Status: We are in the middle of editing and writing new chapters <3 hopefully new things will be coming soon.

Sunflower Fields

Arabella: Chapter Eight

She was judging me. I could feel it. Her words still rung in my ears. She just didn't understand what it was like to be with someone like him. I loved Mal but I couldn't lie anymore. Things were getting scary. Our "moments" used to be behind closed doors but now they were slowly leaking into the public. It's hard to leave someone like this. It's almost like an addiction. At first it's a 'one time thing' but after a few times it becomes a routine, you stop noticing the destruction and only focus on getting through the moment, surviving the moment.
"Ara, Hamlet's soliloquy. Go," Snapped my teacher. Normally I wasn't one to be distracted by my own thoughts during class but today was not my day. I didn't know what he wanted to know about the soliloquy. Maybe he wanted me to recite it? I knew this was a set up for not paying attention. The wonderful and classic punishment for a student's lack of focus.
If I was to be humiliated in front of the class I was at least going to look educated while doing it. I recited it without flaw or hesitation, but that wasn't enough. There had to be something else besides showing I had a decent memory. I needed to make some type of comment.
"To die, to sleep--
No more--and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. Hmm.." I trailed off for a moment trying to figure out where I was going with this. "It seems to be the most well known quote because it shows it struggle with life and death. but personally I prefer the end where he chooses to live through his suffering in hopes of a better day." I struggled to find my words near the end but eventually pulled it off.
"Congratulations, you failed my question, but a sincere nice try." He snickered. "Side note," He added "I think we can all take a moment to appreciate a daydreamers response, for it always gives us a small glimpse into their minds". He turned from the board and looked me in the eyes for a little longer than usual, making me uncomfortable and uneasy. "I wish you luck with whatever war you are battling. Please take arms against the sea". He turned back to the lesson. My heart jumped to my throat, was it that obvious that I was struggling? That I have been trying to take arms against the sea but I'm drowning now? I didn't embarrass myself with stupidity but overcompensated my knowledge with emotions. Flushed I sank into my seat and waited for the bell to release me from the tension I created. My eyes flashed to Cassia who was leaning forward on the desk, her hair fanned out creating a wall so I couldn’t see her face.
No more distractions.