Carolina Can


Walking into English 4 Wednesday morning you felt as if the world had been lifted off your shoulders. After having your teacher hand you a shit ton of work you missed, you got busy with it knowing that the coaches wouldn't take anything less than a B for playoffs.
You spent the rest of the week, catching up in all of your classes with Alexis’ help, thank god she was smart because you hated school, she also knew that you wanted to focus on football for the next few weeks until the season was over.

Two bye weeks in a row was very unusual but you were enjoying it, getting ready for this Fridays game. 3 More days until the semi-final game, the whole school was pumped. State had been the only thing that everyone had talked about since last years lose in the semis. The whole team promised your coaches that you would bring home that championship this year.

3rd quarter ten minutes and twenty-five seconds left on the clock. Merkel was down 34-27
You coach calls a timeout knowing that if the team didn't pull it together you would lose like last year.
“(Y/L/N) you alright?” Your coach questioned you knowing that you weren't playing your best.
“Yeah” you said, looking down at your leg as you watched the blood pour out of it. The whole team was bloody, you knew damn well they were cheating. Several of the coaches had told the refs but they completely ignored it.

Your quarterback got ready for the snap, 4th quarter three seconds on the clock. Still down 34-27. Merkel had the ball, everything was riding on your wide receiver making the catch in the end zone just like the play showed. HUT HUT HUT HIKE. Your quarterback got the back and immediately saw an opening, it was all or nothing at this point he threw the ball down the field right to the wide receiver in the end zone.
As the ball came into contact with his hands the buzzer went off, the crowd went absolutely ballistic. Before any real celebration could take place the refs threw a flag indicating that the touchdown was no good and that the opposing team had won.

Sitting down in front of your locker, leg shaking uncontrollably anger still building inside of you as well as the rest of your team. Trying not to explode to the next person that patted you on the back, you suddenly felt the contents of your stomach making an appearance. Standing up and running for the trash can near the door you barely made it before it came up, blood and all.
‘Jesus, is that blood?” One of the coaches asked looking like he was about to throw up himself. Shaking your head up and down, up came more again covered in blood.
Once more another person came up behind you patting you on the shoulder telling you ‘it's alright’
“You know what you little freshman, you don't know shit. You still have another 3 seasons, this is our last one for us seniors. You can go to hell” You screamed at the poor kid, making him clearly scared to death of you.
You stormed out of the locker room right to your truck, throwing your shoulder pads into the passenger seat your tore out of the parking lot, making sure the whole parking lot heard you.

Once at the destination you had in mind, you let everything out. Falling to your knees with tears streaming down your faced you cussed everything you could think of.

Chase’s POV
“Leave her be Rice, she just needs time to calm down she will be fine” One of the coaches said to me as I started to get up and go after (Y/N)
I nodded my head, he was right she just needed time to calm down. Changing out of my pads and into my clothes i headed home, we took one hell of a beating this game and I just needed sleep.

Waking up due to the buzzing of my phone going off it read 3:49AM, answering the phone it was (Y/N's) dad.
D: Need to you to call everyone you know tell them to meet at the field now
C: ok, whats going on?
D: I'll tell you when everyone's here

With that I hung up and started texting everyone I had in my phone, why everyone in town needed to meet at the field at 4 thirty in the morning was beyond me but I did as told.
I pulled on a hoodie and threw on some shoes that were by the front door as I walked out and drive into town.
♠ ♠ ♠
uh oh! What could he have to tell everyone???