Status: In Progress (Bear with me!)

We've All Been Demons

Born To Be Wild

I woke up in a bright room with tiles covering each wall. It didn’t look like a house, it looked too cold and clean. I rubbed at my eyes and stood slowly, looking around me. There was a table nearby, with some files sat on top.

I walked over, shivering from my lack of jacket and boots. They’d been left behind when I was teleported here. I picked up the top file, ready to leaf through it. Just as I was about to turn the first page, I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I spun around, cursing myself for removing my boots with my knife still tucked inside. The man looked shocked, startled to see me. He was very tall, with shoulder length dark hair and hazel eyes. He wore blue jeans and a grey t-shirt with a green flannel over the top.

“Who are you?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at me. He reached behind his back, probably reaching for a knife or gun. He stepped cautiously to the side, throwing a quick glance over his shoulder at the doorway he’d just come through.

I held up my hands to show him I was unarmed. “Relax, okay.” I began, taking a slow step forwards. “My name is Kyla.” I told him. This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened, I had a special gift that I’d inherited from my mom.

Since my mom had retired from hunting, I had been the one to take it on. I would be teleported to any hunter who needed help, that’s how my parents had met. “I’ll tell you everything, I don’t mean you harm.” I said.

He narrowed his eyes again but relaxed, moving towards the counter and leaning against it, raising his eyebrows as if to tell me to explain myself. “I have a gift, you see.” I began. “I get transported to any hunter who needs help.” I told him.

He furrowed his brow. “But we don’t need help.” He said. I rolled my eyes. Hunters never thought they needed help. “So sorry to waste your time.” He flashed me an apologetic smile. I shrugged, moving slightly closer.

“Well I wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.” I sighed, pulling out a chair and sitting in it. He moved to the other side of the table and pulled out the chair opposite me, not sitting but leaning on the back.

“We’re not even on a hunt.” He laughed. I frowned. What did he need my help with? As I pondered this, another man entered the room, pulling a t-shirt over his shoulders. He was shorter than the first, but still a lot taller than me. He had shorter, sandy hair with green eyes.

“Sammy, what’s going on here?” He asked, eyeing me suspiciously. He too reached for his weapon.
“This is Kyla.” The first one told him, motioning towards me. “She thinks we need her help.” The shorter one laughed at that. He smiled at me as well, but sarcastically.

“Not to be rude, but we don’t need no help from teenagers.” He said patronizingly. I rolled my eyes again, standing.

“Well I can’t go until I’ve done what I was supposed to.” I shrugged. The short one stopped smiling and gave me a quizzical look.

“Sammy, can I talk to you for a minute?” He asked the tall one, who stood and moved toward the doorway. I could hear what they were saying, even with their hushed tones. “How did she get in here?”

“I don’t know.” The tall one answered. “She says she teleports to any hunter who needs help.” He explained the same thing I had told him.

“But we don’t need help.” The shorter one said, obviously suspicious of my sudden appearance.

“Well I don’t know what to say.” The first one said. There was a pause. “Maybe she’s here to help us with our Crowley problem.” He offered.

“How is she supposed to help us?” The short one said, “She’s just a teenager. Even if she’s a hunter, I doubt she’d know anything about the king of hell himself.” There was another pause and I could tell they were at a loss for an explanation.

They re-entered the room and I crossed my arms. “So?” I asked. The short one smiled at me again, in the same manner as before.

“Look, kid,” He began and I rolled my eyes, raising an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know why you’ve appeared here, but we don’t need help.” He stated frankly.

“Fine.” I shrugged. “Zap me back then.” I challenged, knowing full well he couldn’t. The tall one stepped forward.

“Listen,” The short one said, rubbing his temples with his fingertips, “Unless you know how to summon the king of hell, there is nothing you can do for us.” I narrowed my eyes, pretending I didn’t hear their conversation outside the door.

“I don’t even know the king of hell.” I said.

“He’s about this big,” He motioned with his hand, “Wears black, goes by the name of Crowley.” He told me. My eyes widened in realization. Crowley was my biological father, I could summon him very easily.

“Oh.” I said. “Why didn’t you say so?” I smiled, trying not to seem as smug as I felt. The men both raised their eyebrows and gave each other a look. I placed my hands on my hips, waiting for their response.

“You can summon him?” The tall one asked, skeptically. I nodded in response. He raised his eyebrows but placed a bowl on the table in front of me. He began to silently gather ingredients for a spell, but I shook my head.

“I just need a blade.” I said, holding my hand out. The shorter one reached into his pocket and pulled out a small utility knife, placing it in my palm. I flipped the knife out and made a small incision on my palm, wincing slightly at the sharp sting.

I clenched my fist and dripped the blood in the bowl as I said the incantation. The two men exchanged a glance, not recognizing my words. I smirked, feeling more than smug that I was more competent than they had expected me to be.

“Hello, boys,” A British accent said smoothly behind me. I turned my head as I recognized my father’s voice. “And girl.” He added, noticing me.

I gave him a smile as I grabbed a rag for my hand. “Crowley.” The shorter man addressed him, taking a step towards him but stopping suddenly. He gave me a puzzled look. “How did you do that?” He asked me.

I just smirked at him. “How did she do that?” He addressed Crowley this time, raising his voice a little. Crowley shrugged before placing his hands in the pockets of his coat.

“Blood summons blood.” He said simply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit - Born To Be Wild - Steppenwolf

This is now present tense, going from where I am currently watching in the series, which is season 9. Roughly though, so don't expect to recognize the story.

Please comment, I love feedback!