Status: Tell me your thoughts~

Malice & Misery

Bon Appetite

"Well if it's blood that you want doll," he drawled out as he lowered his lips next to her ear, "then a blood bath is what you shall get."


"Ready when you are, Boss, just give us the signal."

The Jokers henchman spoke into the walkie talkie as he aimed his machine gun at his prey. They were begging for their lives and bawling their eyes out just like the countless others in the room, a gun pointed to their head by the surrounding clown masked predators.

The day has finally come. The day the Joker would awaken his lovely little doll....Well at least that's what the plan was.

If it's blood that you want doll, then a blood bath is what you shall get.

"Daddy's got a nice little uh-welcominggift for you doll." he licked his lips as he carried Alice's limp body in his arms towards the doors to the building his men had taken over. It was another pointless "charity event" full of filthy rich people who had nothing better to do than prance around in their expensive dresses and drink wine with other equally snotty rich people. Basically a couple hundred lives that wouldn't really be too missed in the world. In fact, in the Joker's eyes, he believes he's doing the world a favor.

"Alright boys, let's get this party started!" He spoke into the walkie talkie as he stood right outside the big double doors of the building. Barely a second later, the beautiful sound of gunshots and terror filled the air, the sound that was music to the Joker's ears.

"OOoohhh yesss! Can you hear that love?" He sang out to Alice in excitement, before closing his eyes to take in the sounds. "The sounds of terrified people...quite uh riveting isn't it?" He licked his lips then frowned. "Hmm, not exactly your forte? That's alright doll...I think I know what is."

He grinned his famous spine chilling Glasgow grin before using his foot to kick in the door. The gunshots had died down and so had the screams. All across the room were people covered in blood, some dead, some still trying to crawl their way to the doors, only to fall back down in blood shed. His henchman were now guarding the doors, some going outdoors to fend off anyone who tried to disrupt the Jokers plans. The Joker walked to the middle of the room with Alice in his arms, casually stepping over some dead bodies in the process as if they were just rocks in his path.

He closed his eyes an inhaled deeply taking in the sent of blood, his chest rising and falling with the action. "Rise and shine Alice! You're uh, brreakfast is ready!" He sang out to her again in excitement, waiting for her to open those big violet eyes and feed on all these people like the animal that she is.

Except they weren't opening.

"Alice...." He frowned as he stared down at her face hard, trying to catch even the slightest of moments but there was nothing. "I...don't... like....waiting." He said calmly but his voice full of venom as he dropped her body onto the ground, a loud thud following. He ran his hand through his green hair that was neatly slicked back with a sigh.

"Maybe you need some uh- encouragement." He said grimly before he grabbed her roughly by the hair and started dragging her towards a body infront of them. He kicked the body over with his leg, flipping the body over and giving a better view of the neck. He knelled down, still dragging Alice by he hair, and swiftly pulled out his knife with his other hand before making a deep gash in the man's neck. Blood quickly spurted out, a few drops landing on Alice's face and the Jokers, and then slowly seeped out into a small puddle on the white marble floors.

"Look, Blood." The Joker said as he roughly pushed Alice's face towards the gash. "Now, wake up."

Still, nothing.

"What the Fuck!" He hissed as he pulled on her hair and forced her head back to face him again. "What do you want! Do I literally have to force it down your pretty little throat!" He growled into her lifeless face. "Wait..that uh," he licked his lips as he furrowed his brows in thought, "that actually doesn't sound like a uh- bad idea."

The Joker took his knife and ran it along the wound on the mans neck, slightly dipping it in the pool of blood to pick some of it up on the blade. He brought the knife to his mouth before sliding his tongue out and lapping up the blood with ease.

"Bon Appetite, Doll."

He swiftly grabbed Alice by throat and lifted her face up towards him before putting his mouth over hers, his other arm wrapped around her thin waist to support her against him. He parted her lips with his tongue, letting the warm copper seep into her mouth from his. He flicked his warm tongue inside her mouth, as if trying to get every last drop of blood off his and cover hers with it, the excess dripping from the sides of their connected lips. He slowly moved back from her face, the skin of their lips sticking together and slowly peeling off the other from the contact. He licked the side of her mouth, cleaning off the dripping blood, and licked over her plump pink lips. He was so mesmerized by her lips that he almost missed the slight flicker of her eyes opening.

"Finally..." He beamed as he moved his hand from her throat to around her waist, clasping his hands together behind her back. Her eyes flickered a few more times before fully opening, revealing two intense orbs of violet staring at the Joker's dark eyes full of excitement.

"I want it."


~Alice's POV~

What is all this noise? Where am I? Where did this rude man bring me?

For the most part, everything has been quiet since I fell back to sleep. Other than this rude man of course. I'm assuming it is the same man I had seen when I was awoken. The man with the strange colored hair. I did not like him. He was perverted, how dare he lay his filthy hands on my precious body, a woman's body without permission? Anyone's body at that. He was mocking me. Mocking my weakness. I do not like him.

But he saved me.

Did he save me?

I am still unsure of what safe is anymore.

But I do feel more free as absurd as that sounds. Here I am, laying lifeless in a stranger's home, a rude perverted very strange stranger's home, yet yes I feel free. I haven't had this many thoughts in so long, I cannot remember. Not only that but I finally have time again. I've lost track of time before, not knowing how many years I've been asleep. But now I have gotten the chance to start over. I have awoken, and now I could finally start over. Now I know, it has been a week and four days. Something so normal for many, yet it is something that makes me feel alive. It makes me feel aware. And dare I say it gives me hope.

But now after a week and four days of peace, given the fact that this for me is peace, where am I now? This isn't home....Home? Is that place my home? Nonetheless, this isn't there.

I hear...noises. Different noises....Gunshots...? I don't hear him...Perhaps maybe the rude man has gotten rid of me...Am I...disappointed...? Nonsense, I am not capable of disappointment. Especially not towards someone of his manner. I do not like him. Remember, I do not like him at all.

"The sounds of terrified people...quite uh riveting isn't it?

Ah, so he is still here. Terrified he harming people? Why is he doing this..what in the world is going o-

Ouch! What in the world? Why is he treating me like I am a rag doll! How dare he grab me by my precious hair. This is no way to treat a woman, this bastard if I was awake I would rip his throat out immediately. And then they'd come for me, they'd find me and kill him twice over for harming me! He doesn't know who I am, how dare he treat me, Ameli-



What is this...why can I taste...

No he can't be...

...Please don't..

..Not like this..


The blood... good...I need it...

"I want it."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, first off, I AM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I got a new job and it was all so sudden and I had training and started immediately after and it's full time and just I've been so busy. I'm so sorry for updating nearly a month later. I promise I haven't given up on this, I still freaking love the Joker and his crazy ass, and also love this concept so much so I won't give up on it.

I promise I'll try to update as often as I can, most likely weekends when I'm off. Thank you so much for not giving up on this story either, I appreciate you all <3 Leave your thoughts, comments, criticisms, predictions, suggestions, I'd love to hear it all!

Again, thank you all.