If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Chapter 1

As you crawled under the covers of your bed, you heard the wind outside your window. You snuggled down under the big down comforter and looked at the stars outside your window. The wind seemed to be coming from the North. A shiver ran down your spine as another gust of wind hit the house, shaking the lamp on the table beside the bed. You shut your eyes tightly, only to have them fly open at the sound of soft screeching tires. Your bed was off to the side of the window, so you could not see the street outside of your one-story house. You could not see any lights outside of the window, however. A car door shut and you heard low voices. Wait, how can I hear them over the wind? The voices grew louder, then shushed completely. You squeezed your eyes tight, and tried to tell yourself that it was all in your head. It’s all in your head, Jacelen, it’s all in you head. You thought you could hear someone yelp somewhere outside, but you convinced yourself that it was just the wind. But something in your conscience told you otherwise.

~~Other POV~~

The men got out of the van and were talking to each other, pointing at the house we had just stopped in front of. I didn’t know what they were planning, but I was pretty sure that I would not like it. Suddenly, all the men looked at me and grinned mischivious grins. The shortest of the three walked over and threw the van door open, pulling me out by my collar, causing me to yelp. This earned me a smack across my face. I bit my lip to keep from crying out again.
“Alright, boy. You are going to go in there and inject this needle into her neck. Then you will carry her out put her in the back. Understand?” the tall one said, handing me a small needle filled with a clear liquid. “Bobby will go with you.”
Bobby, the short one, grabbed me roughly by my arm and led me inside, loudly slamming the picket gate behind him. When we got to the door, he took out a key and pressed it easily into the lock. It opened to reveal a small foyer with a hallway to the left. He left the door open as he walked down the hall like he owned the place. We were soon at a plain white door that I was sure belonged to the girl that they were kidnapping. I began to shake as he quietly opened the door to reveal a small bedroom with a girl lying on her side facing the window.

~~Jacelen’s POV~~

You heard the gate slam shut and you almost jumped out of your skin. You kept your eyes shut, hoping that it was just the wind but you knew that it wasn’t. You heard your bedroom door open, and you froze. Someone padded across the carpet and you could feel warm breath on your neck. You felt a hand on your arm and another in front of you, resting on the mattress. You kept your eyes shut, too afraid to scream. You felt something cold against your neck and if it wasn’t for your nerves, you would have screamed bloody murder. Then you heard a voice, almost inaudible.
“Act like you’re knocked out.”
The voice was filled with fear, and it’s bearer was no more than 16 years old. Suddenly the cold metal left your neck and you dared to crack open my eyes. You saw a needle being pressed into your mattress with a hand injecting it in. That needle was meant for me… You shut your eyes as two hands slipped under you and lifted you up bridal style. Something told you that this person was not voluntarily doing this, so you remained limp in his arms, pretending like you had just been knocked out.
“Let’s go,” a husky voice whispered. This boy was not the only one here. He carried you out of your room and down the hallway to the foyer and onto the front porch. You suppressed a shiver as the wind hit you full on. You were carried out along the front path and out the gate. You heard a few men talking before you heard a van door slide open and your carrier lifted you onto the floor. Then the car door shut, and all was silent.
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I already have the story written in a notebook, so the rest will be up later.