And I Would Walk Five-Hundred Miles


Micah trudged to the couch and laid on it, that is, until I forced him to go to my bed.

“No. I’m not undoing the couch; just go to my bed and have a lie down. I’ll be there in a second,” I said, pulling him from the couch and pushing him into my room.

“But Lydia, I don’t want to be a burden.”

“Too late. Lay your ass down.”

While he got himself settled, I got some stomach medicine, a glass of ginger ale, and a thermometer. I walked back into the room to see him cozy, and almost naked (except for his boxers), under my sheets. I rounded the side of the bed and sat down beside him. I took his temperature: 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

“Micah, honey, you’re running a fever.”

“Shit. For real?”

“Yeah, honey. Just take this medicine and drink some ginger ale.” I handed both to him and continued, “Lay here and sweat it out, okay?” I grabbed my favorite book from the shelf and started to head for the door when I heard him softly say, “Stay here with me.”

Huh? Did I just hear that correctly?

“What did you say, Micah?”

“Please stay here with me. I’m not contagious; it’s just a stomach bug.”

“Oh,” I said with a bit of a shocked tone. I wasn’t expecting that at all. “Okay then.”

I walked back to the bed, and just as I was about to sit down, he pulled the sheets up for me to crawl under. I kicked my shoes off and got under the sheets. At first, I couldn’t help but feel slightly stiff, but eventually, I settled down, setting my breathing to the same pulse as his, and read my book. Every so often, I’d check on him, and each time, I caught him staring at me until finally I asked him if he wanted to take a nap. He nodded and snuggled into the sheets as I put my book down, put my phone on silent, and turned off the light. I snuggled into the sheets, and went to put a pillow between us so I could grab onto it.

“What the hell, Lyd? I’m not contagious!”

“Oh I know,” I said blushing, and thanking dear God in heaven that the lights were off and only little beams of light shone through the blinds. “I just didn’t want to disturb you. I always put my arms around the pillows when I sleep.”

“Well,” he said while grabbing it out of my hand and back under my head, “I don’t mind you ‘disturbing’ me.” With that, he wrapped him arm around me and pulled me a bit closer to him. I lessened the gap slightly, layed on my side, and put my forehead on his bare chest.
I laid perfectly still. He must have sprayed himself with axe while I was getting the medicine.

He smelled amazing. As if having our bodies this close wasn’t affecting my heart rate enough, now I had to contend with him smelling amazing, his surprisingly soft, smooth skin (which he must wax, because the boy has pretty hairy arms, not that I mind), and the fact that the arm wrapped around me was softly stroking my back. I told myself to breathe evenly and to not do anything too obvious.

He rhythmically stroked my back. It moved in time to his breathing: inhale, up, exhale, down.

The goose-bumps formed on my arms and legs, but thankfully, he must have not noticed. I let myself completely relax and become motionless. Eventually, I felt myself drift in to dreamland.

Needless to say, I woke up in a much different position. The six or so inches between us became nonexistent as we were completely pressed up against each other. My lips were pressed against the middle of his chest, my arms were wrapped around him, and my legs were tangled with his. I thought about moving, but decided to relish in the current position I was in.

Micah was softly stroking my hair and humming. The song sounded vaguely familiar. After a few seconds, I knew the song: “Unintended” by Muse. I could almost hear the words being sung. The words that made me feel that much better.

And that much worse:

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You could be the one I'll always love
You could be the one who listens to my deepest inquisitions
You could be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

First there was the one who challenged
All my dreams and all my balance
She could never be as good as you

You could be my unintended
Choice to live my life extended
You should be the one I'll always love

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

I'll be there as soon as I can
But I'm busy mending broken pieces of the life I had before

Before you

Before Daniel Radcliffe.

Before London.

Before the airport.

The life he had with Bella- It plagued me.

But I could be, no, I was, no, I am his unintended.

If only he realized I felt the same, exact way too...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's fan-fiction-y guys, but you have to understand that you could basically sub in any celebrity and the plot would still follow in the same pattern. Remember, this is about Lydia and Micah, not Daniel Radcliffe.
Please comment, guys. Honestly, it takes a minute. And not to be demanding or anything, but I am going to update after I get at least three comments per chapter. It's a small number, but that's my price.
It's not mandatory, but i do suggest you look up the song mentioned in this chapter. I think it does relate well to the situation at hand.
And finally, enjoy chapter 11.

Fact 4: Real life Anabella and I are actually friends now... though I still don't think she's all that great of a girl friend.