Carolina Can


The day before Senior year started, You were excited but you dreaded it. you couldn't wait to start your Senior year, but then you didn't want to get up at 5AM everyday again.
You got out of bed and threw on some jeans and a t-shirt, you were going up to the AG barn to wash your lambs one more time before school started. You walked into the living room and put your boots on at the front door and headed out.

You put the truck in park at the AG barn and proceeded inside, Your best friend Alexis was already inside.
“Hey (Y/N)” She smiled up as you closed the metal door so none of the lambs would get out
“Hey” you smiled back as you walked past the first few cages and scanned the names above them for yours.
‘Tyler M’ ‘Michael N’ ‘Chase R’ ‘(Y/N)’ ‘Alexis C’
‘We must have a new kids’ you thought to yourself as you read the unfamiliar name next to yours.
You opened the cage and pulled Koda out of his cage and walked him over to the wash cages.
You finished with him then started washing Harvick
As Alexis and you were walking out of the AG barn, an unfamiliar Older Black Chevy pulled up.
“Wonder who that is?” Alexis said as you started towards your trucks
“No idea” you replied as they started to get out. You turned your attention to your truck
“Excuse me, Ladies. Do you think yall could help me?” He said as he exited his truck
You turned around to give him your attention
“Sure what do you need?” You questioned him
“I need to figure out where my lambs are, and where to wash them” He said looking around at the building in front of him
“Yeah sure, what year?” You questioned him as you started your way back into the AG barn
“Senior, and thanks” He said following you into the AG barn with Alexis behind him.
You were assuming he was the unfamiliar name you saw next to yours at the cages
“Senior lambs are over on this far side, closest to the wash stations that are right as you walk in” You said as you felt your phone buzz in your back pocket, you pulled it out it was a text from Alexis

Lexi: He’s got a nice ass

You busted out laughing, they both just looked at you like you were crazy.
“Since this is the only name on the Senior side i don't know, this must be yours” You pointed at the name above the cage next to yours
“Yes Ma’am sure is” he smiled, You could have sworn you had died and went to heaven, his smile was perfect.
You were pretty sure he caught you staring at him, but you couldn't help yourself.
“Do you want some help?” You questioned wanting to see that smile one more time
“Yeah, sure. I'm Chase by the way if you didn't already know that” he said as he opened the cage, and pulled one of the lambs out, You grabbed the other and headed to the washing cages.
“I kinda figured it was” You laughed as you turned on the water.

You were just about done when your AG teacher Mr. Richie came in,
“Hey Mr Richie” Alexis said as she looked up from her phone
“How yall doing?” He questioned
“Good, just got done” You said opening the gate
He noticed Chase in the washing cage
“You must be the new student?” he questioned
“Yes Sir” he smiled that smile again, this time you were able to look away before you got caught.
“Nice to finally meet you” They shook hands,
“So (Y/N) are we gonna win Friday Night?” He asked, knowing what your answer would be
“Don’t we always?” You laughed, I mean you always did. You’ve only lost 2 games in the past 2 years
“Absolutely” He said as he walked off to do whatever he came to do

You finished putting his lambs in their cage, and headed outside
“So you play?” He got this confused look on his face
“I know what you're thinking, there's no way a girl plays high school football. Well you're wrong” You said what you tell everyone that asks.
“Wow. what position?” He looked like he met a celebrity
“Safety” You said jumping into the back of your truck and slipping off your boots and pulling some dry ones.
“Oh that explains why i've never seen you during practice” he lost his confused look
“Oh you play too?” You were the one with the confused looking face now
“Yeah, linebacker” He smiled, he's really got to stop doing that.

“(Y/N), hurry up we're losing daylight, the fish aren't gonna wait forever” Alexis yelled from her truck
“Coming” You yelled back at her
“Wanna come?” You asked him, as you jumped down out of the back of your truck.
“To fish? Uhm, hell yeah” he laughed
“Follow me” You said you got into you truck and turned it on.

You made it to your house, so you could grab the tackle box
“Why are there police here?” He asked
“My dad is the chief of police” You laughed as you headed into the shed
You came back out and put it in the back of your truck
“Lex just wanna take mine?” you questioned, since you had all the lines
“Yeah sure” She cut off the engine to her truck and jumped into your truck and Chase did the same.
You took back off down the road a little further, after a few more miles you made it to Bitter Creek.
You took the lines out of your toolbox and started to bait your hook.

After about 6 hours of fishing in the creek you decided to call it a day.
Yall headed back to your place where your mom invited them both in for dinner.
Once Chase and Alexis left you took a shower and headed to bed, you had school tomorrow.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that CR went to AC Reynolds, but this is fanfiction so please if you have a problem with how I went about this then discontunue reading(: