A Town Called Hypocracy

chapter 1

"Sean!Get off me,you gimp!"Gavin yelled at me with a laugh,as he walked towards the front door,me still on his back.He continued to try and shake me off as he pulled it open,and both our jaws dropped."Oh holy motherfucker!"I screamed,and the six figures in the doorway laughed."We hope this isn't a bad time....."Ian Watkins trailed off,and i grinned childishly."Not at all,just in the middle of raping Gavmatrazz,here!"I replied,slamming my hips against his ass a few times for emphasis,causing Gavin to laugh and try to shake me off again."Stop struggling,you know you're enjoying it!"I laughed,just as he managed to loosen my grip and i fell to the floor with a yelp of surprise.

As i lay on the floor,groaning in fake pain,the seven of them stood over me."Hmm,how do we help Gavin get revenge.....?"Lee asked slowly,and they all grinned evilly."You guys thinking what I'm thinking....?"Stuart asked,and they all grinned more."Strip him and throw him out into the front garden?"Jamie asked,and they all nodded."Yep,get him!"Mike yelled,and they all pounced on me,managing to get my clothes off and throw me out into the garden,slamming the door and locking it as soon as they did.

I was about to get up and try talking them into letting me in,i had another idea.I took a deep breath,screamed for help loudly,then wriggled into my hiding place in the 7 foot grass neither of us could be bothered cutting.Within a minute of my scream,the seven of them were out in the garden."Sean?Where are you?"Ian yelled,and i screamed again,then wriggled as far away as i could before they came crashing through the grass."Sean,whatever fucking game you're playing,stop it now!"Gavin yelled,his voice tear-choked.

I was about to get up and apologize,when my game turned on me,and the neighbors rottweiler bounded towards me in the darkness and clamped its jaws down on my side,causing me to scream again.As it tore chunks out of me,i realized it was too big to be the neighbors rottweiler,and screamed more as the unknown creature continued tearing at me.

It felt like a century before the others found me,one of them aiming a kick at the dog,causing it to snarl,but reluctantly,it let me go and prowled away into the darkness once again.As soon as it was gone,Gavin and Ian hauled me to my feet and dragged me into the house.When the light in the hall hit me,i almost fainted at the sight on my chest and stomach,both covered in blood,bruises and bite marks,but what scared me the most was the visible chunk missing from my side.

As soon as they saw the full extent of my injuries,Ian and Gavin looked at each other and gulped."We gotta get him to a hospital....."Ian decided,and the others all nodded."No!I'm not going to hospital!I fucking hate those torture chambers!"I protested weakly,and they all sighed."You have to,you'll die if we don't get you to a hospital,now."Jamie replied,and i sighed."Fine,but before we go,would someone please put my jeans on....?"I asked,and Gavin laughed softly,then helped me get my jeans on,which hurt a helluva lot more than i thought it would.
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first two,maybe three chapters being put up tonight