Status: going strong!! || this formatting is a pain in my caboose

Sam Is Typing


SAM: Hey, Robin.
SAM: Are you there?

ROBIN: Right here

SAM: Awesome!
SAM: You haven't come back yet.
SAM: Did you forget about little old Sam?

ROBIN: How could I
ROBIN: I went back with Holly and Austin to help them put shit away
ROBIN: Did the police ever come

SAM: Oh, yeah!
SAM: They were super annoying. Really nosy and brash.

ROBIN: Just doing their job, I guess
ROBIN: Hey can I ask you something?

SAM: Of course.

ROBIN: Where is Sam
Read at 9:49 pm
♠ ♠ ♠
again robin with your pick-and-choose punctuation, man.

this is where i stop for now, one, because i have to get up suuuuper early tomorrow and it's so late AHH and two, because i still have to decide which path i'm gonna take this down (i have two at the moment)!

thanks for reading, i love you all! <3

(writing a text-only story is so hard oh god)