Status: going strong!! || this formatting is a pain in my caboose

Sam Is Typing

five hours

ROBIN: Ever figure out the mystery of the seeing things thing

SAM: Yeah
SAM: Just seeing things like I thought

ROBIN: I think?
ROBIN: Whatever
ROBIN: Anyway I get off in an hour what food do I bring back?

SAM: I don't know man
SAM: Fuzking pizza

ROBIN: * Fucking

SAM: Your sole purpose in life is to piss me off

ROBIN: Yeah pretty much
ROBIN: That's why you love me

SAM: That's debatable

ROBIN: What, that you love me?
ROBIN: Cuz it's not
ROBIN: You love me with the passion of a thousand burning suns

SAM: I guess
SAM: Maybe a thousand and one if you bring good pizza

ROBIN: I'll bring you the best fucking pizza ever

SAM: You better
SAM: Robin

ROBIN: Yeah?

SAM is typing...

Read at 3:42 pm
♠ ♠ ♠
i love these two i'll say it again.