And I Would Walk Five-Hundred Miles

My Friend Micah


I ran straight for him, ignoring the strange looks from the people around me. I basically attacked him, ramming him at full force. When I hit the wall that is his chest, thousands of old memories flooded back to me. I felt so different, so alive, so free.

It’s undeniable to say that I was lonely. I really didn’t have true friends here in London, just Mr. Holloway, and he’s 56! But seeing Micah was like getting the life poured back into me. I could suddenly feel my life pumping through my veins. I hadn’t felt this happy in months.

The hug was a tight one. I could feel his heart pumping through his chest and onto mine. The quick pulses made my heart race too. Sensing this, he smiled even wider and hugged me even tighter. Then there came a whisper in my ear: “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you these past 4 months.”

He then broke the hug and kissed my forehead, something he had never done before.

“Come on, love,” he said, “let’s get my suitcases.”

Now, before you start wondering, no, Micah is not my boyfriend. He’s one of my very best friends. I’ve always wanted something more…. but it never happened. I had entertained the idea of us being together. It seemed possible at times, but he’d always see me as his best friend, Lydia, and nothing more.

As he walked with me down the halls of the airport, he kept a tight grasp of my hand. I liked the way it was warm. I liked the way how people looked at us.

Maybe they think we’re together. Oh how I wish, but it’ll never happen.

We got to the luggage carousel quickly. To break the silence, I asked questions.

“So, how was your flight?”

“Eh….. tiring. The food was crap, and the last thing I ate was a bag of pretzels that they gave me like 2 hours ago, and it was a tiny ass bag.”

“What did they give you guys?”

“A thing of chicken ravioli, some vegetables, and a piece of strawberry shortcake.”

“That doesn’t sound so horrible…”

“Yeah, but they gave it at the beginning of the flight”

“When was that?”


“Huh? Why would they give you dinner at midnight?”

“I don’t know. When I asked, the flight attendant smiled and said we were given 2 meals and two snacks.”

“But at midnight?”

“Exactly what I said. But whatever. I’m just ready to eat something when we get to your house.”

I laughed.
“Who says I have food waiting for you at my house?”

He thought for a minute and said, “I don’t know, but you’re usually well prepared for guests, so it’s just a hunch.”

I was shut up and just pointed at the luggage carousel, “There’s your suitcase, Micah.”

He smiled, “Thanks. And I win.”

His smile seemed nicer that I remembered.

We started to walk again, and quickly got outside. I hailed a taxi, and we loaded Micah’s luggage into it. I told the cabbie my address and we were quickly off.

“So,” I started, “how was the flight besides the food situation?”



“Someone was sleeping on my knees, therefore I didn’t get any sleep, and we hit turbulence for about 45 minutes of the flight.”

“I’m so sorry, honey. Well, when we get home, I’ll start making dinner. Then you can go straight to bed.”

“After a shower. I’ve been sitting for so long, I must smell bad.”

“Whatever you want to do Micah. Mi casa es su casa.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So there's chapter two. Thanks for reading. Remember to comment so I have an idea as to what you guys think of the story.