And I Would Walk Five-Hundred Miles

The Inn

While we watched the movie, we ate our food, not really speaking too much. Occasionally, Micah would look up from a fajita and smile. It made my heart ache a bit. His smile was so crooked but sweet, and it made my heart melt slightly every time he did it. It was maddening.

I had thought about his coming every single moment of every single day for the past two weeks. Would he look the same? Would he act the same? Would he not shut up about Bella? Would he still give me those wonderful hugs that make me feel like I was the happiest and safest girl in the entire world? And most importantly, would he dare kiss me?

I’m not sure.

Those are the answers to those questions, in that order.

Once we were done eating, and the DVD was finished, I told him to get dressed; we were going to The Inn.

The Inn is not really an inn, but an insane nightclub you were lucky to get into. I, thankfully, have connections with the club (the lead in the musical is the owner), and can get in whenever I want, which isn’t often. But tonight, I felt Micah needed to loosen up a little bit.

I didn’t change my clothes because I looked okay, but Micah took a quick shower whilst I worked on my play. It’s a vampire play that Mr. Holloway plans to do if it’s good. Furiously I wrote and wrote until I smelled axe and knew Micah was waiting behind me.

“I’m ready to go.”

And with that, we went. We got into a taxi and sped along the streets.

“You smell really good,” I said softly. He smiled and said, “Thank you. You smell great too.”

We were silent the rest of the way. When we got to the club, we were admitted, and almost immediately, Micah went to get drinks.

Techno music pulsed loudly through huge speakers nearby. Hundreds of bodies thrashed to the beat and lost themselves in the sounds. I gently swayed to the beats, trying to get into the music. Soon, Micah appeared with my drink.

“What is this?”

“An iced tea-”

I took a huge swig and was hit by a strong alcohol taste.

“-With vodka in it.”

I shivered, disgusted by the taste; then I looked at my glass and shoved it towards him.

“You can have it.”

“Great,” he said smiling, “more for me!” And with that, he downed the rest of my glass.

“You’re going to get completely drunk this way.”

“I know.”


After having my drink, he drank his huge beer. Thankfully, he didn’t down this, but after he finished it, I dragged him onto the dance floor. I didn’t want him downing drink after drink.

The music was so loud; I could feel my chest vibrating with each slap of bass. We started to dance, and, forgetting about inhibitions, I wrapped my arms about him and pulled myself a little closer to him. He smiled and we moved together against the beats. Some songs I knew, and some I didn’t. Once a remixed rap song came on, he separated from me and we walked to the bar again. Much to my protests, he didn’t drink water. “Fine, get dehydrated then,” I said. He had a shot of tequila and then another beer.

“Micah, you’re going to get sick.”

“I’ll be fiiinee”

Ugh. I hate drunken people… So with that, I went back out to the dance floor. I danced around with a few other guys, but none of them really tickled my fancy. Soon, Micah came back.

He smiled and grabbed me by the waist pulling me so that we were close together. I lifted my arms and wrapped them around him, and taking this as his cue, he pulled me even closer to seal any airspace between us. We danced, and he rubbed his body against mine.

He had this confident look in his eye. I have to admit, I liked the way it felt: his skin against mine. I liked the way he held me: so confidently and securely. I loved the way he looked at me: with adoration and a glimmer in his eye.

Occasionally, he would say something:

“God, you’re so fucking beautiful.”

“You smell so good: like sweet and fruity.”

“Lydia, I’m so glad I came back. I missed you so much I didn’t think I could survive. I don’t want to leave now. I don’t think I can keep living without you.”

All of them I disregarded. He was drunk. He didn’t realize what he was saying. But there was one thing I didn’t disregard: “Lydia, I don’t feel very good. I want to go home.”

With that, I grabbed him, and we went straight home.


As soon as we got in, or rather I pushed him in and then followed after, I started to unbutton his shirt as he swayed to and fro.

“I guess dis means yufeel da sayway bow mitu,” he said in what I assume was supposed to be a sexy voice. I was going to say something, but I kept my mouth shut.

His smooth muscles were now exposed, and though they weren’t huge, they stuck out slightly, giving his milky white skin that much more appeal. I could see the veins under his skin, and as I bushed his skin while opening his shirt, he moaned, and then gave me a smile. I turned him around as to avoid temptation, and I pulled a hair tie from the dresser to tie his hair back. Some odd pieces stuck out, so I pinned them back. Once I was done with him, he looked like a drunken, bobby-pinned mess.

Almost as if on cue, he said, “Uh-oh,” and made a beeline to the bathroom.

I could hear the vomit hitting the water, and he groaned. Once the symphony of the porcelain god ended, I came into the bathroom, and there he was, sitting on the floor groaning.

“Honey,” I said softly as so not startle him, “do you want me to sit here with you until you feel better?” He nodded.

“Okay then.” With that, I sat myself down and started to rub his back gently. He groaned some more but I shushed him softly. “Don’t worry, darling, you’ll feel better soon, I promise.”

I don’t know how long I stayed there, but somehow, I don’t care either. When he was ready, Micah lifted himself up, and brushed his teeth, me all the while still rubbing his back and saying, “There, there,” every now and then. He unbuckled his pants when he was done and slid into his bed.

“Goodnight, Micah. I love you.”

“G’night, Lydia,” he rasped out. And before I left the living room, I heard him say, “I love you so much, it kills me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys don't mind the drunk-speak. Again, it was just for the purpose of believeability. Thanks for reading, and please comment. :]