she cursed when she tripped, “Dammit mom move your bats out of the way.”

She clicked the green button that glowed when she ran her hand over it. She took the hunting knife and ran her bound hands over it releasing them instantly. She took hold of the pistol with her name on it (a gift for her birthday last year) it even said with love from mommy and daddy on the handle. She stuck it in the waistband of her jeans and then closed it up again. From what she heard she had exactly one minute to reach the office so she could lock it and buy herself more time to text her dad.

She ran through the rest of the passage when she reached her exit from behind the office. She quietly stepped out, creeping her way over to lock the door. Then she typed in the code to the top right drawer in the desk. Taking one of the three cell phones, she shakily typed in her dad’s number with her good hand.

Going to have to blow it up. Sorry Daddy.

She hit send as soon she heard B-man banging on the door to get in. She rested a hand on her pistol ready to aim it if necessary.

The phone buzzed quickly as soon as she whipped out her weapon. She caught a glimpse.

Not yet Ellie, stall for time Mommy and Daddy are coming for you.

She threw the phone inside the drawer after a quick confirmation. Her arms shot out in front of her when the door was finally busted down.

“Put the gun down Eleanor.”

She shook her head, “I won’t.”

“This isn’t you remember?” he tried to reason with her, “You aren’t violent you’re a normal girl who likes science?”

She snorted, “Yeah? And who are you? You saw me walking down the street with a backpack and took advantage of my situation. You kidnapped me and held me hostage, and now you’re trying to force me to surrender my parents. You’re no better than they are, I’m not either. I understand they're insane but they love me and take care of me.”

“You are being selfish Eleanor think of all the innocent lives your father has taken alone...and then add it to your mother’s. You can always see them in Arkham; Gordon can arrange it. They need help and you need to step aside.”

“Shut up!” She snapped; her head swimming with thoughts knowing that some of what he said was true. Torn between what’s right and wrong and her loyalty she had to make a decision. She was so confused.

It was only yesterday she looked up to the masked crusader and now he was a fallen idol and false friend. He hurt her physically, made her think she was safe but really he just wanted to use her just like all of the other lowlifes.

“I don’t think you realize that my crazy parents are the only people who actually care about me,” she told him lowering the gun slightly, “To everyone else I’m just Joker and Harley’s daughter, the ‘princess’ of Gotham city, to them I’m just someone to steal for secrets, I’m not not even considered human. But to my parents I’m everything, I’m human, I’m safe, you turned out to be just like the rest of the scum of this city.”

“Eleanor think about this carefully,” Bats said carefully, “My methods were wrong but your parents are murderers.”

“I won’t turn my back on my parents Bats so give it up.”

She eyed him as he inched closer to her and she took a step back raising her weapon again, “Don’t move B-man I will shoot you.”

It was at that moment he charged at her knocking her down; the gun bounced away as it fell out of her hand. She tried her best to fight him off with her good hand but he was stronger and more prepared, he managed to wrap her bad hand in one of the cuffs he kept on his back but she kicked him before he could grab the other one.

“Get off of me!” she yelped when he applied pressure to her broken bone in order to get her to relent.

She caught a glimpse of a purple alligator skin jacket and smirked only when her father’s handgun was held to the back of B-man’s head.

“I’ll blow your self-righteous brains out if you don’t take your hands off my Ellie.”

“Just shoot ‘em!” her mother barked, “Look how swollen her wrist is puddin’.”

Her father cocked his gun; and Ellie swallowed but was still annoyed his weight was holding her down.

Batman slowly backed off and away. Ellie squirmed away as soon as she could running to her mother holding out her broken wrist.

“It hurts mommy,” she whined, “I can’t even move it.”

“My cupcake,” Harley cried but kissed the top of her hand, “Don’t worry we’re going to take care of Batsy for what he’s done to you.”

“Unlock the cuffs,” her father ordered gruffly, “Now.”

He fired a warning shot at the other man’s feet. Batman jumped but otherwise stayed still; this caused her father’s temper to flare up even more. Shooting the man in the shoulder this time.

“Can’t you hear Bats?” he growled this time, “UNLOCK THE CUFFS NOW!”

Eleanor and her mother jumped but otherwise laughed. Ellie felt no remorse for the man and his wound he deserved it he tricked her. He was no hero he was just a thorn in her family’s side.

Slowly Batman bent down showed them the key and threw it toward her mother who caught it quickly, making haste to relieve Ellie’s pain. Ellie hissed her wrist was the size of a baseball.

“I really should kill you but where’s the fun in that?”

“I have no time for you games Joker you have your daughter…” B-man said backing up and then fell through the window shattering the glass.

Ellie ran for her discarded gun and began shooting at the liar until he was out of sight.

“Stupid Bat…” she grumbled. “My clip’s empty.”

“We’ll get you a new one cupcake,” her mother said coming forward, “First we have to set your wrist.”

She winced just thinking of the pain to come her mother began to lead her out from the office but before she left she turned back.

“I’m sorry Daddy.”

“Aww Ellie it’s not your fault B-man is a pain in the ass.”

“No it’s not,” her father grumbled, “Proud of you.”

He whispered the last part softly she almost thought she couldn’t hear it. She quietly approached him and gave him a quick hug. Before she left she heard him laugh to everyone else it sounded crazy but Ellie and her mom knew he was happy.

Later when her mom was wrapping her injured arm she mentioned Bats had put a dent in the handle of her gun.

She just chuckled before she called out to her dad, “Puddin’ bring her present!”

Her father brought out a long box wrapped in purple and green. She ignored the flare of annoyance in her gut when she saw the horrible color. Instead she smiled when her dad bared his eerie grin at her.

She pulled the ugly ribbon and unlatched the box; she gasped when she saw it. It was a white and red machine gun checkered like circus wear and on the handle in fine black script it said ‘with pride and love from Mommy and Daddy.’

She almost let out a squeal, “Thank you, I thought you weren’t going to let me have one until next year!”

Her mother kissed her head, “You earned it cupcake.”

“Can we practice?” she asked her dad loading the clip, “Like now?”

“Ah so eager,” her dad patted her head, “Our targets won’t go anywhere let’s wait ‘til that wrist healed.”

She sighed in disappointment and it made her parents laugh, “See Mr. J she isn’t all that normal after all!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Suicide Squad was great forget the haters. My friend and I are going to see it again next Sunday! I'm not going to say anything more just go enjoy the movie! Anyway I hope everyone saw that Ellie wasn't really all that normal. She's just a human affected by her environment and the love of her parents.

A Big Hug and Thank you to:

I'm glad you liked it I'm thinking about doing another short story about Jared's joker, what do you think?