Carolina Can


As you stood on the sideline you watched your teammates make touchdown after touchdown, the crowd going berserk after every single one. Merkel was up 61-8 as it was nearing the end of the 4th quarter, by this time Merkel was just running out the clock. Totally destroying the other team, as the crowd gathered near the gates for when the buzzer went off.
Taking a knee after the quarterback received the ball made the clock run out as the buzzer sounded off, screams could probably be heard a mile away.
People poured onto the field as confetti rained down onto the field, fireworks being set off in the parking lot could be seen and heard from inside.
Tear of joy were on just about every single face, except for those of the opposing team.

As the coaches gathered all of the players and headed to the locker room, apparently some of the parents had decorated the locker room because there was confetti, silly string, bottle of ginger ale(since it's high school they can't have champagne) and of course in a big black box sat our state championship rings one in each locker. Most of the players didn't even notice them until someone said something, which made everyone freak out even more.

“Let me shower and change and we will get out of here?” Chase smiled down at you as he placed a kiss to your forehead.
“We have to ride the bus back” You were actually confused at this point
“Had my mom and brothers bring my truck. Your dad and the coaches have already said we don't have to ride back with them. Half the team isn't” He just laughed, as he led you towards the door
“My mom should be out there” He gave you another smile as you exited the building.

You had barely stepped foot outside of the building before several of your friends and of course Chase’s family came crowding around you, taking serious note to the championship ring that sat on your right finger. Standing there talking to everyone made you totally lose track of all time, because before you knew it Chase was right there with you.

Chase’s mom handed him his keys after they exchanged hugs, he kissed her on the top of the head and told her he loved her before he practically pulled you through the crowd to the parking lot.
“Babe…...slow…...down” you hardly got out just in time to reach the truck
“Shit, i'm sorry. I'm just ready to get out of here with my girls” he smiled as he wrapped you in his arms
“Girls?” you took a step back and just looked at him like he was crazy
“Yep” He just smiled the cheesiest smile in the world
“If you say so” You said as you opened the door and got in.

The two of you were still a near 3 hours away from home, and the weather started to pick up like crazy. The clouds became very dark as they hung low in the sky, creating a fog making it nearly impossible to see. Just as you were about to say something the radio started beeping alerting all listeners to bad weather in the area. Taking a quick look out the window you could see the snow start to fall.
“Stop here, were not going to make it home” You said pointing at the motel, that was just coming up on the right. He nodded his head and did as you suggested.
Pulling his truck as close as he could to the office,
“Stay here” He said stepping out of the truck and running into the office.

After a few minutes he came back out and took off back down the road,
“Where are we going now?” You questioned
“To get some stuff, just in case” he said, as he pulled into a Walmart parking lot.
The both of you getting out and heading inside to grab whatever he deemed necessary.
Only 45 minutes later you were on your way back to the motel, with enough food and water to last the two of you for a few days. You felt that he was being paranoid but you also realized it was probably those fatherly instincts kicking in. Making him irresistible.

Two days later and the two of you were still completely snowed in, the two of you attempted to try and head home after the snow stopped falling but it was a huge fail. You didn't even make it out of the parking lot before his truck got stuck. Watching him clear a path back to the room, you just laughed he was something else. Never took no for an answer and always got what he wanted no matter what.

The two of you now lay in the bed watching some sappy Christmas movie on tv, with your emotions all out of whack, you of course had the waterworks going.
“Ugh, i seriously hate this” You stood and paced the room, as he stayed in bed and just watched you walk back and forth.
“What?” he laughed
“Being stuck here” You stated one of your problems
“Then to top it off i'm a pregnant mess, I want some damn cake batter so bad right now it's not even funny” You stomped your foot in frustration. He just let out another laugh as he stood up and walked over to you placing his hands on your shoulders to make you look at him
“I hate being here as much as you do, even though you are a pregnant mess I still love you” he looked you in the eye
“Wait, you what?” you questioned
“You heard me” His arms going around your shoulders pulling you in for a hug

With your face pressed to his chest it gave you time to process what he had just said, like whoa. The past few months kinda just replayed in your head as you stood there with him, you were about to tell him how you felt but he interrupted you
“Marry me?” He asked cupping your face in his hands and looking down at you
♠ ♠ ♠
Short i know, but how cute is that cliffhanger? Also the score actually happened to my school when i was in 8th grade we totally beat a team with that score. LOL