Carolina Can


Your alarm went off at 5 AM like it was supposed to, you got out of bed and got ready.
You hated getting up this early, but when you have animals to feed and football practice it needs to be done.
Once you were ready and had eaten breakfast you headed to town.
You fed your lambs and headed to the field to get ready for practice.

Once practice had ended you were dead tired, you were so not used to this. You used to go back home and back to bed, now you had class to go too.
You walked into the office and asked for your schedule. English 4 first.
You went and sat in the cafeteria and waited for the bell to ring.
You started to fall asleep when you heard your name being called, you looked up to see Alexis and Chase walking your way.
“What's your schedule?” She said taking yours from my hands and taking Chase’s as well.
“Dude we have like literally every class together, all 3 of us” She said, you felt so bad for the teachers
The bell rang, and everyone started to their classes. All three of you walked side by side to class.
Once you walked into class Chase was surrounded by everyone asking questions.
He gave Lexi and you the ‘help me’ look, right as the teacher walked in
“Take your seats” She said shutting the door
Everyone scattered to find a seat, you took a seat farthest from her desk and in the back.
You were in the last seat with Lexi to your left and Chase in front of you.
The teacher introduced herself, then handed you your work for the 6 weeks.
You didn't bother to look at it, you were probably going to wait a week before it was due to do it all.
You put it in your folder, closed it and waited for the bell to ring.


Weeks passed, football games were won. It was now playoff time.

“GO DEFENSE GO” You heard the crowd chant along with the cheerleaders.
You looked up to see your mom is the stands, along with Alexis’ family right next to her. Your dad standing near the gate to make sure no one comes onto the field that isn't supposed to.
Lexi was on the track with the other cheerleaders cheering for you and the rest of the team.
You put your attention back to the game, you saw the snap and got ready.
You thought to yourself “Damn their receivers are fast” as you saw them approaching the end zone waiting for the throw.
“Not today” you said, you sprinted toward the receiver closest to you, as he stood there waiting for the ball. Once he caught the ball, you plowed right into him, knocking him to the ground as the buzzer went off.
You could hear the crowd cheering, as you got up. The rest of the team rushed over to you, you were thrown onto the shoulders of one of them, as you headed to the end of the bleachers for the school song.
This was tradition, you did it after every win.
Once the song was over everyone headed to the field house,
“You coming to fifth quarter with us?” You asked Chase on the way
“What's that?” he questioned
“A supervised after game party, with free food. Coach will tell us where it's at in a bit” You laughed as you made your way inside
“Sure” he said as he headed into the changing room as you made your way to the JV one.
Since you were a female on the team you had to use the JV locker room, didn't bother you any.

“fifth quarter is at (Y/L/N)’s house” You heard Coach yell from the Varsity locker room.
Great all you want is the whole town at your place.
You finished getting ready, and headed out you saw your mom, Dad, Lexi and her family waiting.
They all gave you a hug and congratulated you on the save.
You pulled your phone out of your bag you had a message from your brother

Bubba: It's in your truck, underneath the backseat

You sent him a thanks back. He was your hook up for alcohol.
Everyone had cleared out, as you made your way to your truck.
You got in and headed home, You pulled your truck up next to all the others by the bonfire.

“You got any?” One of the other football players came up to you as you got out of your truck
“Always do” You smiled and climbed into the backseat and pulled it up revealing bottles full of booze.
“Pick your poison?” You said getting ready to fill his cup
“Got jack?” he questioned
“Sure do, $3 even” You said pouring the drink.
He handed you the money and walked off.
You continued until everything was almost gone. You filled Lexi, Chase and yourself a cup and walked to the tailgate of your truck where they were waiting.
“Drinks on me” You smiled handing them theirs. He kind of just looked at it, then took a sip.
After a few cups, you started to feel the liquor taking effect.
“Oh God, not this bitch” You heard Alexis say as you turned her way to see Tiffany walking towards us
You just rolled your eyes, not wanting to deal with this crap after a great win.
“Hey there handsome” She smiled at Chase.
“Uhm, Hi” he just looked at her, he honestly looked disgusted.
“You here alone?” she asked trying to pull him in with her no so cute charm
“Actually, No I’m not” He put his arm around your shoulder, you sort of just looked at him
“Oh of course, you're just another guy on the football team for her to screw” she looked at you
“Coming from the one who's fucked every guy in the school” You laughed at her stupid remark.
She walked right up to you and started screaming random things in your face
“Get out of my face” You told her as you stood up from the tailgate.
“No, not until i get what I want” she protested
“and what would that be, him?” You said pointing at Chase
“yes” she crossed her arms
“to bad, he’s mine” You smiled at her, by now everyone was watching the both of you
“better watch out, who knows how many STD’s she has” She looked at Chase
“I wouldn't be worried about me, i'd be worried about yourself. I heard things get real itchy afterwards with you” You sat your drink down on the tailgate as you heard ‘oooohhs’ coming from the crowd.
As you turned around, she pushed you back into the truck, you stood back up and got into her face.
“You don't want to do this Tiffany” you looked up at her, yes she was taller than you. Did you care, no.
“Do what...this?” She said pushing you again.
You pushed yourself off the truck and walked right up to her, before she saw your fist coming at her it was too late
“Told you, you didn't want to do this. Next time you feel like doing this, better get ready to fight because I don't do that push and shove bullshit” You said as you got back on the tailgate.
She got up holding her eye as she walked away crying.
After getting compliments from everyone about the punch you threw at her, yall decided to call it a night.
You looked at the time on the dash it read 4:29AM
You pulled your truck around into the driveway and headed to bed.
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Because who doesnt love some high school drama? LOL