And I Would Walk Five-Hundred Miles

Bienvenue à Paris.

You can tell when someone is being fake.

Our tour guide, for instance, was just that.

Disgusting, red lipstick was plastered on her collagen filled lips, and her uniform was ill suited for her body.

Okay, so maybe I was just resentful about the events that occurred on the train over and was taking it out on our plastic tour guide, but can you blame me? Micah was an ass!

On the ride to our hotel Micah and I were silent. In fact, dinner at the hotel’s restaurant was silent, painfully silent. And when we went to bed, it was silent as well. Nothing was spoken at all.

I went to bed angry. Thankfully, we didn’t have any morning tours, so I took the morning to sleep in.

And when I woke up, he was gone again.

Yes, you would think that my lovely travel mate would stay, especially after the drunken mess I had found him in just two nights before. But no, he went off.

I could have killed him.

He didn’t even leave a note so that I had an idea where he went off to. I was already grouchy to begin with because of the day before and the exchange we had on the train, but no, because my life is so incredibly wonderful, it got even better. There was no food in the room to eat, so my growling stomach sang to me as I got my clothes together for a shower.

My thoughts were silent for once, and all I could feel was the hot water cascading down my body. It felt amazing to just go into a daze. I got lost in the sound of the rushing water hitting the floor of the tub, and everything seemed irrelevant for once.


Blissful Silence…

Finally I had to get out, and when I did, I noticed that there was a note on the floor. I quickly dried and dressed myself. I picked up the note and curiosity drove me to open it up and read it.


I opened up the door of the bathroom and stepped out. I just turned my body when I saw Micah sitting on the bed with a bouquet of tulips. He gave a small smile, and my heart fluttered like it never had before.

I guess today was a “like Micah” day.

“I remembered you were never fond of roses… and…. Maybe if I brought you your favorite flowers,” he motioned towards the tulips, “…I’d get a second chance?”

I stood there in awe. I sharply inhaled.

“So… do you think maybe…”

“I ran because I was overwhelmed over Dan being responsive to me and then all of the sudden you. And you have to understand, Micah, that I’ve liked Dan for a while-”

He sounded slightly hurt when he interrupted with, “I know you’ve liked him for a very long time-”

“No, Micah. Almost just as long, I’ve liked you,” shock spread on his face, “and I was really confused because I just did not know what was going on. Micah, you’re so amazing, and I always feel like being around you is something that makes me feel comfortable and safe. I mean, sure you piss me off, but I feel so happy when I’m around you that none of that matters. It's irrelevant. I just get caught up with Dan, but almost as quickly as Dan showed attraction for me, I was reminded of the fact that I’ve always loved you. But right now, so many things are attacking me from every angle. I don’t know what I want. I don’t know who I want. The only thing I do know is that I hate myself for it.”

The was a pause as we stared at each other for a moment.

And I began to cry.


Micah stood up and strode over to me and hugged me tight. I stood there weeping in his arms until he held me to arms length and said, “You don’t have to know what or who you want yet, Lydia. Take your time and figure it out.”

I sniffled and nodded, placing my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me once more and mumbled exactly what Dan had said before him, “I’ll wait for you as long as I have to, Lydia.” And with that he kissed the top of my head.
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So a short little update because I really got response for the last chapter I posted. :D
Keep the comments coming. I'm actually writing a future chapter after I click the "submit' button.
But before that, I wanted to let you guys know I made a playlist for the whole story. Yeah, I know. Nerdy!!! Haha. Well, that will be the next "chapter" followed by the formal chapter 16. With that, thanks so much for reading!