A Town Called Hypocracy

Chapter 4

When I woke up,the first thing i noticed was that my left arm was twisted painfully above my head.I opened my eyes and looked up.My arm was hand-cuffed to a metal rail.As confusion clouded my brain,i looked around and realized i was on the steps leading off of the bus,and it was the hand-rail i was hand-cuffed to.I heard voices from the living room,and decided to let my return to consciousness be known."Get me the fuck out of these things!"I screamed,and a few seconds later,Luke,Stuart,Jamie and Gavin appeared at the living room door,looking down at me with looks of sheer rage on their faces."Why the fuck would we do that?After what you did to Ian,you'll be lucky if we don't leave you there to rot."Jamie spat,and i snarled in frustration,then started banging my head against the wall behind me.

Just when i was about to pass out from the pain in the back of my head,Ian limped out to where we were,then crouched down beside me."Why did you do it,Sean?"He asked softly,hurt clouding his eyes."Because i was so pissed off at everyone thinking i was sick,when i know i wasn't,and i guess i just lost control..."I slurred out through my dizziness and pain,and he nodded,then held his hand out to Stuart."Gimmie the keys for the hand-cuffs."He ordered Stuart,who's look of rage turned to one of complete shock.After a few seconds,Ian looked round at him."Gimmie the goddamned keys!"He snapped,and Stuart slowly slipped his hand into his pocket,pulled the keys from his pocket,and handed them to Ian,who instantly,turned back to me and freed my arm,which i instantly pulled down and cradled against my chest,while my right hand massaged the screaming muscles of my shoulder.

As soon as my arm stopped hurting and my head cleared,i clumsily got to my feet and Ian pulled me into a hug."Sorry i beat the shit out of you."I mumbled,and he laughed softly."Sorry that it was my idea to hand-cuff you."He replied,and i started laughing hysterically.
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It's been a very long time and this is short and fillerish,but more,better chapters will follow quickly.