Carolina Can


It took 3 hours for the doctors to get you stable, you were put on a breathing machine just in case because you had stopped breathing multiple times during the past few hours. As the doctor walked out of the double doors your dad and Chase were first on their feet right in the doctor's face asking questions at the same time.

“She's stable, you can go see her but I need to ask you a few questions in private” the doctor told the two of them as they followed him to your room.
Once inside Chase was right at your side, afraid of losing you tears rolled down his face quietly.
“Has she taken any prescription medication lately?” the doctor asked, both Chase and your dad shook their heads no
“She she take any extremely hard hits tonight, assuming she plays?” he asked pointing at your pads and cleats still on.
“Only a few, but she got right back up” your dad said, the doctor shook his head
‘Is there any chance she could….” he was cut off by the machines beeping at an ungodly volume.
The doctor rushed over to your to check your vitals, your heartbeat was nearing 150, with your blood pressure dropping at a rapid rate. They nurses shoved Chase and your dad out of the room.
As Chase took one last look through the window before the nurse drew the blinds, he saw you start to shake uncontrollably, knowing your were seizing.
“10 milligrams of eslicarbazepine STAT” could be heard through the door as the doctor yelled orders at the nurses.

45 minutes later, Chase and your dad still stood outside the door even as nurses came and gone with tubes full of blood and other medical equipment.
As if they hadn't waited long enough the doctor opened the door as the nurses left the room, he motioned for your dad and Chase to come inside.
As soon as they saw you were awake they were at your side, once they finally stopped hugging and kissing you. The three of you turned your attention to the doctor,
“So what caused all of this?” Your dad finally asked the doctor straight up
“She's pregnant, a few weeks. The baby was in distress” he calmly said, probably waiting for your dad to punch Chase.
“Shit” you and Chase both said at the same time, you sighed and closed your eyes not believing this had actually happened the two of your were careful.
“So much for playing at state” you said sarcastically. You knew it wasn't the time to be making jokes, but that's just who you were.
“It's just as much your kid as it is hers boy, don't even thinking about bailing on her” You dad pointed at Chase and looked him dead in the eye.
“Wasn't planning on it Sir” Chase firmly told your dad

The three of you decided it was best to keep it between the three of you until you felt it was time to tell anyone else, that included your mother who was obviously nowhere to be found when her daughter laid in a hospital room with death right on the other side of the door.
“I'm going to let everyone know you're alright, do you want any visitors?” Your dad asked standing up from his chair. You knew that wasn't the only reason he was leaving, he was definitely going to chew your mom a new one.
“No, not even her” You said, he knew exactly what you meant. As he stepped out of the room, you and Chase just looked at each other.
“Had to of been the jack” he smiled, remembering when you told him it was a bad idea that night at the beach
“I told you it was going to be a bad idea, didn't I?” You playfully shoved him
“That you did, and damn my momma is going to kill me” He said shaking his head knowing the ass whooping that was coming when he told his momma.

You were released Sunday afternoon and cleared to return to school, but obviously no football. The three of you still hadn't told anyone and you weren't planning to until the celebration party after this Friday's game in Raleigh, you had no doubt your team would win.
You knew that you were going to be bombarded with questions as soon as you stepped foot into the building that Monday. Sure enough you were, students, teachers, even parents were asking questions. You just told them that it was some kind of stomach issue that was preventing you from playing under doctor's orders that it was life threatening if you played. Hungry for any type of answer they all believed it, as if they had any reason not to until Tiffany gave them a reason to believe other wise. As if a dumb prep could come up with anything better, she started telling everyone you were pregnant.

Chase had promised you that after Friday's game that the two of you would take another trip out of town again, this time not telling you again where.
Getting through the week was hell because the morning sickness had started, and it wasn't just morning it was more like every hour on the hour sickness. You were in and out of the bathroom all day, being asked if you wanted to go home several times but denying all of them you eventually made it through the week.

Several people protested that since you weren't playing that you shouldn't get to ride on the bus with the rest of the team, one of your coaches lost his shit after hearing people complaining about it. Him telling them to get the fuck over themselves, that you were still part of the team whether you were playing tonight or not, and that you would still be on the sideline with them. The whole team busted out laughing as the lady look at him in shock as if she had seen a damn ghost or something.

You requested to have one of the front seats on the bus due to your stomach problems the coaches happily allowed you to have the first seat as the front of the bus was less bumpy.
As the bus ride seemed to never end you finally curled up next to Chase who also requested to sit up front with you and you fell asleep.
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