Carolina Can


“Where are we?” You mumbled as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes as you looked around at your scenery.
“In Charlotte, Got about 4 more hours to go” he took a quick look at you with a smile on his face.
“You're not going to tell me where we're going are you?” You questioned knowing the answer.
“Nope” was all the said, as he focused back on the road.
You just sat back and enjoyed the view of the city passing by before you know it you saw a sign saying ‘Wrightsville Beach 5 miles’ You had always heard amazing things about it but had never seen it for yourself.

You finally arrived to the beach itself, and my god was it beautiful. You jumped out and ran right for the water, not long after Chase joined you. The two of you spent about 2 hours messing around in the water.
“How come the life guard shacks are empty?” you questioned, as you both turned your attention to the shack within a few hundred feet of the two of you.
“Winter time darling. Not many people come to the beach this time of year” He laughed at you
The smile on your face suddenly turned evil, when the idea of breaking into it and spending the night came to mind.

He was right behind you as you reached the door, trying to open it you failed.
He quickly moved in front of you, and somehow got the door to open.
Once stepping inside, it was actually bigger than it seemed from the outside.
“Wanna stay the night here?” You smiled at him
“Sure” He said not sounding to sure it was a good idea.
“Let me get the stuff” he playfully rolled his eyes at you before he stepped out.

Turning in a circle to get a good look at everything your phone buzzed in your back pocket, it was a text from your dad asking where yall went.
(Y/N): Wrightsville Beach
D: Glad you finally get to see it. Be home no later than Wednesday!
(Y/N): I know, it's so pretty! And will do!

Before you hit send Chase was back with all of your belongings. Grabbing some of the stuff from him, you threw the blanket down over the floor. Kicking off your boots, you laid down.
“Lay down with me?” You begged, he held up his pointer finger telling you to give him a minute as we walked back out to his truck.
A few minutes later he came back with a bottle of Jack Daniels, oh lord.
“That's going to be a bad idea” You stated,
“It will be fine, you don't have to have any” he said sitting down right next to you.
“No one said you would get any either” You laughed as you snatched the bottle from him. Opening it and taking a big swig of it.
“So tell me what happened today, all of it” he said pulling you close to him where your arm and leg was draped over him.
“Well it started out with these cute letters, got some really amazing things in town then once i got back home she asked me where i had been all day. I told her in town, then she asked where i had gotten the money to pay for everything I told her that you had paid for it. She was like well i don't trust him be careful” You took a deep breath, preparing for the next part
“I told her she doesn't like anyone, she got mad called me a worthless bitch and slapped me, and I swung back. Not missing if you're wondering, then she told me to get out” For the first time in a while you were proud of yourself for standing up to her. She was batshit crazy before your dad came back from his tour in Iraq.
“Have you ever thought about getting emancipated?” he asked, it was actually a really good question you honestly hadn't thought of it.
“No, not really” You started to think of how easy your life would be for the next year if you were to get emancipated. Sure you only had a year left until you were 18, but you didn't know if you would be able to handle another year with her, especially if she's going to act like she did earlier today.
“You should think about it, because if you do then you can spend more time with me” He smiled and winked at you
“I wouldn't even know where to start” You let out a sigh, and just closed your eyes enjoying the moment knowing it would be over soon.
“We will talk to my mom when we get back, her best friend is like a lawyer or something” he laughed

It was nearing midnight, the two of you were just laying there enjoying the peace and quiet along with the sound of the waves. You were starting to fall asleep when he moved causing you to be rolled onto your back.
“Shit, sorry” he whispered as he leaned over you to get something out of one of the bag
You just smiled placing your hand on his shoulder, not entirely sure why you did it but you were glad because you could feel every single muscle in his shoulder as he stretched across you and god did it have you heated.
“Mmm, don't be” you didn't exactly say it, it was more of a moan and he took notice of it as soon as it left your mouth.
He bit his lip and raised an eyebrow as he heard you, trying to hold back a smile.
“See something you like?” he asked, as he saw the look of pure lust in your eyes
Before you said anything you forced him onto his back and were straddling him, just having him under your control you were so lost in the lust that you had started to grind on him.
The soft moans coming from him were almost just enough to send you over the edge until he made you stop. You looked at him with a pouty face
“Calm down little girl” he said in a serious tone moving the hair out of your face just enough to place a kiss on your lips.
“No” You exclaimed, as you grabbed his shirt and ripped it open due to it being a button up.
“Holy shit” he said wide-eyed, obviously shocked but completely turned on by it.

After 10 minutes of you kissing up and down his chest and stomach, and you marking your territory you both wanted more. He flipped you onto your back, as he held his body above you. You could clearly smell the Jack on his breath, you could even taste it as you pulled him down for a kiss.
You immediately went for his belt buckle, he opted for helping you instead of stopping you knowing exactly where this was heading. Piece by piece each article of clothing came off, up until the sun started coming up right there in that empty life guard shack you both watched your not so innocent innocence fade away.
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Anyone noticed i used Beach Town in this one? Kudos if you caught it! LOL