If The Moon Fell Down Tonight

Chapter 11

“So ever since then I have been working here in the gardens,” Luke finished, his head down and his fingers playing with a piece of grass that he had uprooted. The wind picked up a little, blowing his hair to the side, away from his eyes. Somewhere near by a bird chirped, singing to itself on this beautiful day. You couldn’t find anything to say, seeing as how there wasn’t anything to say at all. You mulled everything over in your head, trying to ignore the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that told you that this might be the last time you see Luke in a while. You pushed the evil little thought out of your head once more before taking Luke’s hand in yours and giving it a tight squeeze before starting on your story.

Luke stared at you the whole time, never taking his eyes off you. Sometimes he would huff in a disapproving manner, and others he would seem to be shocked at the way Jake had been treating you. Apparently Luke thought that Jake would be abusing you, but it was quiet the opposite.

“So he’s been nice to you?” Luke asked in disbelief. You nodded. Luke closed his gapping mouth and turned away from you, clearly trying to decipher something, trying to analyze Jake’s behavior. It felt odd to be talking about him in this garden, where everything seemed like a dream: you holding Luke’s hand, the birds singing, and the sound of the waterfall in the lake that must be close by.

“Jake has been known to be rather cruel to the servants around here,” Luke muttered, so quietly that if you hadn’t been sitting next to him you wouldn’t have heard him. Your eyes widened at hearing this. Jake was acting differently than he did to others, which essentially meant he was giving you special treatment. But why? It didn’t make any sense at all. Why you? Not that you were complaining, I mean, who would chose cruel treatment over decency? But why was he making an exception to you? There must be a reason, you just knew out.

You shook your head slowly, trying to clear it from the train of thought that was becoming jumbled up to the point of a headache. You didn’t want to think about this right now. Not now. You rested your head on Luke’s shoulder, and he shifted his arm so it was looped around your waist. You closed your eyes, breathing in his scent. In a word, breathtaking. Absolutely breathtaking. He smelled like the wind, like freedom; if freedom could have a scent, it would most definitely be Luke’s scent. There was nothing compared to it. Nothing at all.

The birds continued to sing, their voices harmonizing to create a sound better than music. Nothing could ruin this moment. Both of you sat there what seemed like forever, just relaxing and enjoying each others company. But the sound of the waterfall, though far off, had become inviting. Luke seemed to read your thoughts before nudging you gently. You moaned, turning your face into his neck, not opening your eyes. He chuckled, petting your hair.

“I want to go and see that lake. How about you?” He asked, staring down at your form.
You mumbled something incoherent, but it sort of sounded like ‘no-I-wanna-stay-here-shut-up.’ Luke let out a full blown laugh. There wasn’t any sort of restraint on trying to keep his voice down. The sound of his laughter made you open your eyes, playfully glaring up at him. He grinned at you before shifting suddenly and making you fall off his shoulder and hit the grass.

“Hey!” you yelled, glaring up at him, his whole body shaking from laughter. Suddenly he turned on his heel and dashed to the other side of the garden.

“Catch me if you can! I’m the muffin man!” He shouted, doing a jig. You couldn’t help but laugh, he was acting like a three-year-old. You got to your feet before sprinting off after him. If he wanted a game of tag that was what he would get. He laughed as the two of you played tag around the garden, before he suddenly doubled back and caught you about the waist, swinging you high into the air. You laughed, clutching his hands to make sure he didn’t drop you. He did some weird flip so you were suddenly in his arms, bridal style. Luke leaned down and kissed you lightly.

“I love you, Jacelen. Don’t ever forget it,” he mumbled against your lips before catching them up again with his own. You opened your eyes and stared up into his, looking deep inside of them. They were full of loving passion. “I want to be with you forever.”

“I love you too, Luke. And we will always be together,” you whispered, tangling your hand into his hair, feeling its texture between your fingers. You suddenly wished that the English language had a word stronger than ‘love.’ You know how some languages have five different words of love? Well, you wished you knew what word would be able to describe this moment. For the first time in a long time, you were lost for words.
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Hey everyone! I don't especially like this chapter, but more soon I promise!
